
product n.1.產物,產品;制品;產量;出產。2.結果,成果。3...

product liability

Products abound and the people are happy . 物阜民康。

The product was a rubbery solid . 產品是橡膠態的固體。

The planned quality of the product does not deteriorate . 規定的產品質量沒有下降。

This batch of products is well made . 這批活兒做得好。

The products of the various firms are differentiated . 不同廠商銷售的產品有差別。

Products of individual labour are turned into commodities . 勞動產品轉化為商品。

A transannular product may be formed . 可能形成跨環產物。

An axial vector may itself enter into a vector product . 軸矢量自身可參與矢積。

The products are of the best class . 這些產品是第一流的。

There are as many as 300 new products on show .. 展出的新產品不下于三百種。

Argentina is a big exporter of beef products . 阿根廷是牛肉制品的一出口大國。

This term covers a diverse range of products . 這一術語涉及到不同范圍的產品。

Products of labour are transformed into commodities ... 勞動產品轉化為商品。

The only solution is to build good products . 唯一的辦法是制造出優良的產品。

These products can stand wear and tear . 這些產品能經久耐用。

We now export all kinds of industrial products . 我們現在輸出各種工業產品。

They must find outlets for their products . 他們必須為自己的產品尋找出路。

The k-car is a sensational product . K型車是一種不鳴則已,一鳴驚人的產品。

His failure is a product of ignorance . 他的失敗是無知的結果。