
principle n.1.原理,原則。2.主義;政策;〔常 pl.〕道義;...


This is the basic operating principle of many thermostats . 這是許多恒溫箱的基本工作原理。

This result is known as the bohr correspondence principle . 這樣的結果通稱為玻爾對應原理。

It set out principles guiding relations between the states . 它制定了國家關系的指導原則。

It flies in the face of the principle of comparative advantage . 它回避了比較利益的原則。

The system works on the principle that heat rises . 該項裝置是按照熱力上升的原理運轉的。

We should stick to the principles and be flexible as well . 既要有原則性,也要有靈活性。

I have certain principles . 我歷來信守一些原則。

You must adopt at least a piece of a southern principle . 你至少得遵守一點南方的規矩吧。

Prudence applied principles to particular issues . 把原則應用在特殊問題上是深謀遠慮的。

It is a distinct principle . 它是一個獨特的原理。

His guiding principle has been never to stop learning . 他的指導原則是永不停頓地學習。

The principle is repeatedly and thoughtlessly violated . 這條原則被一再無情地違犯著。

We must stick to the principle . 我們必須堅持原則。

This principle does not work . 這種辦法是行不通的。

She leads her life according to christian principles . 她以基督教教義作為生活的準則。

No matter who it is , we 'll act according to principle . 別管是誰,一律按原則辦事。

We call this principle a rule and not a theorem . 我們稱這個法則為原理而不稱為定理。

Thought has recourse to ultimate principle and ideas . 思想求助于終極的原則與觀念。

It would be against my principles to lie to you . 對你說假話是違背我的行為準則的。