
principality n.1.公國,侯國;封邑。2.公國君主的職位[統治權、領...


A principality of the united kingdom on the western peninsula of the island of great britain . incorporated with england since the act of union ( 1536 ) , wales has maintained its own distinct culture and a strong nationalist sentiment . cardiff is the capital and the largest city . population , 2 , 790 , 462 威爾士英國大不列顛島西部半島之一地區。自聯盟令( 1536年)后與英格蘭合并,它同時保持了自己的獨特文化風格和強烈的民族主義情感。卡迪夫為其首府及最大城市。人口2 , 790 , 462

I call those first - rate which are composed of treasures one possesses under one s hand , such as mines , lands , and funded property , in such states as france , austria , and england , provided these treasures and property form a total of about a hundred millions ; i call those second - rate fortunes , that are gained by manufacturing enterprises , joint - stock companies , viceroyalties , and principalities , not drawing more than 1 , 500 , 000 francs , the whole forming a capital of about fifty millions ; finally , i call those third - rate fortunes , which are composed of a fluctuating capital , dependent upon the will of others , or upon chances which a bankruptcy involves or a false telegram shakes , such as banks , speculations of the day - in fact , all operations under the influence of greater or less mischances , the whole bringing in a real or fictitious capital of about fifteen millions 凡是手中有寶藏,在法國奧地利和英國這種國家里擁有礦產田地不動產,而且這種寶藏和財產的總數約為一萬萬左右的,我把他們叫作頭等富翁。凡是制造業或股份公司的大股東,負有某重任的總督,小國王公,年收入達一百五十萬法郎,總資產在五千萬左右的,就把他們叫作二等富翁。最后,凡是資產分散在各種企業上的小股東,靠他的意志或機遇賺錢,經受不起銀行倒閉的,經受不起時局急變的,財產的增減單純靠搞投機,受自然規律中大魚吃小魚定律的支配,虛實資本總共約莫在一千五百萬左右的,我稱他們為三等富翁。

“ he is worn out , “ said debray ; “ besides , he could not well appear in public , since he has been the dupe of the cavalcanti , who , it appears , presented themselves to him with false letters of credit , and cheated him out of 100 , 000 francs upon the hypothesis of this principality . “他是不愛湊熱鬧的, ”德布雷說, “而且,他在這兒露面不大適當,因為他剛讓卡瓦爾康蒂敲去了一筆錢,卡瓦爾康蒂大概是拿著假造的介紹信去見他,騙走了他十萬法郎。 ”

That moved ralf schumacher into the points in eighth place , but that was scant consolation to a team that could have done very nicely with a podium slot in the principality at a time when its effort is nowhere near as impressive as it was last year 拉爾夫-舒馬赫為此升至能獲得積分的第八位,但這對本應該在公國拿到領獎臺位置的車隊起不到什么安慰的作用,他們的努力沒法像去年一樣給人留下深刻的印象。

Tiny liechtenstein gets a little bit bigger the tiny principality of liechtenstein grew by about half a square kilometre , or about 50 football pitches , after officials more accurately defined its borders , the government said on thursday 列支敦士登政府12月28日表示,在進行更為精確的測量后,該國面積較以前大約增加了0 . 5平方公里,增加面積相當于50個足球場的大小。

For swiss students and students from the principality of liechtenstein , the total course fee is 920 swiss francs per semester , consisting of a tuition fee of 800 swiss francs and a semester fee of 120 swiss francs per semester 對于瑞士和列支敦士登的學生,課程費用為每學期920瑞士法郎,其中包含800瑞士法郎的學費和120瑞士法郎的注冊費。

The 24 - year - old french international could be the starting point for the new juventus and was specifically requested by coach didier deschamps , who worked with the player in the principality 這位24歲的法國國家隊隊員,將會是重建新尤文圖斯的出發點。同時,他也是主教練迪迪埃?德尚指定的球員,他們倆曾一起在摩納哥公國工作。

It ' s one of the oldest and noblest of the three hundred and sixty - four ancient german principalities , and one of the few that was allowed to retain its royal estate when bismarck got done trimming them 這是三百六十四個古日耳曼諸侯國中歷史最悠久、貴族味最濃的一個,也是俾斯麥取消割據后很少幾個允許保留族產的王室之一。

The tiny principality of liechtenstein grew by about half a square kilometre , or about 50 football pitches , after officials more accurately defined its borders , the government said on thursday 列支敦士登政府12月28日表示,在進行更為精確的測量后,該國面積較以前大約增加了0 . 5平方公里,增加面積相當于50個足球場的大小。

For a variety of reasons the seven - time champion has been frustrated on the streets of the principality in recent years , denied the sixth victory that will draw him level with the late ayrton senna 近幾年來,由于多種原因七次世界冠軍在摩納哥的街道上一直都很沮喪,并否認第六次的勝利會讓他與已故的埃爾頓-塞納齊名。

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood , but against principalities , against powers , against the rulers of the darkness of this world , against spiritual wickedness in high places 12因我們并不是與屬血氣的爭戰(原文是摔跤;下同) ,乃是與那些執政的、掌權的、管轄這幽暗世界的,以及天空屬靈氣的惡魔爭戰。

When you see just how many controls there are , it seems incredible that he can remain focussed on negotiating the streets of the principality without hitting the wall at the very first corner 只要看看上面那么多的控制開關,似乎車手要想在不碰到第一個彎道護墻的情況下穿過摩納哥的街道簡直就是不可思議的。

In the year of 2003 , the company contracted the project of five hospitals of ministry of health in succession and najran principality office complex of ministry of interior 2003年,公司在沙特阿拉伯先后承建了沙特衛生部五座醫院項目和沙特內政部奈基蘭辦公樓項目。

It ' s 1174 and the kingdom of jerusalem and principality of the antioch are united in their struggle for the holy land against egypt , the turks and byzantium 這是1174年,耶路撒冷王國和安提俄克公國為了圣地聯合起來,努力對抗埃及,土耳其和拜占庭。

He declared the platform , perched seven miles off the east coast of england and just outside britain ' s territorial waters , to be the principality of sealand 這座平臺位于英國海岸以東七英里,處于英國領海之外。貝茨宣布為此平臺為獨立的國家?海國。

The principality of zeon invents a gigantic human - shaped weapon called the mobile suit and begins its war for independence against the earth federation 宇宙世紀0079年,自命為自護吉翁公國的第三區,對地球聯邦政府發起獨立戰爭。

Boss didier deschamps , who worked with the player during his reign as coach in the principality , had specifically requested the central defender 與這名球員在摩納哥共事過的主教練迪迪埃.德尚,曾明確表示過,希望簽下這名中后衛

Say unto the king and to the queen , humble yourselves , sit down : for your principalities shall come down , even the crown of your glory 18你要對君王和太后說,你們當自卑,坐在下邊。因你們的頭巾,就是你們的華冠,已經脫落了。

Prince rainier iii of monaco revises the principality ' s constitution , devolving some of his power to advisory and legislative councils 1962年,摩納哥的雷尼爾三世王子修正了公國憲法,將他的一些權力移交給咨詢和立法委員會。