
pride n.普賴德〔姓氏〕。


He was exalted with pride . 他充滿了驕傲。

The pride was soon merged once more in youth and simplicity . 驕傲又馬上淹沒在青春和天真里了。

He was puffed up with pride . 他傲氣十足。

Tess's pride would not allow her to turn her head again . 苔絲的自尊心重,不好意思再回頭去看。

Her pride was hurt . 她的自尊心受到了傷害。

Her original vigorous pride of youth had sickened . 她原先那種生氣勃勃的青春自豪感已經萎謝。

His pride and choleric temper were to ruin him . 他生性高傲自恃而又易于發怒,這會毀了他的。

There was a touch of pride in the technician's question . 技術師的問話中有一絲驕傲的味道。

He prides himself on remaining calm in an emergency . 他在緊急關頭保持了鎮靜為此感到驕傲。

She takes great pride in her children 's success . 她為自己的孩子取得的成績感到無比驕傲。

It is difficult to take pride in work that is never seen . 沒人看見的活兒,干起來不帶勁。

Having to accept the money was a blow to her pride . 不得不接受這筆錢是對她自尊心的打擊。

Surely i have now pulled down your pride enough . 我想我已把你那點豪氣說得一文不值了吧。

He refused to accept help out of a false sense of pride . 他由于死要面子而不肯接受幫助。

Hell was built on spite, and heaven on pride . 地獄建立在怨恨之上,天堂建立在自豪之上。

Love casts out fear, and gratitude can conquer pride . 愛驅散了恐懼,感激則能征服傲慢。

She prides herself on her cooking . 她自夸會做菜。

His mind was boiling with mirth and fear and pride . 快意、恐懼、自豪一齊在心頭翻騰。

Your pride cannot blind god ! 你的驕傲蒙蔽不了上帝。