
private adj.1.私的,私人的,個人的,私用的,專用的。2.秘...

private bill

Private investors are steering clear of nuclear power . 私人投資者現在都對核電敬而遠之。

She is acting as a private individual in this matter . 她在這個問題上只代表她個人意見。

This is a private conversation ! 我們是私人談話!

Give off parts of a nationalized industry to private ownership . 將部分國營工業私有化。

We are quite private here . 這里就不怕被人看見了。

Will you let me speak a word or two with you in private ? 你肯讓我同你私下談兩句話嗎?

I am not going to tell you about it ; it is private . 我不打算把此事告訴你;這是私事。

She would not be drawn about her private life . 關于她的私生活你就別想讓她吐露半點。

Sam held to the private belief . 薩姆堅持自己的看法。

She asked to see him in private . 她請求單獨與他見面。

Public and private laws are contained in separate volumes . 公法和私法被分卷收編。

They retired to another room for private consultation . 他們退到另一房間秘密磋商。

All of this was private and never spoken of . 這一切都是個人秘密,從來沒有吐露過。

Over the river is private land . 河的那邊是私人的土地。

I'm really a very private person . 我的天性是很拘謹的。

He amused himself with abuse of their private lives . 他以攻擊他們的私生活為樂。

In between, they had snatches of private talk . 在這中間,他們有時私下談上幾句。

Each retreated into silence and his private fears . 各人都默默地愁著各人的心事。

I have private responsibilities also . 我也有自己的事情。