
primula n.【植物;植物學】報春花屬植物。

primum mobile

Primula merriiliana is a small plant of biennial , rosette herbs with pinnately dissected leaves . the flowers are borne on leafless scapes in umbellate inflorescences , which are arranged in the form of 1 - 3 level of the umbels . they are often heterostylous , whereas p . cicutarrifolia is different from the former in having homomorphic flowers , one level of umbel , and the eroded tepals 安徽羽葉報春為具異型花、花序1 - 3層,葉羽狀深裂的二年生小草本植物,毛茛葉報春為具同型花、傘形花序1層、葉羽狀深裂的二年生小草本植物,兩物種都在第一年八月開始萌發幼苗,第二年七月結束其生活史。

To accentuate the country feel , unsophisticated plants such as daisy - like flowers where we can find at our countryside so as to develop the feeling of lushness of nature , are used together with seasonal flowers such as begonia , cytisus and primula 為凸顯田園風格,園圃內栽種的是郊野常見的粗生植物,如雛菊類花卉,再襯以海棠、金雀花、報春花等時花,營造出大自然欣欣向榮的景象。