
probity n.正直,誠實。


In consequence , a new constitution was approved by parliament . section 13 of the constitution committed the state to introduce measures that would “ quarantee accountability , transparency , personal integrity and financial probity and which by virtue of their effectiveness and transparency will strengthen confidence in public institutions 結果,國會通過新憲法,憲法第13 ( o )條規定,國家承諾推行有關措施,保證承擔責任、高透明度、廉潔奉公,財政尚誠,以效率建政。

For some traditional moral such as the integrity creed spirit , the motherland passion spirit , the kindheartedness , the go - aheadism , moral resources aimed at ethic , devotion spirit to career , and the moral resources of and hardworking and probity , they should be commented and inherited under the new trend of marketing economy in socialism and should be put into new meaning in the new era 對于傳統道德的整體主義精神和愛國主義精神、仁愛精神、自強不息的進取精神、重視人倫關系的道德資源、勤學敬業精神、 “天人合一”的哲學倫理思想、誠信精神、勤儉廉潔的道德資源,我們應在社會主義市場經濟的新形勢下加以批判繼承,并賦予它在新時代新的內涵。

This web - site on “ integrity management in the civil service “ has been developed to enhance public understanding of the on - going efforts that are being made by the administration to promote an ethical culture within the civil service . it is hoped that access to this web - site would also help users to gain a fuller picture about the high standards of probity required of civil servants 設立這個“公務員誠信管理“網站的目的,是方便市民更進一步了解我們在推廣公務員廉潔風氣方面一直進行的工作,也讓瀏覽本網站的人士對公務員應有的崇高操守,有更全面的認識。

It is , in fact , not a common licensing feature in the major international financial centres . there are more objective measurements of the quality of a bank , including capital adequacy , asset quality , fitness and probity of the bank management as well as its major shareholders , and so on 事實上,以銀行的資產值作為其中一項發牌條件,在主要國際金融中心中并不常見,反而是其他衡量銀行質素的客觀指標,包括資本充足比率資產質素銀行管理層成員以至大股東是否具備適當資格等等,才是決定發牌與否的準則。

The first part introduces the relative concepts and the basic theories of avoidance system , it point that building the avoidance system satisfies the need of humans “ nature and maintains the fairness of administration actions , it is one of the import methods in constructing probity administration 第一部分介紹了與回避制度相關的概念及公務員回避制度的基本理論概述。明確指出了公務員回避制度的確立回應了人的本性需求,維護了行政行為的公正性,是廉政建設中不可缺少的一項重要措施。

“ i will not , “ continued he , after a moment s silence , “ conceal from you , that while your probity and exactitude up to this moment are universally acknowledged , yet the report is current in marseilles that you are not able to meet your liabilities . “我不必向您隱瞞, ”他沉默了一會兒,然后繼續說道, “到目前為止,您的信實守約是眾所周知的,可是據馬賽最近的傳聞來看,恐怕您無法償還您的債務了。 ”

Wave might relinquish his calling , and become at once , if he chose , a man of probity and piety on land ; nor , even in the full career of his reckless life , was he regarded as a personage with whom it was 那些在風口浪尖上謀生的海盜們,只要心甘情愿,可以洗手不干,立刻成為岸上的一名正直誠實的君子面即使在他們任意胡為的生涯中,人們也并不把他們視為不屑一頤或與之稍打交道就有損自己名聲的人。

It is right that we continue our approach of synergy and partnership . in future , the icac will continue to work closely with the civil service bureau ( csb ) and all departments in promoting a culture of probity in the civil service 與公務員事務局及各部門保持伴合作,發揮協同效益是我們一貫的方針。在未來的日子,廉政公署將繼續與各伴機構緊密合作,共同在公務員隊伍中推廣廉潔文化。

We , members of wenzhou yongqiang hi - tech , bearing the spirit of exploitation , innovation , high efficiency , probity , hardworking , and devotion , warmly welcome the talented people from all the areas to carry out projects and make achievements together with us 我們溫州永強高新區人將“開拓創新高效廉潔實干奉獻”的精神,竭誠歡迎社會各界有識之士來區投置業,共創輝煌!

“ your probity , “ replied the stranger , “ is so well known to the prefect that he wishes as a magistrate to ascertain from you some particulars connected with the public safety , to ascertain which i am deputed to see you “您的正直, ”來客繼續說, “總監是早有耳聞的,現在,他作為法官,希望要從您這兒了解一點有關社會治安的情況。為了了解這些情況,他委托我來見您。

With the development of marketing economic , especially as a member of wto , it ' s necessary to transfer the government function , regulate the government functions and set up a flexible , height efficiency and probity government 這部分是全文的重點,本文首先對改革開放以來我國歷次機構改革進行了回顧與反思,然后,詳細論述了我國“政府再造”的戰略選擇。

I told myself that , as long as i did nothing to prejudice the respect which i owe to your name and the time - honoured probity of the family , then i could behave as i have ? and this went some way to reassuring me about the fears i had “我想只要我不敗壞門風,玷辱家譽,我就可以像我現在這樣過日子,正是這些想法才使我稍許安心了些。 ”

Effective law enforcement aside , at the heart of hong kong s road to probity is the determination of government and community leaders to work in partnership to build a clean society which prides ethical practices 除了有效執法外,香港的倡廉工作亦有賴政府和社會領袖的共同努力、上下一心,竭力建立一個崇尚道德誠信的廉潔社會。

Effective law enforcement aside , at the heart of hong kong s road to probity is the determination of government and community leaders to work in partnership to build a clean society which prides ethical practices 除了有效執法外,香港的倡廉工作亦有賴政府和社會領袖的共同努力上下一心,竭力建立一個崇尚道德誠信的廉潔社會。

We hope to enhance staff awareness of the importance of upholding a high standard of civil service honesty and probity , and more importantly , the values set by the hkpf and our expectations of them . 我們希望藉此加強員工認識秉持公務員高度誠實和廉潔操守的重要性,而更重要的是讓他們清楚部門的價值觀和對他們的要求。

To ensure that the highest standards of integrity and probity are maintained within the civil service , we will not hesitate to take appropriate disciplinary action against civil servants who have committed misconduct 為維持一支廉潔奉公的公務員隊伍,我們會對行為不當的公務員采取適當的紀律處分,絕不姑息。

Being the operator of hong kong s stock market , the exchange is committed to upholding the highest standards of probity for maintaining hong kong as an international financial centre 作為香港證券市場的營運者,聯交所向來致力維系最高的道德標準,以保持香港的國際金融中心地位。

Public works consultants , contractors and suppliers will be required to plead for probity by submitting the approved company codes of ethics and code of conduct for company staff 日后,公共工程顧問、承建商和供應商必須致力維護誠信,并提交一套讓雇員遵循的道德行為守則。

The french feel the superiority of this probity . the englishman is not springing a trap for his admiration , but is honestly minding his business 法國人能夠感受到誠實是無上重要的品質(言外之意他們之間欠缺誠信) ,而英國人不以揭露陷阱為榮,只是老老實實地做好自己的事。