
prey n.1.被捕食的動物。2.犧牲者,犧牲品。3.捕獲;捕食...


Not like with big souls - but the prey is easy , 得到足夠的能量但是捕食十分方便

They suck in their prey with one powerful inhalation . . 它們強有力地把獵物吸入

An owlet is a bird of prey that flies at night 小型貓頭鷹是在夜晚捕食的一種鳥。

Which absorbs its prey and incorporates it into itself 它通過寄生,然后吸收營養

Dr . guevera himseif having dinner with your prey 嘉瓦拉醫生正在和你的獵物進餐

Not like with big souls - - but the prey is easy , 得到足夠的能量但是捕食十分方便

It was from this lady, who was very free in her conversation, that huxter presently learnt what was the illness which was evidently preying upon little fan . 這位太太一向口沒遮攔,赫克斯特馬上從她那里得知使小芬妮痛苦不堪的是什么病。

Directed on their prey by the forgiving sheffield, they pressed home their attack with determination . 這些飛機由那艘寬宏大量的“謝斐爾德”號指示目標,英勇果敢地進行了猛烈襲擊。

They were like hawks watching for an opportunity to snatch their prey from under the very claws of their opponents . 他們就象老鷹伺機要從他們對手的腳爪里攫取食物一般。

Wolf preys on various animals, securing some by craft, some by strength, and some by fleetness . 狼捕食各種動物,有的用狡計,有的用強力,有的靠捷速。

At a word from their masters they would fly high up into the air, and look around for prey . 只要主人一聲令下,它們就會飛向天空,環顧四周,尋找獵物。

He used the image of a snake that had lost its swiftness from swallowing too large a prey . 他把這比作一條蛇,由于吞食了太大的動物而無法動彈。

The thought that he was responsible for her death preyed on his mind . 他一想到自己對她的死負有責任就感到心如刀割。

Their small but fertile kingdom became the prey to the neighbouring kingdoms . 他們狹小而肥沃的王國成了鄰國的獵物。

He saw that they sought to prey upon his riches and his youth . 他知道他們在千方百計地詐取他的財富,損害他的青春。

For a while he let his eyes idly follow the preying bird . 他自己的眼睛隨著尋食的鳥毫無目的地看了一會兒。

Cats prey on mice . 貓捕食老鼠。

Foxes prey on rabbits . 狐貍捕食兔子。

If they become criminals they will prey on the community . 如果他們成了罪犯,那就會破壞社會秩序。