profiteer n.(尤指戰時的)奸商,發橫財的人,暴發戶;(生活必需品...
n. (尤指戰時的)奸商,發橫財的人,暴發戶;(生活必需品的)投機商人。 vi. 取得不正當的利益,牟取暴利。 profiteering merchants 奸商。 n. -ing 不當利得,投機活動。 “the profiteer“ 中文翻譯: 奸商“speculative profiteer“ 中文翻譯: 投機買賣獲暴利者, 暴發戶“venture profiteer“ 中文翻譯: 投機的奸商“war profiteer“ 中文翻譯: 發戰財者; 發戰爭財的人“unscrupulous merchant ; profiteer“ 中文翻譯: 奸商“profiteering“ 中文翻譯: 暴利的獲得; 倒買倒賣; 獲不正當利益的; 牟取暴利 抬高利潤 貪圖暴利 投機倒把 投機活動; 牟取暴利;投機倒把; 投機活動“profitearned“ 中文翻譯: 已得利潤 已獲盈利“profitgraph,breakeven chart“ 中文翻譯: 利潤圖,損益兩平圖“profitdeductionandreserving“ 中文翻譯: 提留“profiti“ 中文翻譯: 普羅菲蒂“profitavailablefordividend“ 中文翻譯: 可分配利益 可供分配股利的利潤 可用作支付股息的利潤“profiting“ 中文翻譯: 盈利“profitandlossstatementent“ 中文翻譯: 盈虧計算書損益計算書“profitless“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.無利的;無利可圖的。 2.無益的,無用的。 n. -ness ,-ly adv. “profitandloss statementnt“ 中文翻譯: 損益表報告書
profitless |
Enterprises suffering from “ real estate marketing myopia “ have four evident features , such as attaching importance to the late selling instead of the early tactics of market location , neglecting the analysis of target customers while hankering after concept profiteering , trusting only “ the planning masters “ and ignoring the differential marketing of building sites , and marketing real estate only by experiences but neglecting scientific decisions 患有“房地產營銷近視癥”的企業具有四個明顯的特征:重視后期銷售,不重視前期的市場定位策略;忽視對目標客戶的分析,而熱衷于概念炒作;偏信“策劃大師”的策劃,不重視樓盤差異化營銷;房地產營銷只憑經驗,忽視科學決策。 |
However , up till now , there are still problems such as lack of stimulus and competitiveness , non - profitable operation , short - term profiteering and problems blocking the sustainable development found in our state - owned enterprises . of them , how to evaluate the enterprise is at the core of all these problems . for our own ideology and the way of evaluation system are out of date . therefore , it is of vital importance for us to introduce advanced performance measurement system to be applied in our state - owned enterprises so that we can improve and perfect our own system continuously 但是,我國國有企業時至今日仍然普遍存在缺乏活力、經濟效益不好、持續穩定發展面臨諸多困難、市場競爭力不強、短期行為嚴重等問題,其中一個重要的長期沒有得到根本解決的主要原因就是績效評價思想和方法的落后。因此,不斷改進和完善我國國有企業的績效評價體系,研究引入先進的績效評價方法在國有企業的應用,將成為一個非常重要的現實課題。 |
Lastly , the article points out that solutions to the problems existing in management patterns of university rear service are to establish scientific ideas of rear service management , to adjust structure , to appropriate system , to establish scientific ideas is to renew sense of nature , sense of value , sense of quality and sense of profiteers ; to adjust structure is to enforce sole administration of one service agency ; to appropriate system is to establish proper leader system , executive system , inquiry system and control - and - feed back system ; to improve administration is to clarify mechanism of guidance , encouragement and restriction 最后,本文針對后勤管理模式中存在的問題進行了對策思考,指出高校后勤管理模式改革應從樹立科學的后勤管理觀念,調整現行的后勤管理結構,建立合理的后勤管理體制、健全高效的后勤管理機制等四個方面入手。具體來說,樹立科學的后勤管理觀念就是要更新本質觀、價值觀、質量觀和對象觀,調整后勤管理結構就是要采用獨立經營的服務公司型結構,建立合理的后勤管理體制,就是要建立合理的領導體制、執行體制、咨詢體制和監督反饋體制,健全高效的后勤管理機制就是要明確導向機制、激勵機制、制約機制。 |
This paper consisted of three parts , the part one expounded the history of west tv media , and analysised its development and divorce understandly ; the part two set forth the survival conditions and competition trend of west province tv media ; major from the merge of two lines , programm sent to satellite stations “ combination . concepts profiteering etc . aspects , this paper interpreted its reasonability and awkward conditions 本文分三個部分。第一部分主要從區域傳播的角度來論證西部省級電視的歷史沿革與成長分化。第二部分重點闡述西部省級電視媒體的生存狀態和競爭態勢,主要從它們的“兩線”合并、節目上星、臺際聯合、概念炒作等方面論述了其合理性和尷尬處境。 |
