
principled adj.原則的,原則性的,有原則的;有節操的。 high...


Obviously , although the adoption of mens rea principle is a legal system that should be emphasized on after the criminal offenders were observed as puny community , it has a popular and principled character . we ought to notice that the confirmation of status of puny community is a result from comparison 可見,雖然罪過原則的選擇是近代以來對犯罪人群體加以弱者認識后需要堅持的一項法律制度,它具有普適性與原則性,但我們應當看到弱者地位的確定是一種比較的結果。

Then we get the conclusion that the characteristics of the norm of constitution are fundamentality , supremeness , political nature , universality , principled nature and generalization , special nature of sanction , adaptability and stability . as the same time , we point out that the norm of constitution is different from constitutional article 指出憲法規范作為一種特殊的法律規范,具有一般法律規范的所有屬性,也存在其他的差異;歸納出憲法規范的特性是根本性、至上性、政治性、廣泛性、原則性和概括性、特殊的制裁性、適應性和穩定性。

The main inadequacies include : firstly , the decreasing and recycling of the urban wastes are n ' t the main direction of the legislation ; secondly , the current laws and rules are too principled to operate efficiently ; thirdly , the current established administrative system is disadvantageous for the prevention and solution to the urban wastes to get out of the predicament ; fourthly , the laws themselves are dissatisfactory 不足之處主要有:城市生活垃圾減量化、資源化未能成為立法的主要方向。現行法律規定過于原則,不利于實際操作。現行法律確立的管理體制不利于走出城市生活垃圾污染防治工作困境。

However , there is another view that any amendment made to the method for selecting the chief executive and the method for forming the legislative council as prescribed in annex i or annex ii to the basic law should , according to the basic law , carry constitutional status . as with the present arrangements laid down in annex i and annex ii , the principled provisions should first be provided for in annex i and annex ii to the basic law , followed by the enactment of local legislation to complement these new provisions 但亦有意見認為任何對《基本法》附件一或附件二有關行政長官或立法會產生辦法之修改,根據《基本法》應屬于憲法層面,一如目前附件一及附件二的安排,應先在《基本法》附件一及附件二的層面作原則性規定,然后以本地立法配合落實新規定。

In all these areas , the record we have forged is itself the best argument for a principled and robust policy of american engagement in the world . because of our military and economic might , because we are trusted to uphold universal values , there are times when only america can lead 而是由于我們與其他國家共同分擔參與的風險與成本而來,由于我們運用本身成功范例的力量,并在必要時以展現強大的國力而得來的,也由于因為我們深信這么做將來會有回報,而愿意在現在做艱難的選擇。

( 4 ) constitute a law of wildlife industry preconditioned by consummating the ownership right of wildlife , framed by the systems mentioned above , principled with coordination of protection and utilization , macroscopical regulation and control and sustainable development , based on the system of classification management , and supported with science and technology ( 4 )制定一部以完善的野生動物產權制度為立法基本前提,以上述幾種基本制度為框架,以保護與利用相協調、宏觀調控、可持續發展為立法基本原則,以分類管理體制為立法基點、以科學技術管理體制為立法支撐的野生動物產業法。

We have chosen a different course that i believe to be both principled and pragmatic : expanding our areas of cooperation with china while dealing forthrightly with our differences . this policy is supported by our key democratic allies in asia , japan , south korea , australia , thailand , and the philippines 一九九一到九六年間,美國對中國出口的年平均成長率為百分之十六,相較之下,美國對亞洲其他各國的出口成長率為百分之十一,對世界其他地區則為百分之七。

To counter the question , which the relative clauses was too principled and simple , the thesis makes a thorough and painstaking study of the institution of the surety ’ s recourse on the whole following the lucid vein of recourse ’ s creation basis 、 recourse ’ s exercise 、 limitation and recourse ’ s saving 首先通過總結與借鑒國內外先進的立法體例,對追償權的相關基礎理論知識,包括追償權的發生基礎、追償權的行使與限制等進行重新規范與調整。

A principled sample machine of maglev positioning stage is manufactured . on different status , comparing tests are carried out for linear positioning motion of the sample . the result shows that the positioning precision when the sample is on maglev status 結果表明,磁懸浮狀態下的定位精度要高于摩擦狀態下的定位精度,中國科學院博士學位論文:微電子制芯領域中磁懸浮精密定位平臺的研究磁懸浮結乍j有利于提高平臺的定位精度。

Each tool has the exact same notion of a join point model , treating join points as principled points in a java program , pointcuts as a mechanism for matching join points , and advice as a mechanism for specifying what to execute when a pointcut is matched 每個工具都有完全相同的連接點模型的概念,都把連接點作為java程序中的關鍵點,把切入點作為匹配連接點的機制,把通知作為指定連接點匹配時執行操作的機制。

Faria gazed fondly on his noble - minded , single - hearted , high - principled young friend , and read in his countenance ample confirmation of the sincerity of his devotion and the loyalty of his purpose . “ thanks , “ murmured the invalid , extending one hand 法利亞望著這個年輕人,他是這樣的高尚,這樣的樸實,又有著這樣崇高的精神,從他那忠厚坦誠的臉上,可以充分看出信心,誠懇,摯愛和真誠的情意。

With regard to the developments of the talks , so far it ' s fair to say that , due to prior substantial preparations , all the parties have a clear understanding of the goal of the talks and major issues and principled framework to be discussed during the talks 對于到目前為止會談的進展情況,應該說由于會前準備充分,各方對這次會談要實現的目標和要討論的主要問題、原則框架都有明確的認識。

As she grew up , a sound english education corrected in a great measure her french defects ; and when she left school , i found in her a pleasing and obliging companion : docile , good - tempered , and well - principled 她長大以后,健全的英國教育很大程度上糾正了她的法國式缺陷。她離開學校時,我發覺她已是一個討人喜歡懂禮貌的伙伴,和氣,聽話,很講原則。

China has been a real leader for the company in what we call value sweet spots , taking a principled approach to the market , the consumer understanding , the competitive set , and thinking about where we play 在價值的最佳時機方面,中國已成為寶潔真正的領導者,采取有原則的途徑打入市場,了解消費者和競爭組合,并仔細分析自身所處的地域。

Compared with other countries , china starts quite late in electronic commerce . legal regulations concerning electronic contract are not only very few , but too principled , lacking operational flexibility 和世界上其他國家相比,我國的電子商務起步較晚,與電子合同有關的法律規范,不僅少而且過于原則,可操作性差。

Playing with the principled approach was my number one requirement and while few teachers knew of the book , i was determined to find one with a similar approach who would be willing to work with me 按照《原理》進行教學是我的第一要求,但是了解這本書的人并不多,我覺定找到一位有類似教學程序的愿意教我的老師。

It only makes principled stipulations and has n ' t particular stipulations . different credits have n ' t been divided right so that it ca n ' t embody principle of fairness 破產債權的分配順序比較粗放,在原則性規定之外,沒有對有關內容作出具體的規定,不同性質的債權沒有能夠得到合理的區分,未能體現公平原則。

However , this “ measures “ has some disadvantages , such as the low level of legal effect , the principled content , the insufficient coverage , which can hardly satisfy the needs of present situation 但是該《試點辦法》的法律效力層次偏低,內容過于原則,整體涵蓋面不夠,難以滿足形勢發展的需要。

Article 121 of united nations convention on the law of the sea stipulates the regime of islands in a simple and principled way , this causes the difficulty of the implementation of article 121 in practice 摘要《聯合國海洋法公約》第121條對島嶼問題做出了規定,但極為原則和簡單,導致適用的困難。