
pristine adj.1.原始時代的,原始的;太古的;早期的。2.原來...


Sanya city is famous for its white sand beaches and pristine ocean . you can enjoy scuba diving and all kinds of water sports there 閣下除了享受三亞的藍天碧海、雪白的沙灘外,還有很多類型的水上活動給您選擇。

The classic example of the shooting photo - op was ( 5 ) john kerry ' s appearance in rather too pristine [ 9 ] duck - hunting gear in october 2004 2004年10月約翰?克里站在一架有點土氣的跟蹤野鴨裝置前的照片可謂經典。

You can swim with dolphins , gambol with newborn lambs , whale - watch at sea or go fishing for trout in pristine streams and rivers 你可以與海豚同游、與新生羊羔嬉戲、在海上觀鯨,或是在純凈的溪流中垂釣鱒魚。

Some visitors spend weeks seeking more remote and even more pristine sanctuaries islanded with towering pines and spruce 一些游客在聳立著松樹和云杉的小島上消磨數星期的時光來尋求更多的清靜和純凈的庇護。

Camping in undisturbed remote areas : [ / b ] pristine areas are usually remote , see few visitors , and have no obvious impacts 在未被干擾的邊遠地區: [ / b ]原生的地方通常很遠,很少來訪者,而且沒有明顯的影響。

Coming in boasting a clean sweep in 2005 , the rockets seemed to have their work cut out for them to maintain that pristine record 帶著2005年夏的不敗記錄,火箭似乎對于保持這樣的輝煌戰果得心應手。

Camping in undisturbed remote areas : pristine areas are usually remote , see few visitors , and have no obvious impacts 在未被干擾的邊遠地區:原生的地方通常很遠,很少來訪者,而且沒有明顯的影響。

( 5 ) we study the non - isothermal crystallization behavior of pp / at composite by means of dsc compared with pristine pp ( 5 )用dsc手段研究了聚丙烯凹土的非等溫結晶行為,并與純聚丙烯進行比較。

Comets are believed to contain pristine examples of the materials that coalesced 4 . 5 billion years ago to form our solar system 彗星中含有45億年前的原始合成物質,太陽系就是由這些物質構成的。

In pristine areas : - disperse use to prevent the creation of campsites and trails . - avoid places where impacts are just beginning 在未開發地區-避免開發出營區或步道。 -避免使用剛被影響之處。

The resident expressed concern , as the fences might not look good aesthetically in the surrounding pristine area 該自動氣象站靠近一所民居,住戶擔心圍欄的外觀或會與周遭的自然風貌格格不入。

Dwarf female - “ i give myself a dutch oven pedicure every night . i ' ve got no foot fungus at all . my toes are pristine . 我每晚都要修一次腳,所以我根本沒有腳氣,腳趾頭一點點毛病也沒有。

The other arm on his right holds aloft gently a set of crystal prayer beads and the other hand holds a pristine lotus ?左手持清凈蓮花代表其護持眾生的心念純潔得如蓮花般出污泥而不染。

Most visitors go there once , enjoy the colonial architecture and pristine beaches , and never go back 大多數游客僅去一趟,欣賞完當地殖民時代的建筑風光和質樸的海灘景色,就不會再去了。

[ b ] in pristine sites [ / b ] it is best to spread out tents , avoid repetitive traffic routes , and move camp every night 在原生地區[ / b ] ,最好把帳篷分散,避免重復踐踏的路,每晚移動營地。

In pristine sites [ / b ] it is best to spread out tents , avoid repetitive traffic routes , and move camp every night 在原生地區[ / b ] ,最好把帳篷分散,避免重復踐踏的路,每晚移動營地。

The island has pristine reefs , and so far 800 different species of coral have been identified off the coast 島上有原始的珊瑚礁,截至目前為止,外海已確認的珊瑚礁品種更有八百種。

Even the old shop - houses were conserved and restored to its pristine condition with modern layout and styling 即便是老式商店,既具有現代的陳列方式,又保存了原有的質樸感。

In pristine sites it is best to spread out tents , avoid repetitive traffic routes , and move camp every night 在原生地區,最好把帳篷分散,避免重復踐踏的路,每晚移動營地。