
probate n.【法律】1.遺囑檢驗。2.驗訖的遺囑。短語和例子th...

probate duty

To ensure that the family or dependents of the deceased in straits can meet funeral expenses or their own living expenses , the new ordinance amends the probate and administration ordinance . new provisions are added to empower the secretary for home affairs to authorize on application release of money from the deceased s bank account to meet funeral expenses or the maintenance of any person who was dependent on the deceased before his death and has an interest in the estate 為了確保死者家屬或遺屬能在缺乏金錢而又有急需的情況下得以處理死者的后事或維持遺屬的生活,新條例在遺囑認證及遺產管理條例加入條文,賦予民政事務局局長按申請授權從死者的銀行戶口發放款項,以支付死者的殮葬費用和應付死者生前受養而又在遺產中享有權益的人的生活開支

No probate or letters of administration shall be issued by the court until the commissioner shall have certified in writing that the estate duty payable by the executor upon the estate in respect of which probate or letters of administration is sought has been paid or that he has allowed payment thereof to be postponed , or that no estate duty is payable in respect of the estate 法院不會發出任何遺囑認證或遺產管理書,直至遺產稅署署長以書面證實遺囑執行人已清繳有關正在申領遺囑認證或遺產管理書的遺產所應繳付的遺產稅款,或署長已批準遺囑執行人延期繳納有關稅款,又或該筆遺產無須繳付任何遺產稅款。

The house committee has reservation regarding the timetable being too tight . i can understand why they have such reservation because our original intention is upon the abolition of the estate duty , many of the functions for the probate can be done by either the lawyers , accountants or bankers . but in this case , during the bills committee stage , many of the members felt that these functions should continue to be performed by the government 這主要是因為我們認為在建議廢除遺產稅后,馀下和繼承遺產有關的各方面工作,有很多是可以透過民間團體去做,例如由律師會計師或銀行去做,但多數議員都認為這些工作應由政府繼續做,所以我們亦接納了這些建議,因此在審議過程中,時間表顯得非常倉卒。

“ apart from attracting or retaining capital to promote the development of hong kong s financial services industry , the proposed abolition of estate duty will also reduce the time taken for obtaining the grant of probate or letters of administration , thereby helping to ease cash - flow problems heirs to an estate currently face , particularly for operators of small and medium enterprises , “ the spokesman added 除了吸引或保留資金以推廣香港的金融業發展外,取消遺產稅亦會縮短遺產承繼人申請遺囑認證和遺產管理書以領取遺產的時間。這會有助紓緩他們現時所面對的資金周轉問題,特別是對經營中小企業的人士。

There master courtenay , sitting in his own chamber , gave his rede and master justice andrews sitting without a jury in the probate court , weighed well and pondered the claims of the first chargeant upon the property in the matter of the will propounded and final testamentary disposition in re the real and personal estate of the late lamented jacob halliday , vintner , deceased versus livingstone , an infant , of unsound mind , and another 在該遺囑中,被深切哀悼的已故葡萄酒商雅各布哈利戴留給了神經不正常的未成年人利文斯通和另一個人各一份動產與不動產。關于337第一債權人對這份呈交上來以供檢驗其合法性并最終確定如何予以執行的遺囑中記載的財產所提出的要求,他正在慎重衡量并深思熟慮。

Information booklet and leaflets on the services are available at the public enquiry service centres of the home affairs department in the 18 districts , the estate duty office of the inland revenue department , the probate registry , the relevant service centres of the social welfare department , the deaths registries and all public hospitals 有關各項服務的資料小冊子和單張現正在民政事務總署各區諮詢服務中心稅務局遺產稅署遺產承辦處社會福利署轄下的相關服務中心死亡登記處及公立醫院派發。

The successor should produce an original or certified copy of letters of administration or probate and surrender the duplicate of the old underlease . on approval by the secretary for the civil service , fsi section will prepare a new underlease and nomination and any other required documents for execution by the successor 公務員事務司局局長批準申請后,財政司司長法團事務組便會草擬一份新的分租租契、提名書、以及其他所需文件,供有關繼承人簽署。

