
profusion n.1.大量,充沛,豐富。2.豪爽,慷慨,大方。3.浪費...


“ never mind , dearest mother , “ said a young and lovely girl , with a profusion of light brown hair , and eyes that seemed to float in liquid crystal , “ tis all my fault for seizing upon m . de villefort , so as to prevent his listening to what you said “算了吧,我親愛的媽媽, ”一個年輕的美人說道,她長著濃密褐色頭發,眼睛水靈靈顧盼如珍珠般閃亮, “這都怪我不好,是我剛才纏住了維爾福先生,以致使他沒有聽到您說的話。

Leaving hsitzuwan bay , at an intersection where kaohsiung harbor flows into hsitzuwan bay is a profusion of seafood shops beside the water . it s really refreshing to sit by the harbor in the evening and eat while you watch the merchant vessels coming and going , close by 離開西子灣,在高雄港邊進入西子灣的路口有大批海鮮店聚集,夜晚時分坐在港邊,邊吃邊看商船在盈尺處往來,非常新鮮。

In this cold winter , in the festival with this holy profusion , want to enjoy the aura of this intoxicate together with you very much , accept the feelings that my coming loves please : wish you are happy and happy , hope my love can be warm your heart 在這個寒冷的冬天,在這個繽紛圣潔的節日,好想和你在一起享受這醉人的氣氛,請接受我至愛的情懷:愿你快樂幸福,希望我的愛能溫暖你的心!

Conferences , forums , seminars , provocative articles , new papers and the latest books keep china - watchers very busy ; but confronting such a profusion , one risks taking short - term variations or insignificant fluctuations for long - term tendencies and losing any sense of pattern 然而,在此種局面下,人們最常犯的錯誤就是失去判斷力,很易將短暫的、無足輕重的發展視為長期趨勢。

Our hotel ' s perfect , swift commercial facility and pluralistic recreational facilities make you deal with the commercial business efficiently and easily , can unfold the body and mind with abandon , enjoy the colorful life in riotous profusion 酒店設施完善、快捷的商務設施和多元化的休閑、娛樂設施令您在輕松高效地處理商務業務的同時,更能盡情舒展身心,享受繽紛多彩的生活。

Come , immerse yourself in its abundance of attractions fascinating places of interest , exciting theme parks , sensational shopping attractions and enjoy a profusion of mouthwatering delicacies from local fare to international cuisine 請來這里,將您融入它那迷人的名勝古跡,令人興奮的主題公園,著名的購物商場和享受各種來自當地的可口平價美食到世界佳肴。

The kenting area has a profusion of top - class hotels , including the kentington resort . situated between the mountains and the sea , it offers the finest facilities . guests can completely unwind and enjoy being pampered 墾丁區內,星級大飯店林立,其中小墾丁綠野渡假村座落在山海丘陵之間,設備完善,旅客可以完全放松身心,享受被寵愛呵護的氣氛。

Another writer observes that the filipinos tendency towards passionate profusion and unrestrained exuberance in his art stems from his exposure to nature s lush , magnificent landscapes around him the whole year through 另一個作家觀察到菲律賓人對他們的藝術趨向于熱情豪爽和無限豐富的氣質源于他們成年累月地暴露在大自然的茂盛壯麗的風景之中。

That is the dutch ambassador , do you see , the grey - haired man , madame peronsky was saying , indicating an old man with a profusion of silver - grey curls , who was surrounded by ladies laughing at some story he was telling 白發老人, ”佩斯卡婭一面說,一面指著那個長滿銀白色鬈發的小老頭,一群太太圍著他,他不知怎的逗得她們都發笑。

Washington ? nearly four years after the sept . 11 attacks , the federal government has created a profusion of programs to train students in languages and cultures important in the war on terrorism 911事件發生以來已經過了將近4年,美國聯邦政府設立了許多計畫,針對在反恐戰爭中具有戰略地位的國家的語言和文化,給予學生訓練。

She had cut it that very morning on account of the new moon and it nestled about her pretty head in a profusion of luxuriant clusters and pared her nails too , thursday for wealth 為了圖個新月上升的吉利,當天早晨她曾把頭發剪了剪,濃密的鬈發蓬蓬松松地環繞在她那俊秀的頭上。她還修剪了指甲。星期四剪,招財進寶。

Management of data sigmod 99 , pennsylvania , usa , 1999 , pp . 479 - 490 . 14 gauch s , wang g , gomez m . profusion : intelligent fusion from multiple , distributed search engines . j . univ 目前, clascn方法對舊查詢曾經執行過的查詢和nau查詢從來沒有被執行過但關鍵詞都曾在舊查詢中出現過的查詢等頻繁查詢非常有效。

A lack of profusion in the gratitude or apology department will certainly land anyone in such a situation in the “ not very nice “ camp from which there is little chance of escape 若誰沒有大量使用感謝或道歉的語匯,便肯定會陷入“不太文雅”的陣營,而且從這種境況中擺脫出來的機會微乎其微。

Sunlight , pouring down from the highest heavens , dances in profusion on bright , green leaves ; little birds , with music notes in their mouths , hang on the twigs swaying , weaving green curtains 從九霄瀉下的陽光紛紛在亮澤的綠葉上舞蹈,小鳥銜著音符懸掛在枝條上回蕩,織成幕幕綠色的帷幔。

In the centre of the profusion of floral tributes the tiny bunch of lily of the valley contrasted sharply with the vivid roses , daffodils , tulips and anemones that surrounded it 那一小束素雅的鈴蘭在人們送的那些鮮艷的玫瑰花、水仙花、郁金香和秋牡丹之中,顯得格外醒目。

Though time sequence still stays in the hospitable spring and summer in riotous profusion , enclose and already lead the hot temperature and march toward early autumn in fashion 時序雖然還停留在熱情繽紛的春夏,時尚圈早已領先炎熱的氣溫邁入早秋

He wore a profusion of ribbons on his garment , and gold lace on his hat , which was also encircled by a gold chain , and surmounted with a feather 他的衣服上佩戴著備色奢華的緞帶,帽子上纏著一圈金色絲絳,還綴著一根金鏈,上面插著一根羽毛。

Poised on riverside facing greenery , here waters abound and a profusion of flying birds and flowers , indulge yourself in the leisureliness and nature deeply 東江湖畔,綠樹成蔭,朝看鷺鳥紛飛,暮覽江水漣漪,至身其中盡享悠然自在。

Music makes the life of person ' s door in riotous profusion colorful , the world that has no music is desolate , the life same that has no music is sad 音樂讓人門的生活繽紛多彩,沒有音樂的世界是荒涼的,沒有音樂的人生同樣可悲。