
printable adj.1.可印刷的,印得出來的;可翻印的。2.適宜于出...


For full reading citations , please see the readings section . and for a printable version of this calendar , please click here ( pdf ) 要得到閱讀資料的完整出處,請看閱讀資料部分。點擊此處可以得到本教學時程打印版本。

We will also provide a printable version of the statement available to view online and the option to download them as ready - to - print pdf file 我們也提供可于網上查看和可列印的版本,以及將月結單下載成為pdf格式。

Valid input characters include all printable characters , which include letters , digits , punctuation , symbols and the space character 有效的輸入字符包括所有可打印字符,其中包括字母、數字、標點、符號和空白字符。

Valid mask characters include all printable characters , which include letters , digits , punctuation , symbols and the space character 有效的掩碼字符包括所有可打印字符,其中包括字母、數字、標點、符號和空白字符。

12 mile trail race taking place early may in amherst , ma . general information , past results , and printable entry 12英里小道種族發生在阿默斯特,的早5月麻省。一般信息,過去的結果,和可印刷的入口。

Any of the characters in the input value , input , are not printable , or the input value does not match its corresponding mask element 中有任何不可打印的字符,或者輸入值與其相應的掩碼元素不匹配。

For a printable version of each visa information page please click the print icon found at the bottom of each page you wish to print 每個簽證信息頁都可以打印,請點擊每頁下方的打印標志來打印。

Valid password characters include all printable characters and the null character , which is used to disable password functionality 有效的密碼字符包括所有可打印字符和用于禁用密碼功能的空字符。

Printable puzzles and other diversions to help substitute teachers involve their temporary students in mind stretching activities - 17173 . com提供的flash游戲,有益智動作體育棋牌休閑等類別。

Ordinary characters consist of all printable and non - printable characters that are not explicitly designated as metacharacters 普通字符包括沒有顯式指定為元字符的所有可打印和不可打印字符。

A string of printable characters intended to be used as a key of some sort in controlling access to files or systems 打算在控制對文件或系統訪問時作為某類密鑰使用的一種可打印字符串。

Input , is not a valid input character because it is not printable or does not match its corresponding mask element 不可打印或者與它的相應掩碼元素不匹配,因此它不是有效的輸入字符。

Online games , activities , and printable coloring pages to teach and reinforce basic skills -提供育兒知識和咨詢,包括育兒咨詢,在線醫院,靈童學苑,成長歷程,寶寶社區。

The printable area of a page varies from printer to printer and is not guaranteed to be symmetrical 根據打印機的不同,頁面可打印區域也有所不同,而且不保證一定對稱。

The return value is a 13 - character printable character string representing the encrypted password 返回值是一個包含13個可打印字符的字符串,用來表示加密后的密碼。

You can use this property to print outside the margins of the page , but within the printable area 可使用該屬性在頁邊距以外、可打印區域以內的區域進行打印。

Event log names must consist of printable characters , and cannot include the characters , 事件日志名稱必須由可打印字符組成,且不得包含字符“ * ” 、 “ ? ”

Printable coloring book , available in . gif and . pdf formats , helps prepare children for a visit to the doctor 兒童少年青少年-認識禽流感與十不五要

His comment when he heard the news was not printable ! ie was too rude to be printed 他在得知這消息時所發的議論不宜見諸報端(語言粗俗難登大雅之堂)