probationer n.1.試用人員,見習生,練習生;試讀生;候補牧師;候補...
n. 1.試用人員,見習生,練習生;試讀生;候補牧師;候補會員[黨員、社員等]。 2.緩刑中的罪犯。 “probationer nurse“ 中文翻譯: 實習護士“probationary year“ 中文翻譯: 試用年“probationership“ 中文翻譯: 見習訓練“probationary ward“ 中文翻譯: 觀察病室; 甄別病室“probative“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.檢驗的,鑒定的;試驗中的。 2.證明的;作證據用的。 a probative letter 證明信。 “probationary training“ 中文翻譯: 見習訓練“probative value“ 中文翻譯: 證據力; 證明價值“probationary terms“ 中文翻譯: 試用條款“probativeness“ 中文翻譯: 證明性“probationary teacher“ 中文翻譯: 試用教師; 試用教員
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In october 1996 , judge sherri sullivan of missouri s 22nd circuit court inaugurated a meditation center that can house 300 to 400 probationers . the opening of this center marks a new trend in ideology toward resolution of the crime issue 一九九六年十月,密蘇里州圣路易市為緩刑犯設立的靜坐中心終于開幕了,它可容納三四百位受刑人,從此解決犯罪問題的方法也進入了新的紀元。 |
The annual commendation ceremony is held by the ministry of justice to encourage social organizations to devote resources to prison counseling and probationer protection work , and to help released inmates live new and independent lives 法務部主辦此項頒獎活動,意為獎勵社會各界運用其資源參與監所教化及保護事業,協助出獄人自立更生。 |
Contribution to the emergency relief and love fund for sick , needy , and financially deprived probationers , set up by the hualien branch of the formosa new life protection association 捐贈更生保護會花蓮分會之貧病無經濟能力之受保護管束人急難救助金10 , 000 |
Characteristics of the reward and punishment assessment measures for probationers under community correction programmes at the present stage 淺析現階段社區矯正對象獎懲考核辦法的特點 |
If i have a criminal record , can i apply for the volunteer scheme for probationers 如我有犯罪記錄,我可否申請成為“感化事務義務工作計劃”的義工 |