
primacy n.1.第一位,首位;卓越。2.(英國教會)大主教的職務...


However , as they gained cohesion , the bluestockings came to regard themselves as a women ' s group and to possess a sense of female solidarity lacking in the salonnieres , who remained isolated from one another by the primacy each held in her own salon 譯文:起初,藍襪女們確實模仿了法國沙龍女主人,將男性襄括到其小圈子中來.然則,隨著她們獲得的凝聚力,她們漸趨將自己視作一女性團體,并擁有了一種婦女團結意識,而這種意識在法國沙龍女主人身上則蕩然無存,因為她們每個人在其自己的沙龍中自視甚高而彼此孤立隔絕開來

During the amending process , we should implement the principle of primacy of protecting the citizens ' legal rights and emphasize studying and solving the following subjects regarding the systematical innovation and improvement in order to protect the citizens ' legal rights effectively : protecting the citizens ' legal rights should be the leading purpose of the legislation of administrative litigation ; the principle of judicial ultimacy should be abided in the mechanism of solving administrative disputes ; the scopes of accepting cases , participants and relieves in administrative litigation should be broadened ; and both fairness and efficiency should be considered in the legislation of administrative litigation 在修法過程中必須順應行政法治發展的世界潮流,注重研究解決如下制度創新與改進的課題:行政爭議解決機制應堅持司法最終性,應擴大行政訴訟受案范圍、行政訴訟參加人范圍和行政訴訟救濟范圍,行政訴訟立法應兼顧公平與效率,以更有效地保護公民合法權益。

Compay development is the goal : on the scientific development , upholding the primacy of efficiency , and promote the development of companies and netmork transactions changes further enhance the company ' s quality assyrance capabilities , the allocation of resources capacity , risk prevention capacity , moderm management , information technology standerds , quality seavice standards , staff quality and corporate brand image significantly enhanced 立足科學發展,堅持效益至上,推進公司發展和網絡交易方式的轉變,進一步的提高公司的質量保障能力,資源配置能力,風險防范能力,現代化管理水平,信息化水平,優質服務水平,員工隊伍素質和公司品牌象限顯著提高

The robust serial position effects were founded in the free recall experiment and in the continuous distractor paradigm with chinese character . but in the 30s distractor experiment paradigm , the primacy effect still exited , the recency effect disappeared . and the contextual - retrieval hypothesis failed to explain this phenomenon . according to the contextual cue and memory trace , it is applied successfully that the associative memory and absolute memory to the primacy effect and the recency effect respectively 以漢字為材料,在即時回憶實驗中表現出明顯的系列位置效應;在30s延遲實驗中,表現出明顯的首因效應,但近因效應消失在連續分心實驗范式中證明長時記憶中存在明顯的系列位置效應。說明現有理論存在的問題,并提出聯想記憶和絕對記憶的概念,成功地解釋首因效應和近因效應性質之差異。

This new mode of cooperation insists on principles like equality between different countries , common agreement , the primacy of security and cooperation basing mutual benefit while the areas of cooperation is comprehensive , involving areas such as politics , economy , culture etc . the establishment and development of sco is in the interest of safeguarding the security , stability and the economic development of its member countries 這種新型區域合作模式堅持大小國家一律平等、共同倡導、安全先行和互利協作的原則,合作內容廣泛,涉及政治、經濟、文化、安全等各個方面。上海合作組織的產生和發展符合成員國維護地區安全和穩定的需要,促進了經濟發展,順應了當今世界和平與發展的歷史潮流,因而具有廣闊的發展前景。

What ’ s more , the family contract land functions as both the producer and the supporter in the developing rural areas , so in these areas , the principle of “ equity taking primacy , while efficiency , in consideration ” should be implemented to protect the living rights and interests of the peasants , while in the developed coastal areas , the principle of “ efficiency taking primacy , while equity , in consideration ” should be carried out 據此,設想在非農經濟發展程度較高地區,從事非農業生產的主體可以作為受讓人、繼承人、抵押權人,并允許轉租;在非農經濟發展程度低的地區,只有農業生產主體或本社區的農業生產主體才可以成為受讓人、繼承人、抵押權人,并禁止轉租。

These years , electron - information technology and biomedicine have been regarded as the primacy of high - tech . their combin organically will effectively promote the research on the medicine and medicinal information . the ecg data and information manage system is an important constitute part of a great deal of medicinal information storeroom 近年來,電子信息技術和生物醫學技術一直被列為高科技之首,二者的有機結合將有力地促進醫學及醫學信息研究與發展。心電圖數據信息管理系統是龐大醫學信息庫的一個重要組成部分,它在特定的領域發揮著重要作用。

