
previous adj.1.先,前;以前的 (opp. followin...


At the end of the day the new manager is no better than the previous one . 從各個方面來看,這位新經理并不比前任強。

He wrote too of his boyhood, each volume rosier than the previous one . 他也寫自己的少年時代,一部比一部寫得光明。

Several men began to relate anecdotes of previous beanos . 有些人又喋喋不休地大談前幾次舉行宴會時發生的一些事情。

This classification is the analogy of our previous picture of stable orbits . 這種區分類似于前面的穩定軌道圖形。

Kepler's conclusions upset all previous ideas on the subject . 刻卜勒的結論推翻了關于這個問題的一切過時的觀點。

She began by paying tribute to previous leaders of the conservative party . 她首先向保守黨前任領袖們表示敬意。

This high result was interpreted to reflect previous auroral activity . 這一高結果可以用以前的極光活動來解釋。

It was an almost verbatim reply of many exchanges of previous years . 這種對話和前幾年的多次對話幾乎一字不差。

Splenosis may be one of the late manifestations of previous injury . 脾組織植入可能是以前損傷的晚期表現之一。

East london was still smoking from the previous night's air raid . 昨夜倫敦東區遭到敵機轟炸,至今還硝煙彌漫。

This journey, like all the previous ones, is purely imaginary . 這次旅行也跟剛才說的那幾次一樣,純粹是幻想。

In the winter of that previous year mrs. poulteney had been a little ill . 前一年冬天,波爾蒂夫人偶染微恙。

The crucial word in the previous sentence is “sufficient. “ 在上面這句話中,“足夠”兩字是有決定意義的。

I had my admirable interpreter of the previous year major birse . 去年我有一位可欽佩的譯員伯爾斯少校。

Mr. sieppe immediately threw off his previous air of relaxation . 席伯先生馬上一反剛才那副悠閑的態度。

This work greatly exceeded in accuracy all previous work . 這個工作的精確度大大超過了所有以前的工作。

Other causes of poor healing include previous irradiation . 不良愈合的其它原因包括以往的放射治療。

The interpretation was facilitated by previous knowledge . 由于事先知道,因此,解釋起來并不困難。

We now state the generalization of the two previous problems . 我們敘述前面兩個問題的一般情形。