
prevalence n.1.流行,盛行,普遍。2.〔罕用語〕優勢,卓越。


The prevalence in guangzhou of chen duxiu ' s thoughts on women ' s liberation 陳獨秀婦女解放思想在廣州的傳播

Dmft describes the amount or the prevalence of dental caries in an individual Dmft反應個體的數量和程度。

Analysis on prevalence of ehf in inner mongolia autonomous region 流行性出血熱在內蒙古自治區流行現況分析

Prevalence of obesity in primary schools by gender and school year 據性別及學年區分的小學生肥胖普遍率:

The prevalence of ballad during the periods of northern and southern dynasties 魏晉南北朝時期歌謠的傳播

A sociological interpretation of the prevalence of hermit in tang dynasty 唐代隱逸興盛成因的社會學闡釋

The prevalence of the elderly somatic disease and elderly depression 老年人軀體疾病與老年抑郁癥患病率

The prevalence of nonstandard helmets 非標準頭盔使用率?

Analysis of two - week prevalence among residents in zhejiang province 浙江省城鄉居民兩周患病情況分析

On success of 12 girls band from perspective of music prevalence 從音樂傳播角度論女子十二樂坊的成功

The prevalence of pollen - related food allergies has increased 與花粉相關食品敏感癥的發病率在提高。

The prevalence of cysticercosis and the current situation of its treatment 囊蟲病的流行與治療現狀

Prevalence and major characteristics 受欺負的普遍性與基本特點

Survey on the prevalence of cataract in 273 tnt workers 273名三硝基甲苯作業人員白內障患病情況調查

Adolescents ' smoking behavior : prevalence , influencing factors and prevention 影響因素和預防干預

Studies of prevalence of brugada wave by checking conventional electrocardiogram 波發生率與臨床

Prevalence of infertility in rural areas of shanxi province 山西省農村地區不孕不育患病狀況調查

Investigation of prevalence rate in workers exposed to acryl onitrile 接觸丙烯腈工人疾病譜調查

Stage iii pressure ulcer point prevalence in acute inpatient care 急性照護的第三級壓瘡點盛行率