pretension n.1.抱負,意圖;自負;自夸的長處;自命,自稱。2.虛...
n. 1.抱負,意圖;自負;自夸的長處;自命,自稱。 2.虛飾,假裝,做作;虛榮。 3.(有根據的)要求;主張;資格;權利。 4.借口,托詞;口實。 短語和例子have no pretensions to 無權主張[要求],不能稱為,說不上是。 make no pretensions to 不擺…的架子;不自詡…。 of the most humble pretensions (人)極樸實的。 without pretension (人)樸實的;不自負的。 vt. 【建筑】預張,預拉,給…加預應力。 pretensioned concrete 預應力混凝土。 “compensator pretension“ 中文翻譯: 補償器預拉伸“pretension anchor“ 中文翻譯: 預拋錨“pretension spring“ 中文翻譯: 預應力彈簧“without pretension“ 中文翻譯: 樸實的“bolt load under pretension condition“ 中文翻譯: 螺栓預緊載荷“pretensepretencee“ 中文翻譯: 偽稱“pretense“ 中文翻譯: n. 〔美國〕=pretence. “pretensioned“ 中文翻譯: 先張的“pretending to feel the same“ 中文翻譯: 假裝沒有感覺; 假裝有相同的感覺“pretensioned bolt“ 中文翻譯: 預張力錨桿“pretending to care“ 中文翻譯: 假裝在意; 假裝照料“pretensioned concrete“ 中文翻譯: 先張拉混凝土“pretending to be what one is not“ 中文翻譯: 人模狗樣
pretentious |
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of god , and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to christ 5將各樣的計謀,各樣攔阻人認識神的那些自高之事,一概攻破了,又將人所有的心意奪回,使他都順服基督。 |
It is used to drill heavy duty pretension anchor holes at side slope of water power station , railway or highway projects , as well as drainage holes 適用于水電站鐵路公路邊坡大噸位預應力錨固孔排水孔的施工,以及預防滑坡巖石坍塌等地質災害治理工程。 |
I came to you without a doubt of my reception . you shewed me how insufficient were all my pretensions to please a woman worthy of being pleased . 多虧你使我明白過來,我既然認定一位小姐值得我去博她歡心,我又一味對她自命不凡,那是萬萬辦不到的。 ” |
The latter , for reasons that need not be belabored , may come to resent the experts ' grandiose pretensions and the concrete social privileges that accompany them 由于在這里不需要反覆研究的理由,后者就會怨恨專家夸張的藉口以及它們的具體社會特權。 |
The numerals , frequently substantive and otherwise not , are used without slightest pretension , thus playing an important role in expressing the theme of the poetry 這些數詞或實或虛,運用自如,毫無斧鑿之痕,對表現詩詞的主題起到了巨大的作用。 |
[ niv ] we demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of god , and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to christ 攻破詭辯,和做來阻擋人認識神的一切高墻,并且把一切心意奪回來,順服基督。 |
After pretension 0 . 1 strain and pretorsion to 14 , whereas the strength limit keep on increasing in company with the pretorsional capacity 其中屈服極限在預拉伸應變0 . 1后再預扭轉14后達到最大值,而強度極限隨著預扭轉量的提高不斷增大。 |
He took it for granted that it would be worthless . all he cared for was to have it endurable enough to allow for pretension and congratulation afterward 他關心的只是這演出能勉強過得去,這樣他在演出結束后可以有個借口向嘉莉表示祝賀。 |
It was a characteristic of chicago then , and one not generally shared by other cities , that individual firms of any pretension occupied individual buildings 每個大一點的商號都單獨占據了一座樓,這是當時芝加哥不同于其他城市的地方。 |
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of god , and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to christ 攻破詭辯,和做來阻擋人認識神的一切高墻,并且把一切心意奪回來,順服基督。 |
The upstart pretensions of a young woman without family , connections , or fortune . is this to be endured ! but it must not , shall not be 你這樣一個小妮子,無論家世親戚財產,都談不上,難道光憑著你的癡心妄想,就可以把他們拆散嗎? |
The manor - house of ferndean was a building of considerable antiquity , moderate size , and no architectural pretensions , deep buried in a wood 芬丁莊園掩藏在林木之中,是一幢相當古老的大樓,面積中等,建筑樸實,我早有所聞。 |
Certainly , sir , aouda quickly replied ; i understand whist . it is part of an english education . i myself have some pretensions to playing a good game “對了,先生,我會, ”艾娥達夫人很高興地說, “我會打惠司脫。 |
Kuo - yu ’ s vision and technique progress hand - in - hand , true and faithful , pure and without pretension or superficial effects 國鈺的洞悉力與繪畫技巧肩并肩地進步著,真確又忠實、純凈又不矯飾,且無任何膚淺的表像。 |
The sea throws off all pretensions now and sends wave after cruel wave thundering at you , grinning evilly 現在大海褪去了一切偽裝,驅譴著滾滾惡浪,沖著你雷霆般地咆哮;在惡浪的銀灰色的寒光里,大海在奸笑。 |
He could probably keep up his pretensions sufficiently long without exposure to make good , and then all would be well 他也許可以把自己的假象維持很長的時間而不暴露,直至獲得成功,然后一切就都會好起來了。 |
Be humble , be harmless , gave no pretension , be upright , forbearing , serve you teacher in true obedience 要謙虛,無惡意,不虛偽,要正直,寬容,對你的老師要真正的服從。 |
“ you know that my means are limited , and that i am what would be designated a man of moderate pretensions “嗯,你知道我的手頭并不寬裕,而且素有理智人之稱。 |
The very lack of pretension in forest only served to highlight it in the “ normal “ characters 在阿甘身上找不到一絲虛偽,這主要是為了突出一種普通人的性格。 |