
procrastination n.耽擱,拖延,因循。 P- is the thief ...


In the project payment procrastination of the whole construction field , the project payment procrastination in government investment projects has a higher rate and a greater influence , and is the important and difficult place to clear up , and it has a leading and demonstrating function 在建設領域拖欠的工程款中,政府投資項目的拖欠占比高、影響大,是清理的重點和難點,也起著龍頭、帶動、示范作用。

They can also help counter the underlying causes of procrastination in retirement decisions - such as the complexity of making the best decision - by finding ways to make these decisions simpler or by offering financial education 雇主還可以通過設法簡化參加退休計劃的決定,或是對雇員進行財務知識培訓等方法,以幫助抗衡諸如退休過程太過復雜等導致雇員拖延做出決定的因素。

Because machines excel at mundane and repetitive tasks , the key to reducing the inherent drudgery and the natural human tendency for procrastination , is to automate the backup process 由于機器擅長于完成普通而重復的任務,因此,自動化備份的過程是降低工作內在的枯燥性和人們與生俱來的拖延傾向的關鍵所在。

You already know what procrastination and low motivation is costing you . and you know deep down that nothing is going to change for the better until you do 你已經知道了拖延和缺乏動力會損害你,你也深深地知道如果你不去做的話,任何事情都不會變得更好。 (那么就行動吧! )

Procrastination is a self - defeating behavior that develops in part due to low self - esteem and fear of failure . your imagination is like a preview of your future 拖延是一種打敗自我的行為,這也多少是由于自尊意識不強、害怕失敗而形成的。想象就是你對未來的展望。

Massive procrastination , combined with illness and a trip to chicago resulted in a very hastily drawn picture . my december b submission for the manga art exchange 拖了太久?生了一場病?和去了一趟芝加哥的結果。 2003年十二月下旬同人畫家交換作品展覽圖。

That is over and above the effect of avoidant coping styles that underlie procrastination and lead to disengagement via substance abuse 這是除回避反應應付模式外的一種影響,回避反應應付模式也是拖拉的根源,并導致通過藥物濫用尋求解脫。

Once again , procrastinations and hurricane - induced - power failures are not my friend . my october b submission for the manga art exchange 我自己不但拖的太久?臺風也讓我家停電好幾天。 2005年十月下旬同人畫家交換作品展覽圖。

A rather haphazard coloring job due to procrastination and me being out of town for a week . my june a submission for the manga art exchange 因為耽擱和出差而草草了事的圖畫。 2005年六月上旬同人畫家交換作品展覽圖。

Want to attack procrastination ? write down your goals twice a day . you ' ll become more focused on getting the important things done 是否想攻克你的拖延?一天兩次寫下你的目標。你會更關注去完成更重要的事情。

The era of procrastination , of half - measures , of soothing and baffling expedients , of delays , is coming to its close 繼續拖延、折衷和自我安慰實的權益之計的時代已經接近尾聲。

Over time , we build the habit of procrastination and end up paralyzed by inertia 長期下來,我們就養成了一個拖沓的習慣,最終就被惰性而麻痹。

Procrastination predicts higher levels of consumption of alcohol among those people who drink 拖拉可能導致喝酒的人酗酒程度更高。

Analysis of the reasons for project payment procrastination in government investment projects 政府投資項目拖欠工程款的成因分析

Why do people avoid commitment ? for some it s just procrastination 有些人只因為拖延,他們不會說:我不要委身。

Procrastination is not a problem of time management or of planning 拖拉不是一個時間管理或是計劃的問題。

Procrastination is of no use to you in your quest to fulfill your dreams 拖延對于實現你的目標毫無用處。

Procrastination is the thief of time 拖延就是浪費時間。

Procrastination is the thief of time 拖延是時間的大敵。