
profundity n.1.深,深度;深處;〔詩〕深淵。2.深奧;深刻;深厚...


Chapter 5 , following the principle of tactic subordinating process , shows the characteristics of scope , profundity , quantity , and quality of training from the perspective of ol . then the author employs these results to find out several shortages in enterprise trainings 本章在組織行為過程和策略過程的關系的基礎上,依據組織學習的分析框架,探討了企業培訓在廣度、深度、質量和數量方面應該具有的特征,并在此基礎上分析了企業培訓不足的原因。

The cultivation of creative - thinking qualification in the teaching of physics requires a cultivation on five qualities , namely the profundity , the flexibility , the criticism , the creativity and the quick - mindedness , in terms of the creative - thinking in the teaching of physics 創新思維是創新能力的核心。物理創新思維品質的培養,主要應在物理教學中注意培養學生物理創新思維的深刻性、靈活性、批判性、獨創性和敏捷性五個方面的能力。

With a jocose tone , this short story presents a miserable and funny predicament of an ordinary family in american midwest through the eye of an artless kid , anti hence discloses the fallacy of american dreams and their contamination of the american young with great profundity 小說以詼諧的筆調,通過一個孩子的不懂事的眼光向人們展示了美國中西部一個普通家庭的既悲慘又滑稽的處境,從而深刻地揭露了“美國夢”的虛妄及其對年輕一代的毒害。

However , to downplay the doctrine of rebirth and explain the entire import of the dhamma as the amelioration of mental suffering through enhanced self - awareness is to deprive the dhamma of those wider perspectives from which it derives its full breadth and profundity 然而,對輪回學說不予重視,把佛法全義解釋成僅是藉提高自我覺察以消解精神痛苦,便使它失去了那些視野更寬廣的見解,佛法有賴于后者才得以保持完整的廣度與深度。

Chinese traditional culture is fairly rich in its humanistic profundity , even when traced back to the spring and autumn period , when various schools of thought and their exponents put forward theories conveying noticeable humanistic awareness with such principle as basing on care for human life 中國傳統文化有著豐富的人文蘊含,春秋戰國時期,諸子百家的理論就表現出鮮明的人文意識,其宗旨是建立在對人的生命關懷的基礎上。

M . de villefort , who examined him attentively , and who no doubt practiced upon him all the psychological studies he was accustomed to use , in vain endeavored to make him lower his eyes , notwithstanding the depth and profundity of his gaze . at length the reading of the indictment was ended 維爾福先生不時地看他一眼,無疑他在向犯人實施他慣用的心理攻勢,但他雖然不時地逼視那被告,卻始終都沒能使他低頭,起訴書終于讀完了。

Under the profundity background of the conversion of economy system , the innovation of the urban ground usage system , with the impulse of the urban domain structure transit , the residential space in the central district of shanghai is going through a great change 摘要在我國經濟體制轉變、城市土地使用制度改革等宏觀制度背景深刻影響下,在城市產業結構轉變的驅動下,上海市中心區居住空間正在經歷巨大的變革。

Concentrated on his working for several decades , mr zhang rewrote the draft of “ general survey of forged ancient books “ twice , which has been republished for four times ever since . the book has been well received by the intellectuals due to its “ abundance “ and “ profundity “ 他數十年筆耕不輟,精益求精兩易其稿,使《偽書通考》以“博”與“精”經受住了時間的考驗,至今它已再版四次,為士林所重。

Fashion does not only mean some brand - new products or dresses . it should stress more on people ’ s awareness and conceptions that keep abreast with times . and the former is the knee - deep meaning of fashion , while the latter may convey much more profundity 時尚不僅意味著一些全新的產品或服飾,時尚應該更注重人的與時懼進的意識跟觀念,前者的時尚只是些膚淺意義的時尚而后者則有更深刻的內涵。

In order to solve the above - mentioned problems , many scholars carried out a great deal of analysis and research . but these research lack the needed extend and profundity , also have not figure out the creditors subrogation system ’ limitation 針對上述問題,我國的理論界進行了大量的研究,但是這些研究缺乏必要的廣度和深度,沒有解決債權人代位權實踐操作性不強的缺點。

Although through experimental study in almost a century and increasingly profundity in cognition about mechanism of rc , the bond - slip relationship between rebar and concrete has not deeply studied in finite element analysis 鋼筋與混凝土兩者之間的粘結滑移關系,雖然歷經近百年的試驗研究,對鋼筋混凝土機理的認識水平日益深刻,但在有限元分析中還不是很完善。

Saga believes the power and future of ic , understands the evolvement from exchanging to electronic money and truly value of smart card , and is trying to make them more profundity , much easier and more widely to our life 化挑戰是:承認集成電路的能量和前途,理解從實物交換到電子貨幣結算的演變,理解智能卡的真正價值,并使它更深刻更普遍地優化我們的生活。

By those , we argue that zhang zhan blended various thinkings harmoniously in his theory but failed to spread out the profundity of the principles in order to decide afresh the position of him in the history of chinese philosophy 對玄學的發展而言,張湛之學有破有立,唯其在義理開展的深度上仍嫌不足,實不宜斷然否定或肯定其說。

The students “ difference in experimental ability mainly is characters of experimental ability . the characters are profundity , flexibility , originality , criticism and agility 學生實驗能力的差異主要表現在實驗能力的品質上,實驗能力的品質有深刻性、靈活性、獨創性、批判性和敏捷性5種。

Based on this , connected to the profundity change of china telecommunication , the article discussed the impetus and effect of capital management of current telecom enterprises in china 本論文從我國電信業的大環境出發,結合成都電信公司的實際,探討了電信業資本運營的特有動因及效應。

In recent years , many scholars come to reach common understanding on a few problems after study crime of embezzlement from simplicity to profundity , from the apparent to the deep 近幾年來,眾多學者對侵占罪的研究從淺到深、從表到里,對一些問題的爭議逐步形成了共識。

Profundity is a distinguishing feature of college knowledge , and different response to profound knowledge reflects different philosophical ideas , either of epistemology or politics 依據對“高深學問”的不同取向有著不同的哲學觀,即認識論和哲學論的哲學觀。

This paper argues that that was a misunderstanding of qian ' s article , whose major contribution lies in its profundity in criticism rather than setting criteria for translations 一般認為,錢文的重點在于提出了文學翻譯的最高理想,本文指出這是一種誤解。

“ . . . unite muscle and reflection , profundity and boundless lightness . on the borderline between dance arts , circus and theatre , . . . strongly recommended . 《蒼穹的終端》里形體與省思、沉重與輕逸結合無縫,逾越舞蹈、雜技和劇場的界限;筆者誠摯推薦。