preventative adj.,n.=preventive.
adj.,n. =preventive. “preventative action“ 中文翻譯: 防止行動“preventative maintenance“ 中文翻譯: 防護檢修; 預防性保養; 預防性維護“preventative measure“ 中文翻譯: 預防法“preventative medicine“ 中文翻譯: 預防醫學“preventative observation“ 中文翻譯: 預防性監理“preventative rehabilitation“ 中文翻譯: 預防性康復“preventative resistance“ 中文翻譯: 防護電阻; 防止短路用的電阻“rust preventative“ 中文翻譯: 防銹劑“rust-preventative“ 中文翻譯: 防銹劑“be coated with rust preventative film“ 中文翻譯: 涂上一層防銹薄膜“coefficient of preventative maintenance“ 中文翻譯: 預防性安全系數“emulsion preventative surfactant“ 中文翻譯: 防乳劑“maintenance of preventative nature“ 中文翻譯: 預防性維修“maintenance, preventative (pm)“ 中文翻譯: 預防性檢修“preventative rupture of membranes“ 中文翻譯: 防止破膜“rust preventative oil“ 中文翻譯: 防銹油“rust-preventative oil“ 中文翻譯: 防銹油“scuff preventative treatment“ 中文翻譯: 防擦傷處理“take preventative measures“ 中文翻譯: 防患于未然“preventation of accident to ship“ 中文翻譯: 防止船舶事故“preventation“ 中文翻譯: 預防“preventandkilloffinsectpests“ 中文翻譯: 防除害蟲“preventable accident“ 中文翻譯: 可防止的事故“preventable“ 中文翻譯: adj. 可阻止的;可預防的。 n. -bility 預防可能性。
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Environmental factors are making it very difficult for american children not to get fat , according to a special supplement of the american journal of preventative medicine 據《美國預防醫學雜志》的一份特別增刊說,環境因素正使美國兒童很難不會變胖。 |
Use of environmentally friendly biopesticides to control turf diseases and insects up to the expected threshold is proposed at hole 5 and part of hole 6 as a preventative mitigation measures 使用環境友善的生物除蟲劑以控制草皮病害和蟲害。其用量在 |
Maintenance of facilities : in excellent condition through preventative maintenance programs and adhering to strict operational standards for daily cleaning and upkeep 設備維護:運用預警型維護計劃及嚴格的操作標準進行出色的日常清理及維護。 |
The work could help researchers develop treatments , diagnostic tools , and preventative measures for patients suffering from chronic rhinosinusitis ( crs ) 這項研究將幫助研究人員改進對慢性鼻竇炎患者治療、診斷的工具以及預防慢性鼻竇炎的措施。 |
Additionally , the calibration , cleaning , preventative maintenance , operating procedures and operator training procedures and records should be documented 另外,校準、清潔、預防性維護、操作程序和操作者培訓程序和記錄也要以文件形式記錄。 |
The new approach should however reshape mainstream service delivery and strengthen the preventative and developmental ends of the service spectrum 不過,新的模式可能會重新模塑主流服務的提供方式,并加強服務有關預防和發展的部份; |
Good sanitation and elimination of stagnant water are generally good preventative strategies to keep mosquitoes from breeding in the first place 一般而言,注重環境?生以及清除積水,都是有效的預防措施,能防止蚊蟲滋生。 |
Protect and maintain lab equipments , do equipment preventative maintenance periodically to make sure all equipment is in good condition 對測試設備進行維護及維修,周期性地對儀器設備進行保養以確保其處于良好狀態。 |
Audit the spare part requirement plan pulled by preventative maintenance ; control the sum of spare parts storage within the limits 審核由預防性維修主要拉動的的備件需求計劃,控制備件庫存金額在年度目標內。 |
If a root cause is determined , then appropriate action should be taken such as the identification of potential preventative actions 如果確定了根本原因,應采取適當的措施,例如確定可能采取的預防措施。 |
The following sections describe preventative steps and possible recovery methods for each of the three major types of problems 以下幾節介紹了針對每種類型的問題所采取的預防措施和可能的恢復方法。 |
Scheduling and planning preventative maintenance activities that will maximize equipment availability and minimize downtime 制訂預防性維護計劃,以便最大化利用設備及最小化減少因維修造成的停工。 |
Method of use : as dispersing agent of fe2o3 for preparing membrane , as scale - preventative for equipments of industrial water 2用途:本品可用作預膜時三氧化二鐵的分散劑,工業用水設備的防垢劑。 |
It is with lightning arrester ( pass electricity of protecting device ) must protecting nature , preventative enclosure fully 避雷器(過電保護器)是在建設機站時采用的必備保護性、預防性的附件。 |
Focus is shifting now to lower cost nutritional products as an integral part of an overall health care and preventative programme 人們越來越傾向于采用低成本的營養食品來保健和預防各類疾病。 |
In early march to oversee and control the dissemination of information and to coordinate all preventative measures to combat the virus ,統籌集團的資訊發放活動和實施一系列的危機管理政策。 |
7 participate in incident investigations and provide recommendations for corrective / preventative action to managers and supervisors 參與事故調查并向經理/主管提供糾正/預防措施的建議。 |
It safeguards the health of the community through promotive , preventative , curative and rehabilitative services 透過提供促進健康預防疾病醫療護理康復服務等工作,保障市民的健康。 |
But , even with such preventative measures , this bug pattern is one of the most common patterns encountered 但是,盡管采用這種預防手段,這種錯誤模式仍然是最常碰到的錯誤模式之一。 |