primarily adv.1.首先,最初;原來。2.主要地;根本上。
adv. 1.首先,最初;原來。 2.主要地;根本上。 “primarily formal“ 中文翻譯: 和較為正式的文體“primarily informal“ 中文翻譯: 較為隨意的文體“party primarily liable“ 中文翻譯: 第一債務關系人“poisoning by primarily systemic agent“ 中文翻譯: 主要系統性藥劑中毒“primarily for human habitation“ 中文翻譯: 主要供人居住“primarily--- of first importance“ 中文翻譯: 最重要的“primaril hyperkinesia“ 中文翻譯: 原發性活動功能亢進“primaries“ 中文翻譯: 比較原色; 初級飛羽; 前翅; 主翼羽“primaricine“ 中文翻譯: 抗霉(菌)制劑“primari cel“ 中文翻譯: 原電池“primarini“ 中文翻譯: 普里馬里尼“primarette“ 中文翻譯: 普里馬雷特
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This region contains areas which are primarily covered with either high density conifers or meadow hardwoods . 該地區,主要的植被覆蓋是高度的針葉樹類或草地闊葉樹類。 |
The cracks are primarily parallel to the longitudinal direction of the girder and to the nominal bending stresses . 裂紋基本上平行于主梁縱向,既平行于名義彎曲應力。 |
A variety of systems have been suggested for the production of unconventional foods, primarily protein . 人們曾提出各種不同的系統來生產以蛋白質為主的非傳統食物。 |
We regard them as actual stratigraphic units produced primarily by magmatic sedimentation . 我們把它們當作實際上的地層單元來考慮,它們主要由巖漿沉積作用所產生。 |
To a considerable degree host countries object primarily to having foreigner's control their enterprises . 在相當大的程度上,東道國主要是反對外國人控制其企業。 |
The radial nerve supplies the triceps(and arconeus)with fibers derived primarily from c6, 7and c8 . 橈神經主要接收C6、C7和C8纖維,供應肱三頭股(和特后肌)。 |
Everyone liked harry, primarily because he saw his job as basically a social one . 人人都喜歡哈里,這主要是因為他把自己的工作基本上看成是一種社交活動。 |
Carbon dioxide is reported to absorb primarily onto surface alkali or alkali-containing constituents . 據報道CO2吸附主要在堿性表面或含堿成分的表面上。 |
It is primarily a form of emotional expression, a gesture, or dramatic performance . 它主要是一種感情的表達方式,一種姿態,或是一種富于戲劇性的表演。 |
In the western part of this section, rainfall is less, and apples are grown primarily in home plantings . 本區西部雨量少,最初蘋果是在庭院中栽植。 |
This is the result of an intensive vaccination program for pets, primarily dogs and cats . 這是加強對牲畜首先是犬和貓大規模的預防接種計劃的結果。 |
The reflecting power of the earth is primarily dictated by the proportion of cloud and snow cover . 地球的反射率主要是由云和雪覆蓋的部分決定的。 |
Clays are produced by mechanical and chemical weathering and primarily colloidal in size . 粘土是由機械和化學的風化作用形成,主要是膠粒大小。 |
But, for better or worse, socialization of children was primarily the function of the family . 但是不論如何,使孩子社會化是家庭的首要職能。 |
Why are many federal government agencies organized primarily on a territorial basis ? 為什么許多聯邦政府的機構基本上按地區來組織呢? |
Hunting site is determined primarily by inherited behavioral characteristics . 追逐的場所主要取決于捕食者內在的行為特點。 |
Military leadership is primarily a matter of intelligence, tenacity, and iron nerves . 軍事指揮主要靠理智,毅力和膽略。 |
The equipment used consisted primarily of glassware connected by rubber hose . 所用設備主要由軟皮管連接的玻璃器件構成。 |
The neutron log is primarily responsive to the amount of hydrogen in the formation . 中子測井對巖層的氫含量有顯著反映。 |