
proclivity n.1.傾向,性癖,脾氣 (to; towards; f...


As a useful term , gender was mentioned the first time by an american anthropologist gagle rubin , this definition was gradually developed by the femilists and now is definited as the proclivities and the characteres of the male or female and the relative social roles of men or women in the economic and social position and the oppotunity differnces “社會性別”是由美國人類學家蓋爾?盧賓最早提出的,經女性主義學者們的不斷發展,將其定義交融同構為:社會文化中形成的屬于女性或男性的氣質和角色,及與此相關的男女在經濟、社會文化中的作用和機會的差異。

She was too deeply materialized , poor woman , by her long and enforced bondage to that arithmetical demon profit - and - loss , to retain much curiosity for its own sake , and apart from possible lodgers pockets . nevertheless , the visit of angel clare to her well - paying tenants , mr and mrs d urberville , as she deemed them , was sufficiently exceptional in point of time and manner to reinvigorate the feminine proclivity which had been stifled down as useless save in its bearings on the letting trade 盡管如此,安琪爾克萊爾對她的兩個闊綽的房客德貝維爾先生和夫人她是這樣認為的的拜訪,從時間上和態度上看都很不尋常,這就引發了她的女人的好奇心,本來她一直抑制著這種女人的好奇心,因為她認為這種好奇心除了對出租業務發揮作用而外,是沒有用處的。

Table 3 compares the mental health status of abused and non - abused elderly participants . results indicated that abused participants were more likely to report bodily discomfort , anxiety , depressed mood , and poor social relationship than non - abused participants . proclivity to elder abuse 表三對比受虐與沒有受虐長者的心理健康狀況,結果顯示與沒有受虐的長者相比,受虐長者有較多身體毛病,焦慮,社交失調及情緒抑郁等徵狀。

Study 2 is on the proclivity to elder abuse . a total of 464 ( 225 men and 235 women ) individuals were interviewed . participants ages ranged from 18 to 70 years old , with the average age being 28 years old 第二部份是有關公眾對虐待長者偏向性的調查,受訪者為464位年齡介乎18至70歲的人士,平均年齡約為28歲,受訪者來自社會不同階層,有225位男士及235位女士。

But with the self - combating proclivity of the super - sensitive , an answer thereto arose in clare s own mind , and he almost feared it . it was based on her exceptional physical nature ; and she might have used it promisingly 然而克萊爾是一個異常敏感的人,天生有一種自我爭論的脾性,這時他自己心中出現了一種辯辭,幾乎害怕苔絲真的會拿這種辯辭來反駁他。

Our carnivorous proclivities go back a long way ? and our ability to cope with the drawbacks of meat eating ( elevated cholesterol , parasites and infections ) may derive from certain genes 但還先別急著收起切肉刀,因為我們人類嗜肉的癖性可上溯至遠古,我們對食肉害處(膽固醇升高、寄生蟲和感染的增加)的抵抗力,也可能來自特定的基因。

The rich , multifaceted character of todays world youth reflects not only their individual strengths and proclivities but the influences exerted upon them by the external environments of their respective national societies 青春的豐富樣態,除了是個人長才與性向的展現外,亦即反應其國家社會之外在環境對其所造成的影響。

The interview included items on participants proclivity to elder abuse , childhood experience of abuse , views about traditionality and filial piety , as well as attitudes toward elderly people 訪問內容包括受訪者對虐待長者偏向性,童年受虐經驗,以及對傳統觀念,孝道和長者的看法等。

This , therefore , was the reason why the still comparatively young though dissolute man who now addressed stephen was spoken of by some with facetious proclivities as lord john corley 因此,現在和斯蒂芬打招呼的這位年紀還較輕卻放蕩不羈的人,就被某些好事之徒戲稱作約翰科利勛爵。

Alan greenspan went further to attribute this to “ the proclivity of firms that sell securities to retain and promote analysts with an optimistic inclination “ 格氏又認為證券商喜歡雇用及擢升一些偏向唱好企業的分析員,亦是導致后者評論企業前景時取態過分樂觀的原因。

Performance problems come in many guises , giving you ample opportunity to indulge your clue - hunting proclivities to identify and resolve them 性能問題以多種形式出現,為您提供了縱容自己的線索搜尋癖好來確定和解決這些問題的大量機會。

He carried himself with the same self - important air , took his new state with easy familiarity , and rejoiced in carrie s proclivities and successes 他風度依舊,神氣十足,從容不迫地對付新的處境,為嘉莉的癖好和成就感到高興。

In spite of their cunning philosophy and of their antlike proclivities for cooperation , nature rejected them for the exceptional man 大自然為了給超人讓路,拒絕了他們,沒有理會他們狡猾的哲學和螞蟻一樣的合作天性。

Regular readers of my columns may already have guessed that my proclivities lie with the use of rdf 我的專欄的熱心讀者可能已經猜到我傾向使用rdf 。

Now there was added a proclivity to emulate the scale of french colonial rule . 現在又增加了一種要同法國殖民統治規模媲美的傾向。