
prevost n.普雷沃(斯特)〔姓氏〕。


Manon lescaut is a truly touching story every detail of which is familiar to me and yet , whenever i hold a copy in my hand , an instinctive feeling for it draws me on . i open it and for the hundredth time i live again with the abbe prevost s heroine . now , his heroine is so lifelike that i feel that i have met her 當然,瑪儂萊斯科是一個動人的故事,我雖然熟悉故事里每一個情節,可是不論什么時候,只要手頭有這本書,我對這本書的感情總是吸引著我,我打開書本,普萊服神父塑造的女主人公似乎又在眼前,這種情況幾乎反復一百多次了。

According to greg mallet - prevost , who inherited the building , potential buyers fear the responsibilities . “ if it was n ' t historic it would be worth a lot more . the heritage means that you ca n ' t make any changes , “ said the fabulously mustachioed 65 - year - old former marine 據每日電訊報12月27日報道,小屋現在的主人格雷格馬勒特普雷斯沃特透露,有意購買這座文化遺產建筑的人不多,人們都害怕背負保護它的重任。

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