
prognosticate vt.,vi.1.由前兆[癥狀]預知,預言,預測。2.預...


With the rapid technical innovation and widespread use of internet , information technology based on using of computer is indispensable to our life . in security market , the application of information technology has been developed from lower stage to higher stage , the security software has been became an absolutely necessarily tools . “ the stock transaction prognosticate analysis system which based on neural networks “ was developed in this processing in the analysis and prediction system based on neural networks in stock , the parameter is determined as follow , 1 . the height value of weight is given to the quota of the main tendency “基于神經網絡的股票交易分析預測系統”在對市場運行規律深刻總結與研究的基礎上,把大量歷史實時數據存儲到數據庫中,通過數據挖掘和神經網絡技術對這些數據進行處理,對技術分析的指標參數進行簡化、優化,并以圖形、趨勢線等形式直觀地反映給投資者,使技術分析更加直觀、明了,依據這些技術指標來進行分析,衡量股票價格變動,預測股票價格的未來趨勢,選擇買賣股票的適當時機,更加便于操作,幫助投資者獲取相對穩定的收益。

This paper focuses on the technique of neural networks and data reduction analysis , based on the stock market of china , using the invest theory , c + + builder and other tools to open out “ the stock transaction prognosticate analysis system which based on neural networks ” , providing the detail technology of this system , 在嚴格遵守股市市場規律的同時,利用神經網絡技術及數據降維分析技術為投資者開發了一個回避市場系統風險的分析預測軟件系統,追求盡可能的投資回報。以“基于神經網絡的股票交易分析預測系統”為指導的交易大都是盈利的,是股市操作中方便實用的工具。

It then assays gas company of bailong group through different aspects of job analysis , enterprise value chains , organization evolvement and personnel inventory . and it defines the function of the different aspects in the human resource planning , establishes the human resource demand model for gas company of bailong group on those basic analysis . this demand model takes the driving factor method , which is the preferred method of nowadays enterprise , as the core to provide the thoughts of seeking industry characters and continual ameliorated human resource demand prognosticated method for gas company 圍繞該問題,從職位分析入手,研究用驅動因素法預測百龍集團燃氣公司崗位人員需求;進行百龍集團燃氣公司各發展階段業務活動內容分析,并應用其對崗位編制變化趨勢進行了預測;歸納出百龍集團燃氣公司組織演化圖譜,并應用其預測百龍集團燃氣公司中層管理崗位的編制;對燃氣公司價值鏈進行分析,著眼于依據經營目標預測所需人力資源,建立了百龍集團燃氣公司總人數確定公式;為了實現對人力資源供給進行準確分析,設計了百龍集團燃氣公司人力資源數據庫。

In the course of the research , explore an application program of sont and bring forward point of view of preset nerve cell and auto - adjust the structural of network . it not only appear guide effect of gas prognosticate , but also provide new methods for reference of other field of unsuperintend pattern recognize . 在本次的研究過程中,成功地開發了sont的應用程序,并且提出了神經元預置和自行調整網絡結構的觀點,不僅在本次的油氣預測中起了一定的指導作用,而且還為無監督的模式識別在其它領域的運用提供了新的借鑒。

We provide serverscope testsuite to build a performance tuning system based users and seek testing method and tuning system more effctive . in addition , we can extract and builder appropriate method model based the factial condition of the system under test to prognosticate the performance of the system under test 我們提出的性能評測系統( serverscope ) ,希望建立起一套面向用戶的,旨在追求用戶實際性能的評測方法和評測系統,可以針對不同應用、不同軟硬件配置進行性能監控、評價和優化,對用戶使用的系統提出性能上的建議。

On the base of the basic characteristic of chaos , to combine chaos theory to the management of modern enterprise and discuss chaos theory as a burgeoning of the managing methodology will supply a significant direction towards the prognosticating , the decision - making , the histophysiologies , the leading manage and so on in the modern corporation 依據混沌基本特點,把現代混沌理論與現代企業的管理有機地結合起來并把它作為一種新興的管理方法論,這對現代企業管理中的預測、決策、組織設計、領導管理等都提供了重要的指導作用。

Based on the comprehensive study on contact erosion and massive tests , it is found that the erosion of cb contacts is dominantly depend on the arcing time and breaking current . this paper analyses the mechanism of electrical arc of vacuum circuit breaker and discusses the primary factores . then this paper put forwardes a way to prognosticates the life exepctancy of electrical endurance of vacuum circuit breaker base on the power of arc 本文分析了真空斷路器的燃弧機理,探討了影響真空斷路器電壽命的主要因素,指出了原先以開斷電流作為預測真空斷路器電壽命的方法的不足,提出了改進的以燃弧能量為主要指標的預測方法。

