
profitable adj.1.有益的;有用的。2.有利可圖的,可賺錢的,合...


The backup project profitable to medium and small enterprises 適合中小企業的數據備份方案

That you single - handedly drove his most profitable magazine 告訴他你要一手毀了他最賺錢的

These things are good and profitable for men 或作留心行善這都是美事、并且與人有益。

Qey how to generate profitable product ideas anytime 如何創造利潤最高的產品理念,隨時!

Definition and classfication of non - profitable organization in american 美國的非營利組織

The farm is a highly profitable business (這農場是非常有利可圖的。 )

It is because they consider it a non - profitable project 因為他們都覺得這些片不會賣錢

Nowadays , however , they are rather profitable 然而在今天,他們獲利頗豐。

They feel it is profitable to play down the differences 他們感到不強調分歧是有利的。

These things are good and profitable to men 這些都是美事,并且與人有益。

“ it s profitable enough for two , is it ? “兩個人合營也有錢可賺,是嗎? ”

How to generate profitable product ideas anytime 如何創造利潤最高的產品理念,隨時!

For the time being all this is hugely profitable 眼下所有這些都非常賺錢。

Growing grapes for wine became very profitable 種植葡萄生產葡萄酒變得非常有利可圖。

Fishing has been a profitable industry lately 捕魚近來成了一項賺錢的行當。

It is very profitable for the issuing offices to finance 此句是一個特殊句型

How to identify and plan for a profitable future 如何找到和規劃富有的未來

A stronger , safer , more profitable world 一個更強大,更安全更有利可圖的世界

The signs bid fair for a profitable deal 跡象表明可能是一筆有利可圖的買賣。