
prizewinner 獲獎人。


Conducted education 1997 literature & art creation award & awarding ceremony ; there were 12 categories in this year as libretto of stage opera , libretto of taiwan opera , short story , prose , new poem , classical poem , vocal music composition , traditional chinese painting , calligraphy , oil painting , watercolor , photographing , total 86 prizewinner 辦理教育八十六年度文藝創作獎暨頒獎典禮,本年度計有舞臺劇劇本、歌仔戲劇本、短篇小說、散文、新詩、古典詩、聲樂曲、國畫、書法、油畫、水彩、攝影、等十二類,得獎人共六十六名。

He was a prizewinner in the international ceramics biennale in vallauris , france in 1976 ; third prize for ceramic work “ interiors “ in the faenza international ceramic competitions in 1979 : first prize for ceramic work “ my window “ and 1982 ; first prize for ceramic work “ reminiscences . 他的陶藝作品里面在1976年法國瓦洛里舉辦的國際陶藝雙年展上獲得三等獎陶藝作品我的窗子在1979年法恩扎國際陶藝大賽上獲得一等獎陶藝作品追憶獲得1982年的一等獎。

Winner of the first prize as well as lyre d or in the 35 th concours international des jeunes chefs d orchestre de besancon , france and a prizewinner in the 8 th tokyo international conducting competition in 1988 , yip is in great demand as a guest conductor in asia 曾獲法國貝桑松第35屆國際青年指揮大賽冠軍及金豎琴獎,并獲第八屆東京國際指揮比賽獎項的葉詠詩,在亞洲樂壇炙手可熱。

I am still getting used to it , “ the 24 - year - old novelist told ireland ' s rte public radio . her fellow nominees include a pulitzer prizewinner and a writer previously shortlisted for britain ' s best - known literary gong , the booker prize 據悉,與塞西莉亞同時成為大獎候選人的還包括一位美國普利策獎得主和曾入選英國布克文學獎最終候選人名單的作家。

He won the first prize in the fifth wieniawski international youth violin competition at 11 by the unanimous vote of 20 judges , becoming the youngest prizewinner under 16 李氏十一歲參加第五屆維尼亞夫斯基國際青年小提琴大賽,獲二十位評判一致推許,成為該項比賽十六歲以下組別最年輕的冠軍。

As simon , the nobel economics prizewinner , notes that problem of an organization is not about the organization itself , but with people concerned 諾貝爾經濟學獎獲得者西蒙指出: “組織的問題不在于組織本身,而在于有關的人。 ”

The photographer actually strengthened this prizewinner by ignoring a few guidelines and composing this subject in the center of the format 攝影者忽略了一些法則,把主體置于中間位置,竟然使這個獲獎人的效果得以加強。