pricey adj.〔英口〕昂貴的,高價的。
adj. 〔英口〕昂貴的,高價的。 “price/book value“ 中文翻譯: 股價賬面價值比“pricewise“ 中文翻譯: 就物價而論“pricha“ 中文翻譯: 比差“pricewaterhousecoopers llc“ 中文翻譯: 對普華永道“pricha musikkul“ 中文翻譯: 比差木西軍“pricewaterhousecoopers“ 中文翻譯: 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所; 普華古柏; 普華永道會計師事務所; 普華永道全球; 適華庫寶“prichalnaya“ 中文翻譯: 普里恰利納亞“pricewaterhouse coopers“ 中文翻譯: 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所; 普華古柏會計事務所“prichard“ 中文翻譯: 普里查德“pricetown“ 中文翻譯: 季后風; 普賴斯敦
prick |
To answer complaints from the likes of britain or belgium , countries with pricey land and strict planning laws will be allowed to build wind farms or solar arrays elsewhere ( on the territory of poorer new eu members , or possibly nearby , for example in north africa ) , and claim the resulting energy against their own renewable targets 為了回應像英國和比利時這些國家的抱怨,這個計劃規定,這些土地貴政策嚴的國家可以在國外(可以是歐盟的新成員國,周邊其他的國家,比如南非)建造風能和太陽能發電場,這些發電場產出的能源可以算在這些國家可再生能源的帳下。 |
A “ brangelina “ photo with baby shiloh has topped the list of the most expensive celebrity photos in the world . forbes . com has posted a list of top 10 most pricey celebrity photos led by a june 2006 shot of brad pitt and angelina jolie baby shiloh at no . 1 with a pricetag of us4 . 1 million paid by people magazine 福布斯網站日前公布了“十大最昂貴名人照”排行榜,其中,去年6月布拉德皮特和安吉麗娜茱莉守在小女兒夏洛伊身邊的一張照片名列榜首,這張照片以410萬美元的價格被人物雜志買走。 |
To answer complaints from the likes of britain or belgium , countries with pricey land and strict planning laws will be allowed to build wind farms or solar arrays elsewhere ( on the territory of poorer new eu members , or possibly nearby , for example in north africa ) , and claim the resulting energy against their own renewable targets 為了平息英國或比利時等國的抱怨,這些土地價格高和規劃法律嚴格的國家可以在其它國家(新加入歐盟的窮國或者北非附近的國家)建立風電場或太陽能電池陣,并將產生的能源算入到本國的可再生能源任務指標中。 |
A “ brangelina “ photo with baby shiloh has topped the list of the most expensive celebrity photos in the world . forbes . com has posted a list of top 10 most pricey celebrity photos led by a june 2006 shot of brad pitt and angelina jolie hovering over baby shiloh at no . 1 with a pricetag of us4 . 1 million paid by people magazine 福布斯網站日前公布了“十大最昂貴名人照”排行榜,其中,去年6月布拉德皮特和安吉麗娜茱莉守在小女兒夏洛伊身邊的一張照片名列榜首,這張照片以410萬美元的價格被人物雜志買走。 |
Past comparative - effectiveness trials have shown that older and cheaper anti - psychotic drugs are often just as good as expensive new ones , and that the costs of some pricey new procedures , such as spinal surgery , can outweigh their benefits 通過比較收益分析我們可以發現那些普通的,價格比較便宜的安定類藥物和那些價格昂貴的新藥一樣有效,一些花費巨大的新技術例如脊柱外科技術,其花費要大于它給患者帶來的收益 |
In a sense , singaporeans still cherish the myth that western products are better because they are more pricey . yet we should not upgrade the belief to such a level that it governs how we think and treat our fellow creatures 在某種層面上,我們還停留在“舶來品入口貨貴而好”的集體迷思狀態下,我們卻不應該不知不覺把這樣一種心態擴大,甚至成為待人處世的主導。 |
