priestley n.普里斯特利〔姓氏〕。
n. 普里斯特利〔姓氏〕。 “jason priestley“ 中文翻譯: 簡森.普里斯特利; 詹神普里斯特里“joseph priestley“ 中文翻譯: 普利斯特列; 約瑟夫普利斯特里“priestley joseph“ 中文翻譯: 蒲力特里“priestley medal“ 中文翻譯: 普里斯特萊獎章“j b priestley“ 中文翻譯: 普里斯特利“priestland“ 中文翻譯: 普里斯特蘭“priesthood of the believer“ 中文翻譯: 信徒皆祭司“priestlike“ 中文翻譯: 僧侶的“priesthood of all believer“ 中文翻譯: 信徒皆祭司“priestliness“ 中文翻譯: 教士氣派“priesthood“ 中文翻譯: 祭師制度; 祭司職; 祭司制; 教士; 僧職; 神職; 圣職“priestling“ 中文翻譯: n. 小教士;小僧;小祭司。 “priestfield stadium“ 中文翻譯: 普雷茲費爾德球場
priestling |
Based on priestley ' s evolutionary spectrum theory , an evolutionary process modulated by decline composite exponential function , is investigated as one kind of non - stationary excitation commonly encountered in engineering , the analytical solution of the response properties is gained due to proper simplification 基于priestley的演變譜密度理論,對于工程中常用到的衰減指數函數調制的演變過程激勵,可以通過對結構響應的合理簡化,得到響應特征的解析形式。 |
A spokesman for the e2v technologies company that is involved in the project , nigel priestley , said : “ we are building on pioneering research already undertaken in britain through the foresight vehicle programme , but also developing new and innovative technology 發言人奈杰爾普里斯特利說: “我們正在實施車輛前瞻性方案,在英國已經著手其初始階段的研究工作,同時我們也研發最新的創新技術。 |
Michael priestley has worked on most aspects of dita : shaping its specialization and map architectures , developing output transforms , writing documentation , and delivering papers and presentations Michael priestley參與了dita的多數工作:建立專門化和映射體系結構、開發輸出轉換、編寫文檔以及提交論文和闡述。 |
Get answers to your questions in this dita forum , hosted by don day and michael priestley , contributors to dita and the papers that describe dita and how to use it , developerworks職員2001年3月01日歡迎來到dita論壇的首頁,本論壇討論有關darwin信息分類體系結構( dita ) 。 |
Farmer chris priestley shows the dry soil on his drought - affected property near the outback town of walgett , located in northwestern new south wales , feb . 2 , 2007 2007年2月2日澳大利亞新南威爾士西北部,當地農場主普里斯特雷正在展示他農場內遭遇旱情的土壤。 |
“ a person thus prepared will be able to refer any particular history he takes up to its proper place in universal history ” ( joseph priestley ) “經過這種準備的人,可以在歷史長河中,歸屬于任何他從事合適位置的特定歷史階段” (約瑟夫?普利斯特萊) 。 |
The forum is hosted by don day and michael priestley , contributors to dita and the papers that describe dita and how to use it see 該論壇由don day和michael priestley主持,他們是dita和有關描述dita與如何使用dita的文章的投稿者,請參閱 |
Using this result , we further disscuss the gasser - muller estimate . priestley - chao estimate and obtain the corresponding results . in the paper [ 5 ] 應用這一結果具體地討論了gass - muller估計和priestley - chao估計,得到相應的結論。 |
Priestley , m . j . n . , seible , f . , and calvi , g . m . , “ seismic design and retrofit of bridges ” , jonh wiley & sons , new york , 1996 范立礎、卓衛東, “橋梁延性抗震設計” ,人民交通出版社,北京, 2001 。 |
Mr . priestley : row a , number 16 to 21 . that ' s right in the front . we ' ll have to push our way through the crowd to get to them 普利斯特里先生: a排16座至21座,就在前面。我們只有擠過人群才能坐上座位。 |
Michael priestley is an information developer for the ibm toronto software development laboratory Michael priestley是ibm多倫多軟件開發實驗室的信息開發人員。 |
Priestley , m . b , spectral analysis and time series , academic press , new york , 1981 胡基福, 《氣象統計原理與方法》 ,青島海洋大學出版社,青島, 1996 。 |
Mr . and mrs . priestley are fond of music , and mrs . priestley plays the piano beautifully 普里斯特先生和他的夫人都喜歡音樂,而夫人還彈得一手好鋼琴。 |
Priestley was close to death after the worst crash ever seen on the kentucky auto racing speedway 事發后翌日,他對所發生的實況卻一無所知。 |
No vice is universally as hateful as ingratitude ( joseph priestley 沒有什么邪惡象貪婪那樣令人憎惡(約瑟夫?普里斯特利) 。 |
Moderated by don day and michael priestley . go directly to the 直接進入由don day和michael preistley主持的 |
Priestley has been called the father of modern chemistry 普里斯特利一直被稱作現代化學之父。 |