primordium n.(pl. -dia ) 【胚胎學】原基。
n. (pl. -dia ) 【胚胎學】原基。 “acousticofacial primordium“ 中文翻譯: 聽面原基“anlage primordium“ 中文翻譯: 始基“flower primordium“ 中文翻譯: 花原基“folia primordium“ 中文翻譯: 初發葉“inducement to primordium“ 中文翻譯: 催蕾“leaf primordium“ 中文翻譯: 葉原基“optic primordium“ 中文翻譯: 視原基“organ primordium“ 中文翻譯: 器官原基“polypidian primordium“ 中文翻譯: 蟲體原基“primordium of neopallium“ 中文翻譯: 新皮層原基“primordium of thymus“ 中文翻譯: 胸腺原基“spike primordium“ 中文翻譯: 穗原基“teeth primordium“ 中文翻譯: 牙原基“thyroid primordium“ 中文翻譯: 甲狀腺原基“uterovaginal primordium“ 中文翻譯: 子宮陰道原基“nucleated oral primordium“ 中文翻譯: 帶核的口原基“primordium of palatine tonsil“ 中文翻譯: 腭扁桃體原基“primordium of parathyroid gland“ 中文翻譯: 甲狀旁腺原基“primordium 的復數“ 中文翻譯: primordia“primordialshaft“ 中文翻譯: 原柱期“primordialroot“ 中文翻譯: 原基根“primordially“ 中文翻譯: 原始地; 最初地“primordiale optimum“ 中文翻譯: 蘭蔻再生青春修護日霜; 再青春 深層修護日霜; 再生青春修護液“primordiale intense“ 中文翻譯: 再青春深層修護日霜
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The result of counting lr primordium indicates that quercetin does not influence primordium formation , but inhibits its elongation . this is essentially different to npa , which inhibits both primordium formation and elongation . also , quercetin increases hypocotyls length , which is linked toward elevated auxin transport level 原基統計結果表明, q對側根原基發生的影響和npa有著根本的不同: q不影響側根原基的發生,而只影響原基的延伸,使側根發生比正常延遲一步。 |
In this paper the floral ontogeny and the ovary development of rivina humilis l . were observed . the results showed that ( 1 ) the tepal primordia initiated in 2 / 5 spirals . the abaxial one initiated first , then the adaxial one , finally the lateral two initiated nearly simultaneously . the third one initiated on the position near the first tepal , and there is a gap between itself and the second tepal . ( 2 ) the 4 stamineal primordia initiated in one whorl at the same time . ( 3 ) the carpellary primordium initiated from the abaxial side of flower primordium ; the carpellary primordium grew upwards and towards axis after it was formed , therefore an elliptic orifice was formed at the adaxial position of ovary , which was the remainder of the mouth of ovary before the ovary was fused completely . with the ovary maturing , the orifice was narrowed because of the ovary growth , at last fused completely . the gynoecium is composed of a single carpel . ( 4 ) in the series developmental sections of ovary , the ovular primordium was initiated on the adaxial meristem when the mouth of ovary was formed 對數珠珊瑚的花器官發生和子房的發育過程進行了觀察.結果表明: ( 1 )數珠珊瑚花被呈2 / 5螺旋狀發生,遠軸側的1枚先發生,其次為近軸側的1枚發生,最后側方的2枚花被幾乎同時發生,第3枚花被在靠近第1枚的位置發生,第2枚和第3枚之間有1個空隙; ( 2 ) 4枚雄蕊是同時發生的; ( 3 )心皮發生于分生組織的遠軸側,心皮原基形成后,向上向軸生長,在子房成熟前在近軸側非正中位形成1個孔,該孔為心皮最終愈合前的殘跡,到子房成熟時,因子房的生長孔被擠壓縮小,在進一步的生長過程中愈合.子房由1枚心皮構成; ( 4 )從子房發育過程的切片看,該植物的胚珠是在子房發生后不久發生的,子房上的圓孔形成時,從近軸側的分生組織發生胚珠原基,由胚珠原基分化出珠被與珠心 |
7 - 10 days “ seedlings after the seeds germinated , the meristem in the stem apex functioned to form true leaf primordium , meanwhile , the vessel elements which differentiated from parenchymatous cells of the middle and upper portion of the cnz connected with the vessel elements from procambium of epcotyl - shoot region 種子萌發7 - 10天,幼苗的莖端分生組織活動形成真葉雛形,此時由子葉節區中、上部薄壁細胞的轉分化形成的導管分子與上胚軸-苗區原形層形成的導管分子發生連接。 |