When you consider that , in a similar situation , the seattle mariners paid a little more than $ 13 million for the rights to negotiate with ichiro suzuki , you get an idea of how pricey matsuzaka has become 當你仔細考慮之后,這是一個類似的例子,和西雅圖水手隊之前付出1300萬美金,標得鈴木一朗的交涉權一樣,你就可以知道競標松坂的價錢會變成怎樣了。 |
A four - hour lift ticket plus equipment rental at nanshan costs $ 24 - - more than a week ' s wages for the average urban worker and pricey even for the engineers , stockbrokers and other professionals on the slope 在南山4小時的滑雪票加上雪具的租借費用大約是24 $ ,超過了平均市民的周收入,甚至對滑道上的工程師、股票經紀人以及其他從業人員來說也很昂貴。 |
While the cars themselves will be cheap , the dealerships will be pricey ? anywhere from $ 10 to $ 15 million is needed , along with up to 10 - acres to entertain customers and display and drive the cherys 汽車本身便宜,成為分銷商成本卻高? ?任何地區要達到這樣的要求都需要1000萬到1500萬美元,并需要10英畝的地域空間來達到讓客戶娛樂和試駕的要求。 |
It s a little pricey for home users , but it s an excellent feature for people who want to run a lot of services without worrying about security or other interactions between them 對于家庭用戶來說,它有點昂貴,但是對于想運行許多服務,卻不想為安全性或者服務之間的其他交互擔心的人來說,這是一個極好的特性。 |
Will ferrell ' s 20 million also made the list of risky bets given recent box office disappointments and eddie murphy ' s 20 million was considered downright “ too pricey . 與此同時,威爾法瑞爾200萬美元身價也因近期票房不佳而被列入瀕臨降價的明星行列艾迪墨菲200萬美元的片酬同樣被看作“要價太高” 。 |
Will ferrell s 20 million also made the list of risky bets given recent box office disappointments and eddie murphy s 20 million was considered downright “ too pricey . 與此同時,威爾法瑞爾200萬美元身價也因近期票房不佳而被列入瀕臨降價的明星行列艾迪墨菲200萬美元的片酬同樣被看作“要價太高” 。 |
The stock market continues up and increased selling would be expected as more insiders think their stock is getting pricey - and more options become in the money 股市繼續上漲,賣盤增長是意料之中的事情,因為更多內線人士認為其股票的價格越來越貴- -兌現為現鈔將擁有更多選擇。 |
Spring for the extended warranty or service contract for pricey electronics , like a plasma tv . you ' ll be glad you did if the screen suddenly goes blank 對例如等離子電視這樣昂貴的電子產品,去購買長期的保質期或服務合同。如果電視屏幕突然沒了圖像,你將會高興的。 |
Big - name chains are rrequiring franchisees to buy 600 - thread - count bed linens and pricey duvets so that they project an image of quality 名聲響亮的旅館連鎖業要求加盟業者采購有六百棉線數的高級床單和昂貴的羽絨被,以塑造旅館優質形象。 |
No doubt it will be able to tell you that it will be rather pricey for you to take a certain road because it is already congested , and suggest an alternative 它會告訴您駛入一條特別擁擠的道路將是十分昂貴的,并為您選擇一條替代線路。 |
Mr ford , he says , could look equally authentic orating in a pricey suit or vote - hunting in a camouflaged [ 8 ] baseball cap 他認為,福特要是穿一套昂貴的西裝演說,或者刻意戴一頂棒球帽去拉選票,就有可能同樣會給人留下一種“真實美感” 。 |
Big - name chains are requiring franchisees to buy 600 - thread - count bed linens and pricey duvets so that they project an image of quality 大名鼎鼎的連鎖店開始要求加盟店買下600針的亞麻床單和昂貴的羽絨被,以此來打造自己優質的形象。 |
Currently , gigabit ethernet tends to be a bit pricey , and it probably won ' t deliver true gigabit performance across your network 目前,千兆以太網有些昂貴,而且它可能并不能真的達到每秒1 , 000兆比特的網絡傳輸速度。 |