
profligate adj.1.放蕩的;墮落的;荒淫的。2.極度浪費的。n....


A man denounces marriage as a lie , and then denounces aristocratic profligates for treating it as a lie . the man of this school goes first to a political meeting , where he complains that savages are treated as if they were beasts ; then he takes his hat and umbrella and goes on to a scientific meeting , where he proves that they practically are beasts 一個人指責婚姻為謊言,然后指責貴族的揮霍使婚姻變成謊言這學派的人先在政治會議中,投訴原始部落遭受野獸般對待,然后他拿著帽子和雨傘參加科學會議,在那里證明他們真是野獸。

He made a savage attack on the memory of macrinus and a still more savage one on that of diadumenianus because he had received the name antoninus - - he called him a “ pseudo - antoninus “ - - and because it was asserted that from a veritable profligate he had become very brave and honourable and dignified and austere 他對馬克林努斯的追憶野蠻地攻擊,對迪爾杜蒙里安則是更野蠻的攻擊,因為他得到了安東尼的名字? ?他稱他是個“冒牌的安東尼” ? ?而這表明他從一個浪子變得勇敢、尊貴、威嚴和簡樸。

If the objects which are productive of pleasures to profligate persons really freed them from fears of the mind , - - the fears , i mean , inspired by celestial and atmospheric phenomena , the fear of death , the fear of pain ; if , further , they taught them to limit their desires , we should never have any fault to find with such persons , for they would then be filled with pleasures to overflowing on all sides and would be exempt from all pain , whether of body or mind , that is , from all evil 對那些浪蕩者來說,如果他們精神上的恐懼,即由神跡和氣候引起的恐懼、對死亡的恐懼和對痛苦的恐懼,真的能夠由產生快樂的東西消除,而且,如果這些東西真的能讓他們節制自己的欲望,那么,我們沒有任何理由對這些人吹毛求疵,因為這樣的話他們就可以讓快樂占據自己的整個身心,排斥任何痛苦,無論是身體的還是精神的,這樣也就摒棄了任何罪惡。

A habit reprehensible at puberty is second nature and an opprobium in middlelife . if he must dispense his balm of gilead in nostrums and apothegms of dubious taste to restore to health a generation of unfledged profligates let his practice consist better with the doctrines that now engross him 倘若彼一定要將基列香油202這一效驗可疑之秘方與“金科玉律” ,分發給一代乳臭未干之蕩子,以促使彼等康復,則應使彼之行為與正全力奉行之教義相一致。

If you think so , you must have a strange opinion of me ; you must regard me as a plotting profligate - a base and low rake who has been simulating disinterested love in order to draw you into a snare deliberately laid , and strip you of honour and rob you of self - respect “要是你這樣想,你準對我抱有成見了,你一定認為我是一個詭計多端的浪子低俗下賤的惡棍,煽起沒有真情的愛,把你拉進預先設置好的圈套,剝奪你的名譽,打消你的自尊。

“ the environmentally conscientious and economically efficient are not rewarded with lower charges , and the profligate not warned by higher costs , “ he said , adding that while many pay for their waste to be collected , none see the cost of disposal 他說:有環保意識及講求經濟效益的人士得不到較低收費的回報,隨便浪費的人士也得不到須承擔較高費用的警惕。他補充,很多人都為廢物的收集而繳費,但卻沒有人察覺廢物處理所需的費用。

It was a thousand pities a young fellow blessed with an allowance of brains , as his neighbour obviously was , should waste his valuable time with profligate women , who might present him with a nice dose to last him his lifetime 萬分遺憾的是,那些頭腦有幸生得靈敏的年輕人坐在他身邊的顯然就是其中的一位,竟然把寶貴的光陰浪費在淫蕩女人身上,說不定她還會贈給他一份足夠他享用一輩子的梅毒哩。

“ the environmentally conscientious and economically efficient are not rewarded with lower charges , and the profligate not warned by higher costs , “ he said , adding that while many pay for their waste to be collected , none see the cost of disposal 他說:有環保意識及講求經濟效益的人士得不到較低收費的回報,隨便浪費的人士也得不到須承擔較高費用的警惕。

Only profligate finishing and good goalkeeping prevented the reds from building on gerard pique ' s first - half opener , but sir alex was nevertheless satisfied by what he saw 無力的臨門一腳和對方門將的出色表現,使紅魔沒能在皮克進球后擴大比分,但爵爺仍然隊友球隊表現很滿意。

We both know that he has been profligate in every sense of the word . that he has neither integrity nor honour . that he is as false and deceitful , as he is insinuating . 我們倆都知道他是個不折不扣的淫棍,他既沒有人格,又不顧體面,一味虛情假意,柔聲媚氣。 ”

None but fools , my lad , and profligates are unwell , and you know me ; busy from morning till night and temperate , so of course im well “孩子,只有傻瓜和色鬼才不健康哩,你是知道我的情況的:從早到晚都忙得很,飲食起居有節制,真是夠健康的。 ”

They managed only half a dozen shots on goal to more than 20 by a profligate liverpool side , for whom fernando morientes , robbie fowler and harry kewell should have scored 賽后阿森納隊門將德國人萊曼依靠本場比賽的出色表現被評為最佳球員。

And european consumers have not been as profligate in recent years as american ones , so they have the scope to reduce their saving and spend more 歐洲消費者們這些年來并沒有像美國人那樣寅吃卯糧,超前消費,所以他們可以減少儲蓄,增加消費。

And european consumers have not been as profligate in recent years as american ones , so they have the scope to reduce their saving and spend more 而且近年來,歐洲消費者不像美國人那樣亂花錢,于是他們的儲蓄也為未來的消費提供了可能。

China wants to cut inefficiency and create a “ conserving society “ , but its efforts may be undermined by profligate local governments 中國期望通過減少資源浪費來創建“節約型“社會。但這一努力因“浪費型的政府“而受到了制約。

They shall say to the elders , “ this son of ours is stubborn and rebellious . he will not obey us . he is a profligate and a drunkard . 20對長老說,我們這兒子頑梗悖逆,不聽從我們的話,是貪食好酒的人。

Meanwhile , in the other group there was little inclination either to profligate spending or to good works 與此同時,在另外一個小組中卻很少發現有肆意揮霍或致力于善行的傾向。

Yet they have something in common : both involve the profligate deployment of resources 然而這些行為卻有著一些共同之處:它們都牽涉了大肆的資源揮霍。

What is to be expected of or by , such profligates 這樣胡混的人能有什么好結果呢? ”