
principal adj.1.主要的,首要的,最重要的;第一的。2.領頭的...


If we bring it into the funds, we shall maybe lose the principal and all . 如果我們把它變做公債,我們也許會喪失本金和一切。

To answer this question, we need to plot trajectories of principal stresses . 為了回答這個問題,我們尚須畫出主應力跡線圖。

He had been stimulated by one of the principal questions of musical aesthetics . 他曾受到一個音樂審美學主要問題的推動。

Convection is the principal agent of heat transfer in the atmosphere and oceans . 對流是大氣和海洋中熱傳輸的主要方式。

Indeed, none of the principal leaders survived 1974 in office . 實際上,1974年尚未結束,那些主要的領導人就全部下臺了。

Within less than half an hour, the principal business had been disposed of . 不到半個小時,一些主要的事情都已解決了。

Each segment is named according to the principal constellation found in it . 每個分區用在它里面發現的首要星座來命名。

All three principal components of this definition are of great importance . 這一定義的三個主要構成部分,都極為重要。

At burlington i made acquaintance with many principal people of the province . 在伯林頓,我認識了該州許多重要人物。

The principal objective in designing cyclones is to create a vortex . 設計旋風除塵器的主要目的在于造成渦旋運動。

The principal objective in each case is to remove magnetic effects . 每種方式的主要目的都是為了避免磁性影響。

The principal difficulty was how to raise and place me in this vehicle . 主要的困難是怎樣把我抬放到車子上。

Delegates resumed work on one of the principal unresolved issues . 代表們重新審議了尚未解決的一個主要問題。

The principal points of a thin lens coincide at the center of the lens . 薄透鏡的兩個主點與透鏡中心相重合。

The book was kindly and favourably reviewed in the principal papers . 這本書得到幾家主要報紙的贊許和好評。

Incomplete combustion is the principal source of man-made carcinogens . 不完全燃燒是人為致癌物的主要來源。

Cowperwood came back many of his principal moments of difficulty . 柯柏烏想起了自己許多主要的困難時期。

The school principal and other officials will also make speeches . 學校校長和其他負責人也將在會上講話。

The principal aimed his speech at the pupils who broke the rules . 校長的話是針對那些破壞紀律的學生的。