
profession n.1.職業,(特指)知識性專門職業 (opp. tra...


He can sit down and write a fine flourishing letter, full of professions and falsehoods . 他可以坐下來寫一封天花亂墜的信,充滿著遁辭和虛偽。

I have just switched to the profession of a teacher and quite lack experience in teaching work . 我剛半路出家來當教師,還沒有什么教學經驗。

It means the ethical principles which members of the legal profession are expected to observe . 它是指從事法律職業的人必須遵守的倫理原則。

Many professions inflict this kind of defeat upon a man at the very outset . 大多數的專門職業在剛開頭的時候就把這種失敗加到一個人身上。

In the profession we are accustomed to receive a great deal of most gratifying attention . 我們干這一行,都習慣于接受旁人的青睞。

Simplicity, indeed, is beyond the reach of almost every actress by profession . 的確,幾乎所有的職業演員都不善于表現人物的單純。

He is not a bad fellow, though an absolute imbecile in his profession . 他這個人不錯,雖然就他的本行來說,他純粹是個笨蛋。

Such a defence is rooted in the innate conservatism of the economic profession . 這種辯護根植于經濟學專業固有的保守主義。

Mark his professions to my poor husband. can anything be stronger ? 你看看他對我可憐的丈夫說的話。還有比那更肉麻的話嗎?

He thought about enlisting-about the spanish legionabout a profession . 他想去打仗,想參加西班牙軍團,想找個職業。

Honour makes a great part of the reward of all honourable professions . 對于一切尊貴職業榮譽可以說是報酬的大部分。

The term profession originally denoted a limited number of vocations . 專業這個術語起初表示數量有限的職業。

Putting to death was a recipe in vogue with all trades and professions . 處死是通行一切行業的一種秘決。

One certainly gets a long vacation in the teaching profession . 以教書為職業的人所享受的假期確實不短。

His profession was that logic was not the sole criterion of art . 他的主張是邏輯并不是藝術的唯一標準。

The only service i can do to my profession is to serve as a flea . 我在這個行當里做的就是跳蚤的工作。

You must fill in the form nationality , age , profession , and so on . 還必須填寫國籍、年齡、職業等。

He made no professions to me but of an extraordinary respect . 他對我并沒有什么表示,只是非常的恭敬。

Her profession was collecting information and publishing it . 她的職業就是采訪和報道新聞。