
preventable adj.可阻止的;可預防的。n.-bility 預防可能...


American hospitals . the report said preventable mistakes resulted in at least forty - four thousand deaths each year 1999年,國家醫學院發布了關于美國醫院醫療事故的報告。據報告稱本來可以預防的事故每年導致至少44000人死亡。

As estimated by the world health organization , environmental degradation has increased the incidence of preventable diseases around the world by 25 percent 世界衛生組織估計,環境惡化使全球可預防疾病的發病率增加了25 。

The theorys that can explain mbo sufficiently include agency costs , preventable robbing and entrepreneur ' s spirit 較為充分的解釋西方國家mbo這一現象的理論,大致可以歸結到代理成本、防御剝奪和企業家精神說三個理論。

However , it is important to remember that overexposure to sunlight is the major , and most easily preventable cause of skin cancer 盡管如此,大家仍然必須緊記過度暴曬是皮膚癌的主要成因,而且也是最容易預防的因素。

The report said preventable errors resulted in at least forty - four thousand and perhaps as many as ninety - eight thousand deaths each year 這個報告宣稱可防止的錯誤每年造成至少四十四千和可能九十八千死亡的死亡。

The scientific committee on vaccine preventable diseases is set up to provide science - based advice on vaccine use at the population level 疫苗可預防疾病科學委員會的成立,目的在于提供有關疫苗使用的科學意見。

The bureau offers a whole range of services in order to achieve its principal aim - to reduce the level of preventable crime in hong kong 本科提供多項服務,務求達到減少本港可防止罪案的目的。

Therefore influenza vaccination to special groups is recommended by the scientific committee on vaccine preventable diseases 因此疫苗可預防疾病科學委員會建議特定組別人士接受流感防疫注射。

Like non - melanoma skin cancer , sun exposure is the main and most preventable risk for malignant melanoma 正如非黑素瘤皮膚癌一樣,陽光照射是惡性黑素瘤的主要成因,也是最容易預防的因素。

Scientific committee on vaccine preventable diseases statements on influenza vaccination for the 2006 07 season 疫苗可預防疾病科學委員會就2006 - 07年度流感季節的流感防疫注射建議發表聲明

No - 3 contamination of groundwater and preventable measures in the high distributive district of esophagus cancer in linzhou and anyang 安陽地區食管癌高發區地下水氮污染及防治措施

The disease is preventable and treatable , but most of africa does not have adequate resources to do either 瘧疾可以預防也可以治療的,但是很多非洲人沒有足夠的資源來那么做。

The who says tobacco is the second leading cause of preventable deaths globally after hypertension 世衛組織說,在全球可預防的死亡原因當中,煙草排名第二,僅次于高血壓。

This year almost 11 million children under 5 years of age will die from causes that are largely preventable 在今年,大約1 , 100萬五歲以下兒童將死于大部分可以預防的因素。

There are many risk factors for coronary heart disease and many of them are preventable or treatable . they include 冠心病的高危因素很多,其中不少都可以避免或控制,包括

“ together with no smoking , this means that 60 - 70 per cent of cancers are preventable , “ the report said 該報告指出:如果再加上不抽菸,則60 70 %的癌癥是可以預防的。

Sports authorities fear that a new form of doping will be undetectable and thus much less preventable 運動管理單位憂心,有一類新型的違禁法將無法偵測、也難以防? 。

The response to the july 7th bombings was chaotic , and in ways that ought to have been preventable “七?七”爆炸事件發生時,有關方面成了無頭蒼蠅,方寸大亂。

Smoking is the biggest preventable cause of death in the world and in hong kong 在本港和世界各地,吸煙是引致最多死亡個案,卻又是可以避免的致死原因。