
profile n.1.剖面,半面,(雕像等的)側面;側面像。2.外形,...


Specification for plastics profile extrusion tooling 塑料異型材擠出模具技術條件

The effectiveness of pressure seals in the subsurface may be evaluated by making a calculated fluidpressure profile of the overlying shales . 在地下,壓力封閉的有效性可以通過計算上層頁巖的流體壓力剖面來估計。

A pressure disturbance cannot drive the energy release profile uniformly to the anti-node region to result in a sustained longitudinal wave . 壓力擾動不可能驅使能量釋放分布圖移至波腹區域以產生持續的縱向波。

The central computer could develop a highly detailed profile on a customer's watching and purchasing habits and opinions on issues . 中央計算機能夠對顧客的鑒賞心理和購買習慣以及分歧意見進行非常詳盡的剖析。

Relative to uniform inlet pressure, the distorted or actual profiles may have a rather profound effect on engine performance . 與均勻的壓力分布比較起來,畸變的或真實的壓力場對發動性能具有相當大的影響。

Generally the geometry of the electrode configuration is kept uniform while the position is changed laterally along a profile . 當沿著剖面線改變排列的橫向位置時,電極的幾何結構一般都保持不變的。

Her nose looked too long, she thought, and she attempted to see herself in profile with the aid of her pocket mirror . 她認為她的鼻子太長了,因此她打算用另一面小鏡子在照著自己的側影。

Rainfall frequency and amount are thus crucial factors in determining the position of deposition in a soil profile . 降雨次數和降雨量是左右溶質在土壤剖面中沉積位置高低的決定性因素。

With the night, st. peter's stood out in darkness, stood out in majestic profile against the splendour of heaven . 接著夜晚來臨,圣彼得教堂聳立在黑暗中,以雄偉的輪廓陪襯天國的光輝。

In the introduction the two compilers provide a statistical profile of this segment of the electronic memory . 在前言中,兩位編者提供了電子存貯程序段的統計圖。

In profile all that showed was the end of the nose projecting from beyond a sheaf of shiny black hair . 從側面望去,披散開的頭發中只能看到突出的鼻尖。

Interesting values may be expected from the trailing edge, the profile centre and the leading edge . 從后緣,葉型中心和前緣可預料得到有價值的數據。

Let's now examine the simplest wave form where the profile is a sine or cosine curve . 現在讓我們來考察最簡單的波形,它的剖面圖是正弦或余弦曲線。

Approximately 40% of the applied insecticide in each orchard was residual in the soil profiles . 大約每一果園施用的40殺蟲劑殘留在土壤剖面中。

His wife, a tiny woman with the profile of a finely honed hatchet . 他的妻子是個矮小干枯的女人,從側面上看去就像是一把短短的打磨精細的斧頭柄。

To use these curves, be sure that the diffusion profiles agree with the assumed profiles . 在應用這些曲線時,應確保擴散分布與假定的分布一致。

Dissipation increased with soil temperature and decreased with increasing depth in the soil profile . 消散隨土溫增加,隨土壤剖面變深而減少。

For a number of the more important species, relative concentration profiles are shown in fig . 若干比較重要的物質的相對濃度廓線示于圖中。

Throw up your chin a moment, so that i may catch the profile of your face better . 你把下巴仰起一會兒來,我可以更好得端量你臉的輪廓。