The rumours quietened down a little in the city , but there was still and undercurrent , subtle but pervasive : primordium was in a very volatile state ; like an explosive , which might be set off with a jolt 城中的流言漸漸平息了,但潛藏在人們心中的陰影仍無法被磨去,雖然淡薄卻深入人心:普利摩頓是一個非常暴力的城邦;整個城市就象個大炸藥包,隨時都有爆炸的可能。 |
And also , it was firstly reported here that cortactin functions in the developing primordium of forebrain as early as 10 . 5 hpf , much more earlier than what is known by now about the forebrain primordium molecular marker such as hnk - 1 ( 12hpf ) ( 46 ) 5小時,在早期神經胚的前腦原基發現皮層蛋白表達,這比己知的最早的前腦標記基因( hnk1 ) n6 )的表達還要早2個小時。 |
Leaf primordia of the as1 - 101 and as2 - 101 mutants grew slowly in comparison to those in wild - type . the as1 and as2 genes expressed with a similar pattern in the wild - type plants As1 - 101和as2 - 101的葉原基早期發育異常,而且, as1基因過量表達的植物中普遍存在細胞衰老加快的情況。 |
Early leaf development is artificially divided into three main stages : the initiation of leaf primordium , the establishment of leaf adaxial - abaxial polarity , and the expansion of leaf blade 早期葉片發育包括三個主要過程:葉原基的起始,葉片腹背性的建立和葉片的延展。 |
Result is as follows : in the middle of october , the primordium of ovulate strobilus occurred , its occurrence time varied between different - aged ramets and different occurrence part 結果表明:雌球果原基發生時間為10月中旬,不同的樹齡和著生部位,其發生時間不同。 |
He lived in excessive luxury , in a palace he believed impregnable , caring little or nothing for the two and three quarter million people who occupied primordium 他的生活窮奢極欲,住在一座他自認為堅不可摧的宮殿中,對普利摩頓三百多萬民眾的死活毫不關心。 |
I can hear a hundred prayers pouring out of primordium at this very moment ; people wanting me to give them the power to change their world 每時每刻,我都能聽見上百個禱告者的傾訴聲從普利摩頓城里傾瀉出來;人們正在等我去賦予他們力量來改變他們的世界。 ” |
Primordium ( pl . primodia ) a collection of cells that differentiates into a specialized cell , tissue or organ , e . g . the apical shoot and apical root primordia of the embryo 原基:指能分化出特化的細胞、組織或器官的少數細胞,如胚芽原基和胚根原基。 |
In the early december , the first bract primordium was formed in the axil scale at the cone base , then bract initiation had occurred in acropetal direction 12月初,最初的苞片原基在雌球果原基的鱗片的葉腋處產生,之后其由基部向頂部連續發生。 |
In staminate flowers , petal and stamen primordia initiate spirally . evidence from all fields indicates that the relations between acorus and sparganium are distant 因此,菖蒲屬與香蒲目(黑三棱科、香蒲科)的親緣關系,亦相距較遠。 |
The following day the streets of primordium were alive with gossip and speculation : the death of the senator had started all kinds of rumours 第二天,普利摩頓的大街小巷里充滿了猜忌和議論:議員的死在引發了各種流言。 |
Believing this to be the case many members of the senate left primordium hurriedly , in case they were next on the emperor ' s hit list 結果,參議院里的許多人匆匆離開普利摩頓,擔心自己成為國王謀殺名單上的下一個人。 |
Moreover , tooth primordia must be constructed from the right combination of cells to reproduce natural tooth material and structure 此外,建構牙齒原基的細胞必須正確組合無誤,才能重現天然牙齒的材質與構造。 |
Together , they saw the worst of primordium : the disease , the violence , and the grinding , unrelieved poverty 他們就這樣一起目睹了普利摩頓最陰暗的一面:疾病,暴力以及從未得到過救濟的困苦生活。 |
At one o ' clock in the morning , a mile outside the west gate of primordium , he sat on a stone and he waited 凌晨一點鐘,克里奇坐在距離普利摩頓西城門一公里外的一塊巖石上守侯。 |
“ i hear you want to make primordium a republic , ” agonistes said “ single - handed “我聽說你想使普利摩頓成為一個共和國, ”阿岡尼司帝斯開口說道, “用你一個人的力量。 ” |