
prexy n.〔美俚〕(大學)校長,(學院)院長,(橄欖球俱樂部的...


Furthermore , i studied my in - service postgraduate courses in beijing university of technology from sep . 2005 and also majored in computer taught by zhang shujie who was the original prexy of school of software engineering and president of degree committee of beijing university of technology 另外,本人自2005年9月起,在北京工業大學計算機學院就讀在職研究生,導師為原工大軟件學院院長、校學位委員會主席張書杰。

Came to held the post of member of leading party group of state consul , the state council in march 2003 1998 , secretary of leading party group of secretary - general of the state council , office , central state office is versed in appoint secretary , national administration prexy 1998年至2003年3月任國務委員、國務院黨組成員,國務院秘書長、機關黨組書記,中心國家機關工委書記,國家行政學院院長。

This period invite shanghai to love a foreign language especially designedly prexy , special of limited company of management of sweetheart power resource why general manager teachs you ruse of duty of day desire to gain , infiltrate successfully day of look forward to is in - house 本期特意邀請上海特愛外語學院院長、特愛人力資源治理有限公司的何總經理教您日企求職謀略,成功打入日企內部。

Qi ming , the prexy of south china university of technology electron business college , is an expert on how to innovate 而華南理工大學電子商務學院院長祁明教授則正是研究如何創新的專家。

The state council discharged the duty of national administration prexy that wang zhongyu holds part - time in may 2003 2003年5月國務院免去王忠禹兼任的國家行政學院院長職務。