
privative adj.1.剝奪的,褫奪的。2.缺乏某種性質的。3.【語...


Non - governmentalization is not only instruments , but also one kind of ideology . introducing “ competition - driven “ , “ customer - driven “ , “ performance - driven “ of privative department into public department result in the restructure of property intuition and change of the relation between government and public enterprise 民營化不僅僅是一種工具,更是一種理念,將市場中的“競爭導向” 、 “顧客導向” 、 “績效導向”引入公共領域,同時引發公共企業產權制度與政企關系發生深刻變革。

The model of non - governmentalization emphasis on the role of privative department in the supply of public goods , reduce the intervention of government . by applying the management methods of privative department to improve the efficient of public enterprise 它強調在公共物品供給中更多地依靠私營部門的投入,從整體上減少政府干預的程度;通過產權制度的重構與私營企業管理方法在公共企業中的應用來提高公共企業的效率。

Authority of illicit of property ownership system is divine it is the sufficient protection that shows the civil rights of civil main body gets law , do not suffer anybody and the encroachment of any influence , not comply unlimited or proper legal order is privative 財產所有權制度私權神圣是指民事主體的民事權利受法律的充分保護,不受任何人以及任何權力的侵犯,不依正當的法律程序不受限制或剝奪。