
preternatural adj.超自然的;異常的,奇異的,不可思議的。adv.-...


I really did not expect any grace to answer ; for the laugh was as tragic , as preternatural a laugh as any i ever heard ; and , but that it was high noon , and that no circumstance of ghostliness accompanied the curious cachinnation ; but that neither scene nor season favoured fear , i should have been superstitiously afraid 我其實并不盼望哪位格雷斯來回答,因為這笑聲同我所聽到過的笑聲一樣悲慘,一樣不可思議。要不是正值中午,要不是鬼魂的出現從來不與奇怪的狂笑相伴,要不是當時的情景和季節并不會激發恐怖情緒,我準會相信迷信,害怕起來呢。

Hitherto silent , whether the better to show by preternatural gravity that curious dignity of the garb with which he was invested or in obedience to an inward voice , he delivered briefly , and as some thought perfunctorily , the ecclesiastical ordinance forbidding man to put asunder what god has joined 不知彼是否欲以超自然之莊重,顯示其衣著之奇妙威嚴,抑或服從內心之聲音,迄今保持緘默。此刻亦僅簡短地有人認為敷衍塞責地陳述福音書之教導曰: “天主所配合的,人不可拆開。 ”

It was wonderful , the vast variety of forms into which she threw her intellect , with no continuity , indeed , but darting up and dancing , always in a state of preternatural activity - soon sinking down , as if exhausted by so rapid and feverish a tide of life - and succeeded by other shapes of a similar wild energy 真是絕妙之極!她開動腦筋幻化出來的備色各樣的形體,雖然缺乏連續性,但確實活脫跳躍,始終充滿超越自然的活力這種活力很快便消沉下去,仿佛在生命之潮的急劇而熱烈的進發之中衰竭了,繼之而來的又是另一種有狂野精力的形象。

At this dim inceptive stage of the day tess seemed to clare to exhibit a dignified largeness both of disposition and physique , an almost regnant power , possibly because he knew that at that preternatural time hardly any woman so well endowed in person as she was likely to be walking in the open air within the boundaries of his horizon ; very few in all england . fair women are usually asleep at midsummer dawns 在一天中這個朦朧的最初的階段,克萊爾覺得苔絲似乎在性格和形體兩個方面都表現出一種尊貴和莊嚴,那幾乎就是一種女王的力量,也可能是因為他知道,在外貌上像苔絲那樣天賦麗質的女子,都不大會在這個奇異的時刻里走進露天里來,走進他的視線的范圍以內這在全英國是非常少的。

She had roman features and a double chin , disappearing into a throat like a pillar : these features appeared to me not only inflated and darkened , but even furrowed with pride ; and the chin was sustained by the same principle , in a position of almost preternatural erectness 雙下巴連著柱子一樣的脖子。在我看來,這樣的五官不僅因為傲慢而顯得膨脹和陰沉,而且還起了皺紋。她的下巴由于同樣的原因總是直挺挺的簡直不可思議。

I wiped my tears and hushed my sobs , fearful lest any sign of violent grief might waken a preternatural voice to comfort me , or elicit from the gloom some haloed face , bending over me with strange pity 我抹去眼淚,忍住哭泣,擔心嚎啕大哭會驚動什么不可知的聲音來撫慰我,或者在昏暗中召來某些帶光環的面孔,露出奇異憐憫的神色,俯身對著我。

Equally powerful are anecdotes involving preternatural beings , compelling us to make causal inferences linking these nonmaterial entities to all manner of material events , illness being the most personal 超自然現象的軼事也具有相同影響力,驅使我們把非物質的事物與各種物質現象做因果連結,而疾病是其中最具代表的。

Moral perceptions , his power of experiencing and communicating emotion , were kept in a state of preternatural activity by the prick and anguish of his daily life 他的智慧的天賦,他在道德上的感知,他經受和表達感情的能力,都是由于他在日常生活中所受的刺痛,才得以保持一種異乎尋常的狀態的。

As an eight - year old confined to bed because of a preternatural growing spurt , edward bloom occupies himself by reading the entire world book encyclop . . 一個猿類駕馭人類的世界,一個由猿類掌權的地方,星球上的人類只能檢垃圾維生,還不時被暴虐的人猿追捕及奴役。

I remember but little of the journey ; i only know that the day seemed to me of a preternatural length , and that we appeared to travel over hundreds of miles of road 一路行程,我已記得不多。只知道那天長得出奇,而且似乎趕了幾百里路。

In pearl ' s young beauty , as in the wrinkled witch , it has a preternatural effect 在年幼、美麗的珠兒身上,和那滿臉皺紋的老妖婆一樣,準有一種超自然的力量。

In pearl s young beauty , as in the wrinkled witch , it has a preternatural effect 在年幼美麗的珠兒身上,和那滿臉皺紋的老妖婆一樣,準有一種超自然的力量。

Their instinctive dread caused him to feel, more strongly than aught else, that a preternatural horror was interwoven with the threads of the black veil . 他們本能的恐懼比什么都使他最痛切地感到,有一種非凡的恐怖交織在黑紗的經緯之中。

The suddenness of storms in that climate is something almost preternatural . 在那地帶,突起的風暴幾乎是件不可思議的事。