
prevalent adj.1.流行的,盛行的;一般的,普通的;廣布的,蔓延...


Nowadays violation of intellectual property rights is prevalent among the offices 現今侵犯智慧財產權在辦公室里非常普遍。

Impunity is especially prevalent in cases of violence against women in haiti 免刑責在海地特別盛行尤其是對女性暴力來說。

It is a prevalent analytical means and is fit to any wheel 該方法具有普遍性,適用于指導任何其它型號車輪的設計和分析。

“ i see that you participate in a prevalent error , “ said madame danglars “我看您也有一個錯誤的念頭,跟很多人一樣。 ”

They investigated a link with malaria , which is prevalent in the area 他們調查1個與瘧疾的連結,這在區域中是普遍的。

Analysis of prevalent trends of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in changchun 長春市腎綜合征出血熱流行趨勢分析

Forget the “ fantasy “ myths so prevalent in martial arts circles 忘掉那些在武術圈子里到處流傳的“奇幻”神話吧。

A ~ is the simplest and most prevalent form of business organization 獨資企業是最簡單、最普遍的企業組織形式。

Social hierarchy is prevalent and institutionalizes inequality 社會等級無處不在,并且機制化了不平等的關系。

The use of robots has been increasingly prevalent in recent years 近幾年,機器人的應用越來越廣泛和深入。

Colds are prevalent in the winter 傷風在冬季很普遍。

These two conditions are prevalent as long as one does not see 只要人看不見,這二種情形始終會如影隨行。

The habit of travelling by aircraft is becoming more prevalent each year 坐飛機旅行一年比一年普遍了。

Eye disease is prevalent in some place 有些地方眼病很流行。

As it turns out dumping is a prevalent topic on the internet 結果顯示,甩人是網上的一大熱門話題。

Eye disease is prevalent in some places 有些地方眼病很流行。

This will become a more prevalent trend 這趨勢將越來越明顯。

Smog is more prevalent in urban centers 煙霧在市中心更為普遍

That belief was prevalent among them 那種信仰盛行于他們之中。