We use gmdh to set up a forecasting model of chinese listed companies ’ financial crisis by using financial data . we compare the prognosticating effects of 3 models , which are set up according to the following 3 kinds of ways : the discriminate analysis , the logit analysis , and find that the gmdh is more effective way to transform data into knowledge 將gmdh算法應用于財務數據的挖掘,預測上市公司的財務危機,實證結果表明基于gmdh的上市公司財務預測模型,預測準確率優于判別分析和logit回歸分析,顯示出gmdh在模型識別和模型推廣能力上具有它獨特的優越性。

This theme is mainly to study the current brand strategy situation of the leading fresh financial newspapers in china , then analyze them with comparison to summarize their marketing status , finally compare the chinese fresh financial newspapers with the best international financial newspaper wall streets and prognosticate their future development trends 本文主要是通過對中國主要新財經報紙的品牌戰略進行分析,研究他們的品牌戰略特點,進行比較性分析,研究中國新財經報紙的市場現狀;同時通過對國際頂尖新財經報紙《華爾街日報》品牌戰略的研究,分析中國新財經報紙與國際頂尖新財經報紙的差距,結合中國新財經報紙的市場環境預測中國新財經報紙品牌戰略的未來發展趨勢。

The research structured a prediction model of residential energy demand , prognosticated residential energy consumption by demand types and environmental loading of him province until 2020 , compared the energy consumption and environmental loading of 2000 and 2020 , analyzed the reason , and offered the base of the energy , the environment corresponding with the socioeconomic development 摘要研究構筑了將來生活用能源消費的預測模型,預測了2020年以前的吉林省生活用不同燃料種類的能源消費和產生的環境負荷,比較了2000年與2020年能源消費和環境負荷,分析了其產生原因,從而,為實現能源、環境和社會經濟的協調發展提供了實踐依據。

Based on the characteristics of tobacco corporations , and the actual problems of the hcf - mis project , the dissertation analyses the inventory management of tobacco corporations , discusses the methodology , theory and implementation of the multilevel inventory and the prognosticate on distribution 本文在分析煙草行業特點的基礎上,結合項目開發中的實際問題,分析了煙草企業的庫存管理業務,并對多級庫存的理論、方法及實現進行了分析和研究。

But it is very complex and difficult to prognosticate the performance of equipment and evaluate the efficiency of electronic warfare system . besides , there is no good environment and technique to do these works . so computer simulation is toke as an availability measure 但是電子戰系統在研制和使用過程中對設備性能預測和系統作戰效能評定是非常復雜和困難的,目前對電子戰設備性能和作戰效能進行評估的技術手段和平臺環境還比較缺乏。

This dissertation takes aircraft spare part as its object of treatment . basing itself on reliability centered maintenance ( rcm ) and calculational methods theory , it establishes the aircraft spare part demand prognosticating model of each sort =本文將航空公司航空器材作為研究對象,應用以可靠性為中心的維修理論和計算方法等基礎理論,建立了各類航材需求預測的基本模型。

The fifth chapter summarized the whole work and dwelled on the existing problems inside and outside the home of monitoring ups . then the supervision and control direction of the future ups have been prognosticated in the end 第五章對本課題的主要工作進行了總結,討論了目前國內外ups監控技術在發展過程中存在的問題,最后展望了未來ups監控軟件發展的趨勢。

By an example , each parameters are randomized in the paris formula , and the propagation life of fatigue of the structure is prognosticated on the presented reliability 通過算例,將疲勞裂紋擴展速率公式中的各個參量全部隨機化,并預測構件在給定可靠度下的疲勞裂紋擴展壽命。

We have done some research and exploration on the feasibility and implementation of the compression method and prognosticated its capacity as well 本文對這個方法的可行性和實現方法作了一定的研究與探索,對其壓縮效果進行了預測分析。

Through the analysis of fmea and reliability , the methods of prognosticating and assessing the design of products were developed 通過對星載嵌入式計算機系統進行fmea分析和可靠性評定,研究了預測和評定產品設計可靠性水平的方法。

The establishment of poisson demand prognosticating model bases on the analysis of the regularity of the aircraft spare part 通過對航材需求規律的分析,建立了泊松需求預測模型。

Unfortunately , i am not able to prognosticate how everything will eventually shake out 不幸的是,我無法預言每件事的最終結果將會怎樣。