However , as soon as she recognised that behind the confucian insistence on responsibility , civility and decency is the primacy of creativity and transformation as an integral part of one ' s commitment to learning to be human , she put the idea into practice not only as an interpreter but also as an activist 但過后她發現到儒家所注重的責任感禮貌規矩和高尚品格之背后,有著人類不可缺少的創意和求變。之后她立即實踐這個理念,不但對之加以闡釋,而且還積極提倡。

But the research focus of the academe has stayed in shareholder primacy model for a long time , and scholars ignore the improvement and achievement of stakeholder theory on the contrary . unfortunately the henomenon is very palpable in chinese academe 但長期以來,在探討公司治理問題時學術界研究的焦點是“股東至上模式” ,對利益相關者理論在公司治理的實踐中取得的顯著成效持漠視的態度,這一現象在我國學術界表現得尤為突出。

I believe most americans still assume that the u . s . has the power to sustain unchallenged primacy in asia , and they would challenge the wisdom of compromise with a country like china which has values and institutions that seem very different from those of the u . s 我相信大多數美國人仍然認為美國在亞洲擁有持續的不受挑戰的優勢力量,而且他們將挑戰同諸如中國這樣的國家進行妥協的真知灼見,后者在價值觀和制度上與美國迥異。

A comparison of british geological publications over the last century and a half reveals not simply an increasing emphasis on the primacy of research , but also a changing definition of what constitutes an acceptable research paper 參考譯文]將過去一個半世紀英國地質學領域的出版物做一下比較, (我們)就會發現不僅對科研的主導地位的強調不斷攀升,而且一篇可接受的科研論文所包含的內容的定義也有所變化。

On the whole , shareholder primacy theory is mainstream of modern theory of the firm . meanwhile stakeholder theory has developed rapidly since 1980s and it is considered as a useful tool helping us understand firms of the real world 總體而言,股東至上理論占據了當今企業理論的主流地位,但是利益相關者理論在80年代中期以后也取得了長足進步,被認為是能夠幫助我們真正認識和理解現實企業的有力工具。

Sticking to the philosophy of quality first , credit primacy , customer paramount and service foremost , we continuously meet the needs for increasingly higer quality in the international market and persistently enhance life force and competitive force of our company 我們將本著“品質第一、信譽第一、客戶至上、服務至上“的理念,不斷滿足國際市場日益不斷提高之品質需求,不斷增強公司的生命力和競爭力。

At the present , plc has become the most important automatic equipment and been applied widely , after the development of 30 years . plc has hold the primacy in the field of industry automatization ( plc , robot , cad & cam ) 經過30多年的發展,目前,可編程序控制器已成為工業自動化領域中最重要、應用最多的控制裝置,居工業生產自動化三大支柱(可編程序控制器、機器人、計算機輔助設計與制造)的首位。

A comparison of british geological publications over the last century and a half reveals not simply an increasing emphasis on the primacy of research , but also a changing definition of what constitutes an acceptable research paper 將過去一個半世紀英國地質學領域的出版物做一下比較, (我們)就會發現不僅對科研的主導地位的強調不斷攀升,而且一篇可接受的科研論文所包含的內容的定義也有所變化。

In the spirit of credit as the lord , quality as the primacy and efficiency as the goal , the general manager of the company , together with is staff , awaits respectfully for the coming of new customers as well as old customers in the hope of creating a new record high 公司總經理范仁鼎攜全體員工,本著“誠信為本、顧客至上、質量第一、優質高效“為原則,恭候新老客戶光臨惠顧,共創新的佳績。

The administration ' s strategy has been based , instead , upon four ideas : the primacy of force ; the preservation of a unipolar order ; the unbridled exercise of us power ; and the right to initiate preventive war in the absence of immediate threats 本屆政府的戰略,一直基于以下四點:武力為首;維持單極格局;肆意運用美國實力;以及在未遭受直接威脅的情況下,有權發動先發制人的戰爭。

Experience is essentially of oneself , but being impacted by traditional ideals of product and service being of primacy , tourism research put emphasis on function and advantage , neglecting the researches of customer itself 體驗在本質上是個人的,由于以前所有的經濟產出都停留在顧客之外,因而眾多學科的研究也主要是從產品、服務的功能利益角度考慮,而很少從顧客本身的角度思考。

The competition between enterprises is basically which of qualified personal , whom called the primacy resource by economist . the qualified personnel become the key factor in winning the edge of competition and achieving sustained development 高科技企業之間的競爭,歸根結底是人才的競爭,人才成為高科技企業贏得競爭優勢和持續發展的關鍵因素,被經濟學家稱作“第一資源” 。