Article 45 those who buy or sell foreign exchanges privately , under disguise , or for profiteering purpose shall be warned by foreign exchange administrations , forced to sell their foreign exchanges , have their illegal incomes confiscated and fined at above 30 per cent and below three times their illegally traded foreign exchanges , or be affixed with legal responsibilities if they commit crimes 第四十五條私自買賣外匯、變相買賣外匯或者倒買倒賣外匯的,由外匯管理機關給予警告,強制收兌,沒收違法所得,并處違法外匯金額30 %以上3倍以下的罰款;構成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。 |
70 any railway worker who , by taking advantage of his or her office , engages in smuggling , speculation and profiteering , or collaborates with any other person or persons in smuggling , speculation and profiteering , shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with article 119 of the criminal law 第七十一條鐵路職工玩忽職守、違反規章制度造成鐵路運營事故的,濫用職權、利用辦理運輸業務之便謀取私利的,給予行政處分;情節嚴重、構成犯罪的,依照刑法有關規定追究刑事責任。 |
Article 70 any railway worker who , by taking advantage of his or her office , engages in smuggling , speculation and profiteering , or collaborates with any other person or persons in smuggling , speculation and profiteering , shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with article 119 of the criminal law 第七十條鐵路職工利用職務之便走私、投機倒把的,或者與其他人員勾結走私、投機倒把的,依照刑法第一百一十九條的規定追究刑事責任。 |
Japan ' s financial services agency has ordered citigroup to wind up its japanese private bank by next september , accusing the business of misleading customers , profiteering and riding roughshod over regulations 日本金融廳指責花旗在日本的私人銀行誤導消費者、牟取暴利,并公然蔑視監管規定,已責令花旗集團明年9月前關閉其在日本的私人銀行。 |
In order to restrain the excessive rise of the price for housing and to deal a blow at the speculation and profiteering of the real estate , the government released a serious of macro - policies towards it in 2005 摘要為了抑制房地產價格過快上漲,打擊房地產炒作和投機行為,國家在2005年發布了一系列宏觀房地產政策。 |
But scientists in the time from general system theory to complexity studying today all have a tendence of “ engaging in speculation and profiteering “ when definiting the emergence 但從一般系統論開始直到現代研究復雜性的科學家們,對涌現概念的界定都有“投機致富”之嫌。 |
In coordinated nationwide raids thursday , prosecutors searched 22 pharmaceutical importers in an attempt to find evidence of profiteering and tax evasion 抓健保藥蟲,檢調罕見大規模行動,兵分35路北中南同步搜索22家進口藥商,一共查扣八十多箱證物。 |
Bush met with chinas premier , wen jiabao , who they said interrupted a discussion on piracy to list recent arrests the government had made against illicit profiteers 會談期間溫家寶打斷談話,向布什展示了一份中國政府最近抓捕的不法奸商的名單。 |
Critics accuse the firms of profiteering , noting that the plants , whose costs have been largely paid off , generate profits of euro 1m a day 但批評者們指責那些發電公司,憑借著那些投資早已收回的核電廠,正攫取著每天高達一百萬歐元的暴利。 |
Over the ocean , an american profiteer fine - tunes his anticipated raid on united , craving to dip into the revenue streams unleashed by ferguson 在大洋彼岸,一名美國奸商正在伺機入侵曼聯,此舉無非是覬覦弗格森為曼聯創造的源源不斷的財富。 |
Unlike law enforcement agencies , however , piracy profiteers play by no rules , and arrests and convictions are few and far between 然而,靠仿冒牟利的人可不像執法機關那樣按牌理出牌,被捕判罪者少之又少。 |
Worse still , some profiteers advertise their goods by means of dirty pictures to poison people ' s minds 更糟的是,一些牟利者通過一些低級的畫片傳揚他們的產品,毒害了人們的思想。 |
The profiteering problem of non - profit organizations refers to that the npo deviate their non - profit principle 摘要非營利組織的營利問題是指非營利組織對其非營利性原則的背離。 |
You are certainly a profiteer . hopefully you will be as enterprising during our time working together 你還真是夠狡猾的,希望在我們合作的這段時間你能多少有點進取心。 |
It is because advertisements have powerful influence that the profiteer often tricks the public by them 因為廣告擁有巨大的影響使得獲利者通過他們欺騙群眾。 |