
priority n.1.(時間、順序上的)先,前。2.較重要;上席;上位...

priority construction

Priority for basic development packages lowered 基本的開發套件的優先等級降低了

So the cometary dust work had to take priority 也因此彗星塵埃的工作獲得了優先。

Distance education - priority in great openness of the west 遠程開放教育應優先發展

Supporting priorities of national basic research program in 2007年度重要支持方向

Gets or sets the priority of this e - mail message 獲取或設置此電子郵件的優先級。

The priority diplomacy in putin ' s administration 普京政府外交政策的優先考慮對象

He used to tell me to keep my priorities straight 他總是告訴我要堅守自己的信念

It is on our list of top priorities this year 去印度在我們的行程中占優先地位。

You cannot change the priority for the todo comment 無法更改todo注釋的優先級。

Anyway , it made me re - evaluate my priorities . . 總之,這件事讓我重新自我評價. .

So being responsible for the ads is of top priority 因此對廣告負責是最首要的。

My railroad is a priority for this country 我的鐵路對國家來說是處在優先地位的

Gets the priority of the accessibility checkpoint 獲取可訪問性檢查點的優先級。

Tasks with the lowest priority are delayed first . 最低優先級的任務首先延遲。

China everbright bank haikou branch set priorities for 積極應對入世抓住重點發展

The press and other communication media perform the arduous task of sorting out and assigning priorities to these words and events . 報紙和其他傳播媒介做的是把這些話和這些事件加以整理和分出其輕重緩急的吃力工作。

Could hanoi so adjust its scale of values so as to give building its economy a higher priority than it had in all previous period in its history ? 河內一向不把經濟建設放在很高位置,現在它肯改弦更張嗎?

Yet because security was a non-revenue-producing function, its position on the priority list for additional funds was low . 不過,安全部本身是個無進項可謀的部門,要審請額外經費就得換在別人后面。

Anyone who wants to become a problem-solver in business has to learn fairly early how to establish priorities . 任何人如想在商業界挑大梁,解決問題,就得很早就要學會安排事物的輕重緩急。