
prevail vi.1.勝,壓倒,占優勢;占上風,勝過 (over; ...


Except for a brief interlude in 1908, full employment prevailed during most of the period . 除1908年的一個短暫時間外,這時期是充分就業的。

Law offers us our best hope of overcoming the differences that prevail in the world . 法律使我們對克服世界上普遍存在的分歧有了最大的希望。

My husband, who was apparently decaying, as i observed, was at last prevailed with . 我丈夫,很明顯他已經衰頹下去了,最后終于被我說服了。

A transaction in our fire company gave me some insight into their prevailing sentiments . 救火會里的一件事使我多少看到了他們普遍的志趣。

The literary conceptions which prevailed were in consonance with the social structure . 當時流行的文學思想是與當時的社會結構相一致的。

The ancient practice of blood revenge has prevailed widely in the tribes of mankind . 報仇這種古老的習俗在人類各部落中流行得非常廣。

Moreover, it substantially reduced prevailing rates on many manufactured products . 而且,它還大大地降低許多制造品的現行價格。

The prevailing westerly winds gave the battle advantage to the english admirals . 盛行的西風助了英國海軍將領們的一臂之力。

The belts of prevailing westerlies in general have moderate average temperature . 一般來說,盛行西風帶的氣溫比較適中。

This decision should also be taken in the light of the prevailing political context . 這種決定還要考慮主要政治背景。

In the final analysis the military profession is the art of prevailing . 歸根結底,軍事這一行業就是克敵制勝的藝術。

Now after three years in office he had seen his policy prevail . 如今任職三年之后,他提出的政策已經成為主導的方針。

He represented a people who had prevailed by unremitting tenacity . 他代表一個以堅韌不拔的意志取勝的民族。

In case there is any divergence of interpretation of this agreement , the text shall prevail . 文本為準。

This view did not prevail in all parts of the executive branch . 這一觀點并不是在政府的所有部門都占優勢。

Once a great nation commits itself, it must prevail . 一旦一個大國對一件事作出了承諾,它就必須取得成功。

A great uniformity of work prevails over the wide expanse . 在這片廣大土地上的工作是一種統一的偉大工作。

At length a low cry of pain broke the stillness that prevailed . 后來,一聲痛苦的呻吟劃破了周圍的沉寂。

Why this universal law prevails we cannot say for sure . 這個普遍規律為什么存在,我們尚不能確切地說明。