pretentious adj.1.自負的,狂妄的,自命不凡的;自夸的。2.虛偽...
adj. 1.自負的,狂妄的,自命不凡的;自夸的。 2.虛偽的,矯飾的,做作的。 短語和例子a pretentious manner 妄自尊大,盛氣凌人。 pretentious literary style 矯揉造作的文體。 adv. -ly ,-ness n. “overdone pretentious“ 中文翻譯: 做得過分的“pretentious literary style“ 中文翻譯: 矯揉造作的文體“pretensions“ 中文翻譯: 虛榮做作“pretentoria“ 中文翻譯: 幕骨前臂“pretensioniogbed“ 中文翻譯: 預應力張拉臺“pretentorina“ 中文翻譯: 前幕骨陷“pretensioning system“ 中文翻譯: 先張法“preter“ 中文翻譯: n. 【羅馬史】執政官;(僅次于執政官的)地方長官。 “pretensioning prestressed concrete“ 中文翻譯: 先張法預應力混凝土“preter legal“ 中文翻譯: 超出法律范圍“pretensioning method“ 中文翻譯: 先張法
preter |
But actually , acting in tv drama is quite different from acting in movie . in tv drama , the priority is the presentation of the dialogue , you have to speak very clearly , while in movie , the acting is more delicate . since the screen is big , the acting will look pretentious if the gesture or facial expression is too bombastic 但電視的做戲方式,跟電影又不太一樣,電視以講對白的聲線為主,最重要對白清晰,很少會細微至電影那樣,因為電影在大銀幕放映,在大銀幕上演出反而要收斂些,太大動作反而會覺得很作狀。 |
In this film , he is a quiet and timid part time postman . what is not changed is his pretentious portrayal of characters . i think he really fancy himself as james dean , that it is unable for him to get rid of this star image no matter he is in a non - gangster film or in reality 跟著男女主角平凡的邂逅令人想起韓國愛情片的清新格局,漸漸引人入性,惜林嘉欣遇害后又突然變成科幻式的人鬼情未了陳腔濫調,而且是以一貫港式粗糙科幻拍攝手法處理,科幻橋段一點也不真實可信,大大減低此片吸引力。 |
From a commercial standpoint , it is not hard to understand why lee would want to add this romance sub - plot , but for the sake of the movie itself , i guess most audience would rather want to see more of bong s training journey , or even a little more depiction of his antagonist tank than this highly pretentious love affair 從商業角度來看,筆者能夠理解編導加插主角戀情副線的動機,但若單以戲劇效果而論,把這段無關痛癢的愛情戲刪去,而轉為主攻阿邦的奮斗歷程,甚至加深反派角色tank安志杰的著墨,看來會更好看。 |
Back it came , with the editor s regrets , and martin sent it to san francisco again , this time to the hornet , a pretentious monthly that had been fanned into a constellation of the first magnitude by the brilliant journalist who founded it 稿子退了回來,編輯表示遺憾,馬丁又把它寄到舊金山,給了大黃蜂,一家神氣十足的雜志,是一個精明的報人一手創辦并吹噓成最輝煌的明星雜志的。 |
However , it turns out a bit awkward and pretentious , though some realistic scenes are touching . it is really difficult to strike a balance between realism and aestheticism . in this connection , the director of 在混濁的汪洋中,瞬間的清醒,相形之下竟顯得可悲而超現實那夢樣而翠綠的天倫幻影,在幾秒的瞬間,竟化成了揮之不去的郁悶鄉愁。 |
Since the screen is big , the acting will look pretentious if the gesture or facial expression is too bombastic . i am not sure what kind of training fiona have had before , but she was quite able to adapt to my style 但她很方便我去拍,因為她多表情,她各種表情都做得到的,我只是去控制她的力度大些、小些,或控制她的情緒應該怎樣? |
The only poignant memory from this film is the father and son relationship between yuen biao and wang . one thing i like about this film is that it is a devoted fantasy film . it is not a pretentious hong kong sci - fi fluff 在眾多段情感描寫中,只有元彪和王力宏的父子情最令人印像深刻,惜處理上還是比較平板,沒有太出人意表的感動。 |
M . c . : you also write poetry and we have some examples of your poetry in the booklet , and i see that you do celestial artwork . now , isn t that rather pretentious to call your artwork celestial 主持人:您也寫詩,這本書里摘錄了一些您的詩,我知道您也有一些天衣天飾的藝術創作,但是以天國的創作來形容您的作品是不是有點自命不凡? |
What on earth could have possessed the ny film festival selection committee to inflict this pretentious , boring , derivative , ugly and silly piece of third - rate filmmaking on its audience 究竟是什么使得紐約電影節評委會要把這么一部裝腔作勢、乏味、生搬硬套、丑陋而可笑的三流制作水準的影片強加給觀眾呢? |
Use simple words and avoid pretentious or archaic ones . for instance , say “ start “ instead of “ commence , “ “ now “ instead of “ presently , “ “ end “ instead of “ terminate . 記得寫總結這封信的目的和主題在信的頂端或者在第一段,以總結的形式寫。一定要寫清楚你這封信主要想談論的問題。 |
The more expensive kind of clothing shop is usually a forbidding place . but no one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious clothing shop 一種高檔的服裝店往往是令人望而卻步的,但是當我們走進一家普普通通的不是矯揉造作的普通商店的時候卻不必鼓足勇氣。 |
As for the supporting actors , i am not sure if it was demanded by the director or not , edmund chen and terri kuan just look so pretentious all the time 幾個主要演員都有不俗演出。金城武淡定自然,一貫風度翩翩。梁詠琪面部表情有時很過火,但整體而言已算合格。 |
Pseudo - religiosity , pretentious pride , conceit , arrogance , anger , harshness and ignorance arise in one born of the demoniac nature , o arjuna 虛假的虔誠,自命不凡的傲慢,狂妄自負,憤怒,苛刻及愚昧這些不良品性,會從天生俱有魔性品質的人身上體現出來,阿諸那啊。 |
We cannot build anything solid or indestructible by neglecting to make efforts when no one is looking nor through pretentious posturing or empty gestures 在看不見的地方敷衍了事、愛出風頭、只靠口頭空喊,不可能建立起牢不可破的城堡。 |
We cannot build anything solid or indestructible by neglecting to make efforts when no one is looking nor through pretentious posturing or empty gestures 在看不見的地方敷衍了事、只靠口頭空喊,不可能建立起牢不可破的城堡。 |
Our business is infested with idiots who try to impress by using pretentious jargon 我們這一行有群自命不凡的白癡,愛使用專業術語以吸引大眾目光。 |
The prose is a little purple , a little pretentious . thanks . thanks anyway for reading it -文字可能有點過于華麗和做作-謝謝,謝謝你能讀它們 |
The prose is a little purple , a little pretentious . thanks . thanks anyway for reading it 文字可能有點過于華麗和做作-謝謝,謝謝你能讀它們 |
But no one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious antique shop 而對不太裝腔作勢的古玩店,無論是誰都不用壯著膽子才敢往里進。 |