
profane adj.1.褻瀆神圣的,不敬的;好咒罵的。2.(與宗教無...


“ but i had concern for my holy name , which the house of israel had profaned among the nations where they went 結36 : 21我卻顧惜我的圣名、就是以色列家在所到的列國中所褻瀆的。

But i had pity for mine holy name , which the house of israel had profaned among the heathen , whither they went 21我卻顧惜我的圣名,就是以色列家在所到的列國中所褻瀆的。

And ye shall not swear by my name falsely , neither shalt thou profane the name of thy god : i am the lord 利19 : 12不可指著我的名起假誓、褻瀆你神的名我是耶和華。

I was angry with my people ; i profaned my inheritance , and i have delivered them up into your hand 6我曾向我的百姓發怒,使我的產業被褻瀆,將他們交在你手中。

But the profane and old - womanish myths refuse , and exercise yourself unto godliness 7只是要棄絕那世俗的言語,和老婦的虛構無稽之事,并要操練自己以至于敬虔。

But those who are profane in heart lay up anger ; they do not cry for help when he binds them 13但那心中不虔敬的人,積蓄怒氣;神捆綁他們時,他們竟不呼救。

“ daughter “ , said gerald , rousing himself , “ you are profane . your mother will be grieved . “女兒”杰拉爾德興奮地說, “你的話太褻瀆了,你母親要懊惱的。 ”

With his mouth the profane man destroys his neighbor , but through knowledge the righteous will be delivered 9不虔敬的人用口敗壞鄰舍;義人卻因知識得救。

You shall not swear falsely by my name , so as to profane the name of your god ; i am the lord 利19 : 12不可指著我的名起假誓、褻瀆你神的名我是耶和華。

And he shall not profane his seed among his people , for i am jehovah who sanctifies him 15不可在民中玷辱自己的兒女,因為我是使他分別為圣的耶和華。

But refuse profane and old wives ' fables , and exercise thyself rather unto godliness 7只是要棄絕那世俗的言語,和老婦荒渺的話,在敬虔上操練自己。

And you shall not swear falsely by my name , thus profaning the name of your god ; i am jehovah 12不可指著我的名起假誓,褻瀆你神的名;我是耶和華。

It was the sole profane ring which was linked to that devout chain of convents 這是混跡于這一由修道院組成的虔誠鏈條中僅有絕無的世俗環節。

Anyone who touch the sanctified vessels of god in defilement are profaning the name of god 凡人帶著污穢去摸神的圣物(圣工)就是褻瀆神的名

Do not swear falsely by my name and so profane the name of your god . i am the lord 12不可指著我的名起假誓,褻瀆你神的名。我是耶和華。

But he shall not defile himself , being a chief man among his people , to profane himself 祭司既在民中為首,就不可從俗沾染自己。

Many extremists consider the clergy as elmer gantry , who profane the name of god 許多極端主義者認為神職人員虛偽,他們褻瀆神名。

He shall not defile himself , as a leader among his people , so as to profane himself 4祭司既在民中為首領,就不可從俗玷辱自己。

Many extremist consider the clergy as elm gantry , who profane the name of god 許多極端主義者認為神職人員虛偽,他們褻瀆神名。