Rubinstein , in another study , has begun to buttress his findings about the location of wealth by analyzing income tax returns , which reveal a geographical distribution of middle - class incomes similar to that of wealthy incomes revealed by probate records 在另一項研究中,魯賓斯坦已經開始通過對所得稅申報表的分析來支持他的的財富定位的發現,后者揭示了中產階級收入的地理學分配,正如遺產認證記錄揭示了富人階層的收入。

In scrutinizing the bill , the bills committee discussed the functions to be taken up by the secretary for home affairs upon the abolition of estate duty for probate administrative purpose and whether fees should be charged for the functions to be taken up by sha 法案委員會在審議條例草案時,曾討論在取消遺產稅后民政事務局局長為利便有關人士承辦遺產事宜而執行的職能,以及應否就民政事務局局長將會執行的職能徵收費用。

Moreover , the abolition will reduce the time taken for obtaining the grant of probate or letters of administration , thereby helping to ease cash - flow problems that heirs to an estate currently face , particularly for the general public as well as operators of small and medium enterprises 另一方面,取消遺產稅亦有助縮短遺產認證程序所需的時間,有助紓緩遺產受益人現時所面對的資金周轉問題,惠及普羅大眾及中小企。

Family court registry for matrimonial proceedings , lands registry for lands matters , district court registry for employees ' compensation proceedings , and probate registry for grants of representation to estates of deceased persons 涉及婚姻事宜的訴訟應聯絡家事法庭登記處、涉及土地事宜應聯絡土地審裁處登記處、涉及雇員補償訴訟應聯絡區域法院登記處、涉及遺產承辦申請則應聯絡遺產承辦處。

The applicant should approach the probate registrar to enquire whether his office would informally administer the estate . however , these simplified procedures do not apply where the estate consists of any interests in business or land 申請人應向遺產管理官查詢遺產承辦處會否非正式管理該份遺產。不過,該等簡化程序不適用于包括任何業務或土地權益的遺產。

The law of new york relating to the probate of wills and the distributions of estates will not be construed so as to secure the benefit of a will to a legatee who has killed the testator in order to prevent a revocation of the will (紐約州關于公正遺囑和分割遺產的法律,不能被解釋成繼承人為阻止遺囑人撤銷遺囑,可以通過殺害遺囑人的方式來獲得遺囑利益。

Besides the probate , large fees are demanded for burying him in the chancel ; his virtues are handed down to posterity on taxed marble ; and he is then gathered to his fathers to be taxed no more 除了遺囑,埋葬他還要高額的費用,他的遺言被刻在交了稅的石碑上留傳后世;這之后,他終于可以和他的祖輩們相聚,終于可以不用再交任何稅了。

A pamphlet on “ how to apply for estate duty clearance “ and a booklet entitled “ probate registry “ ( published by the judiciary ) can also be obtained from this department s estate duty office on 5f 如欲查詢申請遺產稅證書或遺產承辦書手續,請向本局五樓遺產稅署索取怎樣申請遺產稅證書及由司法機構印制的遺產承辦處小冊子。

As yet , there is no scope for accountants to do probate work - known as confirmation - in scotland , although icas said it was planning to meet the scottish executive to discuss the possibility 盡管icas表示其正在計劃與蘇格蘭執政者會晤,商談開展遺囑鑒證的可能性,但是直至今天,在蘇格蘭,會計人員仍然是不允許開展此項業務的。

It is possible that their probate values were much lower than their actual market value : cash or near - cash , such as bank balances or stocks , were , on the other hand , invariably considered at full face value 他們的驗訖遺產值可能大大低于實際市場價,而另一方面,現金或準現金,如銀行結余或股票,總是以全額票面價值來衡量的。

If you are an heir or beneficiary of a probate or trust , heir advance co . can provide you with a cash advance on your inheritance within several days of receiving your application and paperwork 如果你是遺囑查驗或信賴的繼承人或受益人,繼承人進步公司在幾天內接受你的申請和文書工作能在你的遺傳上提供一個現金進步給你。

The secretary for home affairs is empowered to provide the support services under the probate and administration ordinance , with effect from february 11 , 2006 , following the abolition of estate duty 民政事務局局長根據遺囑認證及遺產管理條例獲授權,于去年二月十一日遺產稅取消后,提供有關的支援服務。