
prior n.普賴爾〔姓氏〕。


And prior to becoming a decorated police officer 在他成為一個優秀的警官之前呢

From 2 september up to 7 days prior to the performance 九月二日起至演出前七天止

Information is subject to change without prior notice 如有更改,恕不另行通告。

Listing 4 adds a method to the prior example 清單4給前面的例子添加了一個方法:

Prices are subject to change without prior notice 收費或作調整,恕不另行通告。

In some states, a person can register any time during the year except just prior to elections, when the books are closed to allow the election officials to prepare their records for the election . 有些州任何時候都可以登記,只有大選快要舉行以前除外,那時停止好讓辦理選舉的人員準備選舉紀錄。

Prior to 1962 the ucp were primarily designed to safeguard the banker when the buyer gave incomplete or imprecise instructions . 一九六二年以前,《統一貫例》擬定的主要目的,是在買方所作的指示不完整或不明確時,用以保護銀行的利益。

The chaplain tingled with a weird, occult sensation of having experienced the identical situation before in some prior time or existence . 牧師心頭猛地一動,出現了一種神秘古怪的感覺,好象從前某個時候曾經經歷過同樣的情景似的。

But samples of effluent collected over the same period of time measure the treatment given to weak waste that entered the plant prior to 8 a.m . 但在同樣時間收集的流出液,則用作測定上午8點前進入裝置經過處理的廢水的濃度。

Prior to and during world war ii, the efforts of schrader's group were directed toward the development of chemical-warfare agents . 在第二次世界大戰以前及大戰期間,Schrader小組致力于發展化學戰劑。

Also, in prior years, adjustment of the signal-generator and torque-generator stator mechanical radial positions was required . 前些年對信號發生器和轉矩發生器定子的機械半徑位置也要進行調整。

The insertion of the initial velocity is accomplished by offsetting the motor shaft position prior to the start of navigation . 初始速度的加入可以在導航開始前用預先裝走馬達軸的位置來實現。

This kind of behavior had been observed and studied extensively by george stokes prior to the advent of quantum theory . 喬治斯托克斯在量子理論提出之前曾對這種現象進行過廣泛觀察和研究。

Among the budding baton-wielders preparing for the next concert but one were found mr. whitelaw and mr. prior . 在準備參加下一屆競選的初露頭角的人物中,就有懷特洛先生和普賴爾先生。

Mercerizing is one of the more important steps conducted on cotton fabrics prior to dyeing, printing and finishing . 絲光是在染色,印花和整理之前很重要的一個棉織品處理工序。

Prior to making a foreign investment, a corporation has usually had some form of trade with the foreign nation . 一家公司在對外投資以前,往往與該國已有某種形式的貿易往來。

Careful questioning of the owner or his attendant can yield information about the diet or the prior diet . 仔細詢問主人或其隨行者,能夠提供有關飲食和既往的飲食史。

The chinese immersed their wood in sea water or salt lakes prior to use as a building material . 中國人在把木材用作建筑材料前,先將它浸泡在海水或鹽湖水中。

It is sometimes so treated prior to processing into edible product by bleaching and deodorization . 用它加工食品時,有時需要預先進行漂白和脫味處理。