
primordial adj.原始的,初生的,初發的,最初的;(從)原始時代存...


Forty years ago this july , scientists announced the discovery of definitive evidence for the expansion of the universe from a hotter , denser , primordial state 在40年前的那個7月,科學家宣布他們找到了確切的證據,可以證明宇宙是從一個高熱、高密度的太初狀態,逐漸膨脹而成。

The soul is indestructible , the soul is incombustible , insoluble and unwitherable . the soul is eternal , all - pervading , unmodifiable , immovable and primordial 靈魂是不可被毀滅的,是不會燃燒的,不會被溶解的,不會凋零的。靈魂是永恒的,遍透一切的,不變不動的,由始一如的。

So they mixed methane and carbon dioxide ? a major constituent of the earth ' s primordial atmosphere ? in a reaction chamber and exposed it to simulated sunlight 于是他們就將甲烷和二氧化碳(這是早期地球大氣最主要的成分)的混合氣體放到一個反應室內,然后暴露在模擬的陽光中。

This is sometimes called “ retrodiction . “ for example , the big bang theory makes very precise predictions about the primordial abundances of hydrogen , helium , and deuterium 這有時被稱為“追溯” 。例如,大爆炸理論對原始時期氫氣,氦氣和氘的大量存在做出了非常精確的預測。

The unsatisfied yearning of the artist reaches back to the primordial image in the unconscious which is best fitted to compensate the inadequacy and one - sidedness of the present 藝術家未被滿足的向往觸及到潛意識中的原始表象? ?它最適合于補償現實的不足與偏僻。

Titan ' s orange smog is also a rich stew of organic chemicals . but that doesn ' t mean that these chemicals might be feeding primordial microorganisms on the moon ' s surface 泰坦星的橙色濃霧也富含有機分子。但這并不意味著它們可以哺育月球表面的微生物體。

The anti - manchu revolutionaries emphasized the primordial attachment of blood and considered modern china an exclusive community of huang - ti ' s descent 二十世紀最初數年間所發生的黃帝紀年與孔子紀年的爭論,便是彼時兩套不同國族論述的正面交鋒。

At the cern sps energy , the - mesons are mostly produced in primordial collisions and final state interactions at the hadronic stage do not play a significant , role , lh極少參加冉作叫所以。介子大要; ‘ , ‘上于初始碰搗,強子化階段的再散射時。

Yet a great deal happened in these dark ages : the primordial soup evolved into the rich zoo of celestial bodies we now see 不過,在黑暗期里其實發生了許多事情:太初宇宙就像一鍋滾燙的湯,而后因膨脹冷卻,逐步演化成我們現在所見豐富多彩的天體大觀園。

I understood that within the soul from its primordial beginnings there has been a desire for light and an irrepressible urge to rise out of the primal darkness 我推斷從其早期原始階段起,靈魂就在渴望光明、就在無法抑制地沖動著要掙脫原始黑暗之地。

Recently , primordial germ cells ( pgcs ) , which are the progenitors of the sperm or egg cells , have provided an alternative source of pluripotent stem cells 近年來,作為精子和卵子的祖細胞的原始生殖細胞( pgcs )已成為另一種可選擇的多能性干細胞。

Last , always remember that a good diet can never be enough , and that exercice is also primordial , and should be in your resolutions list for 2007 持續,總記得,好飲食可能從未是足夠,并且exercice還原始,并且應該是在您的決議列出在2007年。

Such primordial radiation existing in the earth crust diffuses slowly into air , water and the body of living organisms ( animals and plants ) 盤古初開,地球已經有各種天然輻射,存在于地殼的原始輻射慢慢散布到空氣、水及動植物間。

Such primordial radiation existing in the earth crust diffuses slowly into air , water and the body of living organisms animals and plants 盤古初開,地球已經有各種天然輻射,存在于地殼的原始輻射慢慢散布到空氣水及動植物間。

The theory of the primordial motives and the primary forms derived from them constitute the first , art - historical part of the theory of style 原始動機和主要形式的理論是來源于他們所第一個建立的理論體系的藝術歷史部分。

The theory of the primordial motives and the primary forms derived from them constitute the first , art - historical part of the theory of style 這種原始動機理論和它們衍生出的初始形態組成了最初的風格學說的藝術史部分。

The theory of the primordial motives and the primary forms derived from them constitute the first , art - historical part of the theory of style 原始動機理論和由其衍生而來的原始形體構成了藝術史第一部風格論

M : awareness is primordial ; it is the original state , beginningless , endless , uncaused , unsupported , without parts , without change 覺性是原始的;它是本來無始無終、沒有起因、沒有支持、沒有部分、沒有變化。

This primordial repetition is older than the distinction , and is the common root of all the signs ( including language ) 這種本源的重復比真實話語與想象話語的區分更古老,它是一切話語乃至一切符號的“共根” 。