
pretrial adj.【法律】審判前的。 a pretrial mot...


We should pay same attentions to the trial procedure and pretrial procedure , insure the independent status of pretrial procedure , establish obligatory defend system , emphasis on the parties ’ evidence investigation , complete losing the right etc 筆者認為改革應當庭審程序與審前程序并重,確立審前準備程序的獨立地位,構建強制答辯制度、強化當事人調查取證制度、完善失權制度等。

The theory behind pretrial conferences is that judges will spend less time on each case and parties will more readily settle before trial when they realize the adequacy of their claims and their opponents evidence 審判前會議的理論根據是,法官在每個案件上花的時間可能會減少,而訴訟雙方由于對自己和對方的要求或證據的充分及可信程度有所了解,他們就更可能在審判前達成和解。

In addition , as the result of a cgj ruling , judges will have the sole authority , once implementing legislation has been passed by the ly , to order pretrial detention of suspects , a power now shared by prosecutors 那需要鍥而不舍,嚴密監控,加強并擴展情報系統,簽訂具有潛力的國際協定。不過全世界大致上是同意反武器擴散的,但若無美國的領導則將功虧一簣。

The following are some of the foreign pre - trial precedure . america ' s pretrial consists of pleading , discovery and pretrial conference . the client is the leading subject of the pretrial who is supposed to get a full and thorough preparation 美國的審前程序由訴答程序、發現程序和審前會議三個部分組成,當事人是準備程序的主體,準備充分、徹底。

The measures concretely include : establish a material pretrial procedure in legislation ; stregthen and add the function of the pretrial procedure and improve the participate level of the lawyer in the pretrial procedure 具體包括:立法上設實質性審前程序,強化和增加審前程序的功能、加強審前程序的管理和提高律師在民事訴訟審前程序中的參與程度。

In germany , the pretrial procedure is divided into two categories : first , the first time date - setting procedure in early stage , second , a written procedure . the judge decides on the method and instruct the procedure operation 德國的審前程序有二種,一是早期第一次期日程序,二是書面準備程序,采用何種方式由法官決定,程序運作由法官指揮。

Defects of stipulating , such as legislating , judicial explanation , administrativeness of the court ' s business , and the lack of rational division of labor of trial affairs have bad influence on pretrial procedure 立法、司法解釋等規定的缺陷、法院管理工作的行政化、缺乏合理分工的審判事務等幾個方面都對審前準備程序的順利開展有著不良的影響。

The theoretical and the judging practice have taken profitable research on pretrial procedure , especially during recent years , the reform of judge system has affected greatly the reform of pretrial procedural system 理論界和審判實務中對審前準備程序都進行了有益探索,特別是近年法官制度的改革,對審前準備程序制度的改革,有著極大的影響。

The author has taken into research on situations of judging practice , and tries , from the visual angle of building system of judge assistant to certain problem concerning the value functions of pretrial procedure 筆者對審判實踐中的情況進行了調查,試圖以法官助理制度建立為視角,對審前準備程序價值功能的實現涉及的幾個問題進行論述。

A daubert challenge would most likely mean an expensive , arduous pretrial event ; as a result , the challenge swings legal economics away from cases where the science is new , michaels argues 在審判前,以道伯特案的裁定提出質疑,幾乎注定是花錢且費力的事;因此邁可斯認為,以法律的經濟學而言,對于牽涉新興科學的案例,離得越遠越好。

Daubert challenge would most likely mean an expensive , arduous pretrial event ; as a result , the challenge swings legal economics away from cases where the science is new , michaels argues 在審判前,以道伯特案的裁定提出質疑,幾乎注定是花錢且費力的事;因此邁可斯認為,以法律的經濟學而言,對于牽涉新興科學的案例,離得越遠越好。

Pretrial procedure is one of the basic systems of judging structure of civil action , which has the functions of clearing dispute , freezing evidence and ensuring the hearing to be held smoothly 審前準備程序是民事訴訟審理結構中的基礎性制度之一。審判前準備程序具有明確爭點、凍結證據,保證開庭審理順利進行的功能。

The author think that there exist constructive defects in the pretrial procedure : first is lack a independent pretrial judge and the pretrial action is confused with the trial and judgement action 存在著結構性缺陷:一是缺少獨立的準備法官,對審前活動的進程控制乏力,準備行為與實體審理相混淆。

In the hamdaniya incident , some of the marines in pretrial confinement have admitted the circumstances of the man ' s death were staged , said the officer 這名軍官透露,一些涉案的海軍陸戰隊員在受審前承認哈姆達尼亞血案中伊拉克平民(哈希姆?易卜拉欣?阿瓦德)的死亡現場是偽造的。

The former include england . america and france . its characterisics is the litigant plays a leading role in the pretrial while the judge is inactive comparatively 實行前者的有英、美、法等國,其特點是當事人在審前準備中處于主導地位,法官則較消極。

As an important part of the civil litigation , the civil pretrial process is clearly provided by all of the countries in the world in their code of civil law 民事訴訟審前程序作為民事訴訟的重要組成部分,世界各國都在自己的民事訴訟法中有明確的規定。

Under the background , korea reform pretrial procedure in civil procedure which adopted in 2002 . finally pretrial procedure becomes the necessary procedure 在這一趨勢下,韓國在2002年頒布的《民事訴訟法》中對審前準備程序進行了較大改革。

Anyhow , there is some defect , which should be perfected of pretrial procedure with legislation , judicial explanation , and present judicial situation in our country 而我國庭前準備程序從立法、司法解釋、司法現狀均有其缺陷和需要完善的地方。

Because these countries are belong to different legal system , the status and function of the judges and parties differ from each other in the pretrial process 各國由于所屬的法系不同,審前程序中當事人、法官的地位和作用也都有些不同。