
prettiness n.1.漂亮,可愛;漂亮的東西。2.(文章、風度等的)優...


He had time to note the light , fluffy something that hid her queenly head , the tasteful lines of her wrapped figure , the gracefulness of her carriage and of the hand that caught up her skirts ; and then she was gone and he was left staring at the two girls of the cannery , at their tawdry attempts at prettiness of dress , their tragic efforts to be clean and trim , the cheap cloth , the cheap ribbons , and the cheap rings on the fingers 他注意到她那王家氣派的頭上罩了個輕飄飄的東西注意到她盛裝的身軀那品味高雅的線條她那曼婉美妙的神態和提著長據的纖手。她很快便走掉了,留下地望著兩個罐頭廠的姑娘:兩人刻意打扮,卻顯得花里胡哨她們為了打扮得干凈漂亮所作的努力令人難過。廉價的衣料廉價的絲帶,手指上還套著廉價的戒指。

Meanwhile many of the milkmaids had said to one another of the new - comer , how pretty she is ! with something of real generosity and admiration , though with a half hope that the auditors would qualify the assertion - which , strictly speaking , they might have done , prettiness being an inexact definition of what struck the eye in tess 這句話里帶有幾分真正的慷慨,幾分真心的羨慕,盡管也帶有一半希望,但愿聽話的人會對這句評價加以限制嚴格說來,姑娘們也只能找到這句評價了,因為漂亮這個詞是不足以表現她們的眼睛所看到的苔絲的。

In one of these , the more masculine , the centre was the abb ; in the other , the group of young people , the chief attractions were the beautiful princess ellen , prince vassilys daughter , and the little princess bolkonsky , with her rosy prettiness , too plump for her years . in the third group were mortemart and anna pavlovna 在另外一個小組年輕人的小組中,美麗的公爵小姐海倫瓦西里公爵的女兒和那矮小的名叫博爾孔斯卡婭的公爵夫人是中心人物,公爵夫人姿色迷人,面頰緋紅,但年紀尚輕,身段顯得太肥胖了。

There still faintly beamed from the woman s features something of the freshness , and even the prettiness , of her youth ; rendering it probable that the personal charms which tess could boast of were in main part her mother s gift , and therefore unknightly , unhistorical 在德北菲爾德太太的面目上,還依稀閃耀著一些她當年年輕時候的鮮艷甚至美麗的光輝這表明也許苔絲可以引為自豪的她身上的美貌,主要是來自她母親的恩賜,而不是她的騎士血統和歷史淵源帶來的。

Warm with the fancies of youth , pretty with the insipid prettiness of the formative period , possessed of a figure promising eventual shapeliness and an eye alight with certain native intelligence , she was a fair example of the middle american class - two generations removed from the emigrant 不過從她的身段已經可以看出將來發育成熟時的美妙體態了。她的眼睛里透著天生的聰明。她是一個典型的美國中產階級少女-她們家已是移民的第三代了。

Pearl s aspect was imbued with a spell of infinite variety ; in this one child there were many children , comprehending the full scope between the wild - flower prettiness of a peasant - baby , and the pomp , in little , of an infant princess 珠兒的外貌中蘊含著萬千變化之美:在她這一個孩子身上,綜合著從農家嬰兒野花似的美到小公主的典雅高貴的氣質的無所不包的獨到之處。

She found there was no discrimination between one and the other of applicants , save as regards a conventional standard of prettiness and form 她還發現,除了用世俗的標準來衡量美貌和身材之外,對于不同的求職者并不存在任何其它的區別。

S beauty channel is designed to reveal one s underlying belief in judging prettiness and ugliness . overview of 被英國傳媒稱為上世紀的j k羅琳的beatrix potter ,是二十世紀初文學界的一個傳奇。

All my prettiness comes from her , and she was only a dairymaid “我的全部美貌也是我媽給的,而她只不過是一個擠牛奶的女工。 ”

Though , poor dears , prettiness won t last long ! o no , unfortunately “可是,親愛的姑娘們,漂亮是不會持久的呀! ”

And with that she went into raptures over the prettiness of the rooms 接著,她對幾個房間的雅致漂亮,贊不絕口。

Such youth and prettiness reacted upon him more subtly than wine 如此青春的美色,比醇酒更令他沉醉入迷。

It anyhow has a prettiness and a loneliness 鼬鼠還有它的孤寂的美。

Eugenie, so vigorous and built on such a generous scale, had nothing of the prettiness that pleases the crowd . 高大壯健的歐也妮并沒有一般人喜歡的那種漂亮。