
procrastinate vi.,vt.耽擱,拖延,遷延,因循。


The legal impact that seaborne medium happening includes all sorts of contract concerns , tort relation and the other law concern that cause because of maritime and special risk , basically show carrier , actual carrier is the same as consignor , consignee or between the passenger , bear procrastinate to just be the same as fang zhi be pullinged , underwriter with the relation between insurant 海上運輸中發生的法律關系包括各種合同關系、侵權關系及因海上非凡風險而導致的其他法律關系,主要指承運人、實際承運人同托運人、收貨人或者旅客之間,承拖方同被拖方之間,保險人同被保險人之間的關系。

[ article 56 ] disciplinary actions shall be imposed on those customs personnel who abuse their power and intentionally create difficulties or procrastinate the control and examination ; disciplinary or legal actions shall be taken on those who practice graft , neglect their duties or indulge in smuggling , depending on the seriousness of the case 第五十六條海關工作人員濫用職權,故意刁難,拖延監管、查驗的,給予行政處分;徇私舞弊、玩忽職守或者放縱走私的,根據情節輕重,給予行政處分或者依法追究刑事責任。

Article 23 a business operator which bears responsibility for guaranteed repair , replacement and return or other liability in accordance with state regulations or an agreement with a consumer in providing a commodity or a service must carry out such responsibilities in accordance with state regulations or the agreement and shall not be permitted to deliberately procrastinate or refuse to do so without reason 第二十三條經營者提供商品或者服務,按照國家規定或者與消費者的約定,承擔包修、包換、包退或者其他責任的,應當按照國家規定或者約定履行,不得故意拖延或者無理拒絕。

Disciplinary actions shall be imposed on those customs personnel who abuse their power and intentionally create difficulties or procrastinate the control and examination ; disciplinary or legal actions shall be taken on those who practice graft , neglect their duties or indulge in smuggling , depending on the seriousness of the case 第五十六條海關工作人員濫用職權,故意刁難,拖延監管、查驗的,給予行政處分;徇私舞弊、玩忽職守或者放縱走私的,根據情節輕重,給予行政處分或者依法追究刑事責任。

Basically learn dc , alternating current way , lighting circuit , distribution circuit , transformer of odd , three - phase , dynamo job principle reachs operation method , the principle maintenance of electromotor of single - phase , three - phase reachs application , low - pressure electric equipment , electric power procrastinates move , electromotor maintains skill , brilliant brake canal can accuse rectification , electrical engineering appearance , the electron controls a technology , circuit of new light source , engine , principle of distribution ark job and installation technology 主要學習直流、交流電路,照明電路,配電電路,單、三相變壓器,發電機工作原理及操作方法,單相、三相電動機的原理維修及應用,低壓電器,電力拖動,電動機維修技巧,晶閘管可控整流,電工儀表,電子控制技術,新光源電路,發動機,配電柜工作原理及安裝技術等。

To prevent both sides long procrastinate not definitely , make insurance contract effectiveness is in not certain state , insurance law returns a regulation , the both sides inside two years did not come to an agreement since the day from contract effectiveness break down , the underwriter has authority to remove contract 為了防止雙方久拖不決,使保險合同效力處于不確定狀態,保險法還規定,自合同效力中止之日起兩年內雙方未達成協議的,保險人有權解除合同。

The key to controlling and ultimately combating this destructive habit is to recognize when you start procrastinating , understand why it happens ( even to the best of us ) , and take active steps to better manage your time and outcomes 控制和最基本的與這種破壞性的習慣做斗爭的要點是當開始拖延工作的時候想想為什么會這樣并采取一些實際有效的措施合理有效的分配自己的時間及相應產生的結果。

The experimental results showed that the content of se - component in the fruitbodies would be obviously promoted when na2seo3 was added to the media , but the growth and development of mycelia and fruitbodies were procrastinated and restrained to a certain extent 試驗結果表明,培養基中添加亞硒酸鈉時,能明顯提高子實體中硒的含量,但對菌絲體和子實體的生長有一定的延遲與抑制作用。

My company still does not have fixed assets to still do not calculate official start business without raw material now , if is that total so what procrastinating how to do not have what business does not have to make account book 我公司現在還沒有原材料沒有固定資產是不是還不算正式開業,那假如總這么拖著沒有業務沒有什么的怎么做帳呀?

If i didn ' t procrastinate so badly on this one , i probably would have gone one step further and had kirby gnawing on that massive hairdo , but since i was already very late i just did a simple cut and paste 我假如沒有拖到最后一刻才把這張圖畫完的話?我大概會把那個小粉球畫成試圖吃掉那頭長發?不過因為我已經快要遲交我只把它擺在角落。

“ some employees feel very comfortable making retirement savings and investment decisions , but many are overwhelmed when they face too many options - these are the folks who end up procrastinating , “ she says 她說: “有的人愿意自己決定退休儲蓄和投資方案,但還有許多人在面臨太多選擇的時候會無所適從,這樣,他們就會最終選擇拖延。 ”

Summary : do you check e - mail 100 times a day , only to answer two messages ? understanding why people really procrastinate is the key to purging that in - box and getting on with life 概要:你是否會在一天內察看郵箱一百次,僅僅為了回復兩條消息?要知道人為什么會拖沓(事情)是清空收件箱的關鍵,對于所要繼續的人生亦是如此。

I feel you should go to a hospital making complete inspection , procrastinating so , oneself take medicine in disorder worse , it is better to after going to normal hospital checking diagnose , take medicine again 我覺得你應該去醫院做一下徹底的檢查,不要這樣拖著,自己亂吃藥更不好,去正規的醫院檢查確診后再吃藥比較好。

Many person is safe without medical treatment , after these farmer brother fall ill , often ailment is procrastinating , a serious illness is being fought , come to a hospital to see a doctor to finally already too late 大量的人沒有醫療保險,這些農民兄弟生病以后,經常小病就拖著,大病抗著,到最后來醫院就診已經太晚了。

Finally , employees may procrastinate in their decision to move away from the default in much the same way as they put off their participation in the plan in the absence of automatic enrollment 最后一點,在沒有自動登記的情況下雇員遲遲不肯加入,基于同樣的道理,在舍棄默認方案而選擇其它方案的時候他們也會猶豫不決。

The farmer buys those who be used at agricultural production is big , medium - sized procrastinate machine ( 18 kilowatt above ) overall 3 bag period are 1 year ; small - sized tractor is overall 3 bag period are 9 months 農民購買的用于農業生產的大、中型拖機( 18千瓦以上)整機三包期為1年;小型拖拉機整機三包期為9個月。

In a nutshell , you procrastinate when you put off things that you should be focusing on right now , usually in favor of doing something that is more enjoyable or that you ' re more comfortable doing 簡單的說,一般情況下就是因為你認為有更令你感興趣、更輕松的事情做才會拖延原本應該立即做的工作的。

As you can see , that leaves almost no time for brooding , lagging , plodding , or procrastinating , and if we stopped to think or laugh , we ' d never get nothing done (你看,我們幾乎沒有功夫去想事兒,去埋頭苦干,去耽擱時間,如果我們停下來去想去笑,我們就永遠什么事也做不成。 )

In the clinical practice , many dermatologists have neglected skin disease pathogenesis treatment , caused the effect to be slow , poor effects and the course of an illness procrastinated 臨床實踐中,許多皮膚科醫生忽略了皮膚病的病機治療,導致了起效慢、療效差、病程遷延的結果。