
procedural adj.(法律)程序上的,程序性的。 procedura...


The essence of fvj is a validity given by procedural law 最后,判決的權威還來自正當的程序保障。

Reconstruction of china ' s criterion of criminal procedural testification 論我國刑事訴訟的證明標準

On procedural violations of law in the process of criminal investigation 論犯罪偵查中的程序性違法

The position of procedural rights needs firstly be solved 程序性權利的定位是首先應解決的問題。

On the princilpe of administrative hearing and the procedural justice 論行政聽證的原則與程序價值

General policy and procedural matters (有關政府采購的一般政策

Judicial allocation of the procedural cost among justice and efficiency 兼論訴訟代理費的司法分配

Such agencies also have few or no procedural issues 此級別的代理很少有程序問題或沒有程序問題。

Enforce the supervision during the functioning of procedural law 其次,加強程序法實施的監督。

Discussion on college documentation procedural standardization 高校公文處理程序規范化問題的探討

On system of obtaining evidence for courts in civil procedural law 民事訴訟中的法院取證制度芻議

Procedural law in the process of action 對訴訟活動的法社會學審視

On the relations between substantive justice and procedural justice 論實體正義與程序正義的關系

On procedural status of procuratorial organs in civil actions 論檢察機關提起民事訴訟的法律地位

The position of procedural law in the legal system of our country 訴訟法在我國法律體系中的地位

Laws are sometimes referred to as substantive or procedural 有時候法律被稱作實體的或程序的。

The rise of administrative procedural law 論行政程序法在我國的興起

Judicial reform in our country on the view of procedural justice 從程序正義看我國的司法改革

Legislative fairness : a procedural perspective 論立法公平之程序構建